— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 104 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29158
I went to the pharmacy yesterday, a man in front of me in the line. Says the seller "Give me a pack of condoms, please". The one with a thoughtful face goes to the room, where we hear the dialogue of the following content:
- Irina Lvivna, there is a hand...we are asking.
What is?
They ask, I say.
I realized that... no! What are they asking?? to
Then the silence, the wild laughter of Irina Lvivna, after which, as I understood, she went out to serve...

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №29157
from JJ:
About cats

Funny creatures - cats... You wake up in the morning from the fact that there is a puffy bite next to it, licking the cheek, rubbing a mouth on the face, gently ticking a soft leg in the neck and whistling loudly... And you realize that this infection is likely to be reminded again in the kitchen, you forgive him that he spoke all night and hindered sleep, you just embrace him and quietly continue to sleep under his whistling...)

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №29156
Castet: Do you know what application can be found for the old compound black-and-white monic? like it works and throw out pity and details there are not very much to allow for donation
Mura-vey: Take the wash and forget
Tagged with: IYYY
I brought him from there.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №29155
Will we meet?
Why don’t you love yourself so much?

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29154
Unnecessary confirmation that even in the most risky situation, you should not lose hope:

I caught a man in the river. The oakun was large, but the only one was not fishing. At home, he noticed that in the stomach of the river robber, something spherical, of the correct shape emerged. It was a turtle. She did not show signs of life, but her legs and head were whole. And to do this, the man picked up a bowl of water and threw a turtle into it. In the morning, I discovered that she lived all the living - all bears in the bank.
I went, bought her ice cream shrimp, worms and other delicacies. It seems like they’ve eaten you. You open your eyes: clean water around, no predators and hooks - eat, I don't want to. The turtle was in paradise. For the fourth year she has lived in this paradise.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №29153
What you do not see with your eyes, do not invent with your tongue.
(The Jewish proverb

[ + 60 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29152
It is not a funny story about how my grandfather did not become a Hero of the Soviet Union.
The Union.
In the autumn of 1942, my grandfather commanded a cannon boat in the Baltic Sea, he commanded honestly, he did not offend the sailors, he did not hide behind his backs, he beat the fascists, as the country ordered. At one of the exits in the sea, his boat was struck by a German linkor, he struck well, barely left, smoke-covering, submerged in the mine field. Linkor did not pursue and stood behind a couple of hundreds of cables, in the hope that they would explode themselves or the smoke would disperse and we would like to get it.
And the grandfather decided to float, scratching the mines with his hands to leave the persecutor, covering with smoke.
October, the Baltic, the water temperature is just above 10 degrees. Who to send?
Botzman is an elderly already, the sailors, almost all wounded, he and the mechanic remained. Well, they swam alternately, changing every 5 minutes on the waves of the mine. The heaviest hypothermia was their reward, but the ship was rescued, the mine field passed and exhausted all the stock of smoke stones left the pursuit.
Upon returning to Kronstadt, the entire team was sent to the hospital, whom the wounds were treated and whom heated. The grandfather was then introduced to the star of the Hero, and the mechanic Glory was given.
Grandfather sits in the hospital in a couple of weeks, heats up with alcohol with the head of the hospice. They are earthquakes, they communicate, they tremble for life.
And it offers him a business in Russian to do, said the sailors to cut the barrel, on the return of the grandfather to the ship, and the profit from the sale in half, the sale of the barrel to eat... It was unfortunate for the grandfather, as I understand, in Peter the blockaders to sell the sailors' barrel for a gold, did not endure and went away.
Starting with the tail...
Crying, screaming, shouting, attacking the senior officer, the court... Nothing the grandfather said at the time, neither at the investigation nor at the court.
The star did not give the hero. Officer rank is deprived. He was sent to the penalty company to protect Peter.
After the injury was transferred back to the navy, but already as a sailor. Grandfather ended the war in Königsberg in the rank of chief of staff in 1946. And until the very dembel clearly patch the sailors controlled when receiving and handing out...
I remember you grandfather. Let the earth be yours!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №29151
“It is impossible!” The reason said.
“It is unconscious!” I noticed experience.
“It is useless!” Cut off the pride.
“Try,” whispered the dream.
“Let’s go to X,” Len ordered.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №29150
to this:
We have a new sitemap today. First of all, he opened access to the BOR. The battle aroused respect =))
It was not you who opened it, but himself.
I just haven’t done the right yet ?

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №29149
Do you have an icq of love?
222: - Hi, no, she basically does not use icq.
111: Do not contact me.
222 - Did you like it? Does she actually have a phone?
Yes, I have her phone.
It is in your pocket...
She forgot yesterday, I want to return.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №29148
One day my brother had a wedding. I was a witness to her. We took a photo near Zagsa, and somehow this photo came to the internet. Everyone is taking pictures with me! They put me in different photos. I cannot do that anymore!
The witness of Fryazin, you? 0 0 0

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №29147
How can I gain weight quickly?! to
Yyy: Eat more calorie food, hike, rest more.
XXX: What are the options?
Zzzz: The ass of the ass.

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №29146
WOW: Did you hear that the texans are going to screen?

Hahahahah, they’d still have a combat movie.

Stay still...

I am sorry (

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №29145
The refrigerators order food. The cell phone tells me about the cooked dinner. The player downloads the movies and sees them himself.
How terrible to live.
WOW: Exactly exactly! What will happen next, you imagine? You come, such, home, and there is a refrigerator with a plate and a player, ordered such beer, pizza, everything prepared and sitting watching a movie. As usual, boxes with undernourished pizza and spilled beer were filled. And the player also brought a girl-player, alone even without an external body already.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №29144
MeatWad :
From the forum: We turned the forum into a kindergarten, but not in the sense that everyone is fun and careless, but in the fact that everyone is constantly walking out.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №29143
The first 10 minutes after sex is the only time you feel like your life has gone well.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №29142
No, no, why are Peter’s hoops decent! There are two people standing in abibas and cappings, listening to Leningrad from the mobile, and when there are motherly words, the sound is silenced.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №29141
He said, “I am a man in measure, in the midst of strength. Like Winnie the Pooh!! to
She: Maybe Carlson?? to
He is fucking........

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №29140
He walked down the street and told a friend to drink beer in the evening, telling him that he had something to do.
There was a lovely girl:
Young man, you’ve been telling me so long, I would have agreed 7 minutes ago.
Have a wonderful evening with a girl ;)

This is what I do – don’t be afraid of new people!
Even if this does not result in a marriage with a joint happy old age, a new pleasant acquaintance has not hurt anyone yet.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №29139
to this:
xxx: And I here see what I discovered – if you turn the dog ("dog"), then it will be God ("god")!!!)))))))
Yyy: If you turn the dog, it will bite.
I turned the word "dog" and I got "bor"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna