— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145884
“One of my acquaintances liked to refer to the Bible. It is said that a man should not lie with a man as with a woman. “I totally and unconditionally agree,” he said, “because you should lie with a woman as a woman, and with a man as a man! These are two completely different types of sex."Then I applied the gel on my hair and went on a date with my lover."

From the Pearls of the Wind

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145883
Don’t let yourself

A person even in Moscow or in Peter can easily be beat dumb for long hair or a fashionable piece.

People just want to beat. If there is something to do, the dialogue is shortened. The appearance is the cause, not the cause.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145882
This is when under the nick "Communal Waste" comes spam under the headline "Dear colleagues", so I want to answer: "You are not my brother, the trash big!"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145881
Voron: I remember my grandfather, who was sitting on a cushioned couch in tapas, a maike-alcoholic, mocked Gorbachev, neighbors, a ZEU, a woman-insurer who came to his house to insure a garden house, and so on.
Voron: And since I was a child, I guessed what happened to a man in his life, that he was fun and energetic, and suddenly became a whirling starper.
Voron: I understood what happened yesterday. A girl from ZEU brought me a notification of a quarter payment debt. She looks 10 years younger than me. Just the thought: when I entered the institute, she didn't go to school yet, so what does she know? And it happened: about the underheating of hot water, about cleaning in the entrance, about a hole in the wall near the elevator. And the girl probably left with a firm thought: "Here’s the starper whisper".
ALEX: :D A cushioned couch, shoes and a mayka-alcoholic gift? )))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145880
The ants are all working, everyone gets resources. The percentage of unemployed is miserable, one queen for the whole ant.

You are breathing, comrade. In any antshop there is a significant percentage of individuals who normally do NOT work. This "strategic reserve for emergency situations" is included in the general activity when the family is threatened with death. True, until it has not been determined whether it is constantly the same ants' Emergency Emergency Services, or whether the ants go on vacation in turn.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145879
iOS 11 Calculator fails to compute simple numbers

When two units are combined, the calculator gives the answer 11, and the sum of the numbers 1,2 and 3 is 23. It is noted that this problem occurs when the data is entered quickly, if you kill the numbers with a pause, the system "successfully" performs the calculations correctly.)))))

Without comments...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145878
1st In Brazil, the law allows a reduction in prison sentence for reading books. One book is minus four days in prison. Maximum 12 books per year, that is, 48 days of term.

2nd Shavarsh Karapetyan, a 17-time Soviet swimming world champion, saw a bus fall into a lake during a morning run. He pulled out 46 people out of 92. Twenty of them survived. He himself, due to severe cuts with glass and hypothermia, fell into a coma for a month and a half.

Three The French pirate Olivier Levasser, nicknamed the Sturgeon, before climbing the squad shouted, "find my treasures, who can," and threw into the crowd a cryptogram with a encrypted card. It has not yet been decrypted. The treasure is estimated at billions of euros

4 is Chromydrosis is a rare anomaly in which a person can secret red, green, yellow or blue sweat.

5 is Masabumi Hosono was the only Japanese survivor on the Titanic. The whole country hated him for his lack of honor and samurai spirit – he took a seat in the boat, rather than giving it to a woman or a child. His name appeared in school textbooks as an example of the shame of the nation.

6 is "Texas sniper" Charles Whitman, before killing 16 people in 1966, wrote a farewell letter in which he vowed to examine his body after death to find out the reasons for his uncontrollable anger. The results of the scan showed that Charles was sick – he was found a tumor, which may have been one of the reasons for his actions.

7 is 35-year-old American Mike Merrill decided to sell himself on the stock exchange. To do this, he conditionally divided himself into 100,000 parts and set an initial price of $1 per part. Now all decisions in his life are made by shareholders, including romantic ones.

8 is McDonald’s is never a random form. There are four regulated patterns – shoe, bell, bone and ball. They are created specifically to make the impression that the shape is random, like home food.

9 is Muhammad Ali’s fate was decided by chance. At the age of 12, he was stolen a bicycle, which he bought for his money. In rage, he came to the police station and warned that he would find and beat the man who did it. A police officer suggested that he first learn to fight and enroll in the boxing section.

10 is In South Korea, there is a Cinderella law, which prohibits minors from online after 22. 30 is All accounts on the network are automatically blocked. This is done so that the students can sleep normally.

11 is Paul Kern, a Hungarian soldier, was wounded in the head during World War I. The bullet destroyed part of the frontal part of the brain. The consequences of this injury were incredible - he never slept again in his life (even with the help of sleeping pills). For 40 years he never felt tired, to the great surprise of doctors.

12 is A certain dose of banana spider poison can cause a strong and prolonged erection. Pharmacists are trying to use this to create a new Viagra

Thirteen When we talk about serial killers, we come to mind with scattered examples, such as Jack the Ripper, for example. But the bloodiest killer in history was the less famous Cristman Gennipperteinga In the 16th century he killed 964 people in 13 years. Christman planned a thousand casualties, but was caught and executed before finishing his life.

14 is In 1915, Charlie Chaplin participated in a contest for his own double. He did not even go to the final.

15 is If a Google employee dies, the company will continue to pay half of his salary to his or her spouse for 10 years. And if the deceased had children, then a thousand dollars per child before they graduate from school (19 or 23 years old) (news 2014)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145877
Our admin is a humorist. The server is called a guest. Because there is a bunch of dead organ equipment, which the management is lazy to write down and dispose of. In the office, he wrote: "The vacancy ended, please allocate funds for the purchase of a metal rack". Deputy director we have a woman - she thinks that "guest", this is a technical term, signed the service.)))
And also the admin's favorite phrase in case of problems - "I'll go on a visit, I'll pray to God Ktolhu."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145876
News "In Sochi a fountain deprived the virginity of a first-time student "
When everyone first had not a fountain, but she really had a fountain

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145875
I was driving in the subway, I approached the escalator in a dungeon, with a lateral sight, I saw a male ass and a female hand with bright nails stretching to her. His hand shakes his ass and hides. A man looks around and another man is behind him. They fought right on the escalator. I did not recognize my grandmother in the crowd.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145874
Comments on “Haber”:

xxx: Literally last week I was on an interview at one startup. At first, I was contacted by the founder of the startup, a fun, pleasant guy. Then came the head of development. Thick warts in glasses under 50 years old. With some discouraged voice he told me that a technical interview would start now, then he looked at me carefully and was so crazy :)
YYY: Well, I asked not to tell anyone :(

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145873
xxx: I wanted to find a ranking of social networks, and Google showed a rating of milk needs by areas of Belarus...
Yyy: Google is not a fool, Google knows what is more important here.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №145872
Why heterosexuals are afraid of homosexuals

They think gays are raping them. Banned by Gay!
Hetero-rape is also prohibited, but rape still happens. Homosexuality also occurs. Moreover, the rapists are more often acting heterosexuals in places not steel remote.

They think gay people will tempt them. Banned by Gay!
If a gay has seduced you, it is your personal problem that you have not resisted (treated or drunk) to a gay.

They think that homosexuals will harm their children.
Pedophile is primarily an amateur of minors. Paul does not play the role. Pedophiles are punished for harassing girls and boys equally. Pedophiles are punished.

A normal gay, if someone is shaking, then adult capable men who can independently make decisions about their shaking. And if they can’t, but the guilt is gay, then it’s not men anymore. Here are the men who are guilty of “everyone but me,” and there are real piddars.

No upbringing or even amputating a member can change the orientation. Just read about people who had to remove a member due to illness.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145871
vvv: household horror "Free cabin"
vvv: about unsuccessful searches for a free toilet in a large organization
_ _ _
XX: Where have you been?
YX is running.
Why do you smell like after the toilet?
YX: I didn’t get there.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145870
We talked about homophobia again. And I thought Pelevin had already closed this topic: “Most Russian men are homophobic because of the fact that in the Russian mind the metastases of the criminal code of honour are very strong. Any serious person, no matter what he is doing, subconsciously meets the naras and tries to ensure that there are no noticeable violations of prison taboo in his service list, for which he will have to pay back.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145869
Sexual education is fun.
In Israel, a decent ultra-orthodox child by the age of six (first class) not only knows that Adam and Eve had children in Paradise and do their commandment. But he will also hear about the fact that Kanaan raped the grandfather of Noah (they are all officially) and about Onan (guess what he did). The song can easily be heard.
Copywriters are embarrassed. Trolls are afraid of children in cowards.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145868
XXX: Black humor from my VC.
After the song about Jeanne D'Arc began playing the recording entitled "Songs of Nature - Thunder of Fire" :/

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145867
XXX: The student today told: she after school, there in the second grade told them about the muscles, all that, one girl raised her hand and asked, "Well, of course, the muscles. Where is the meat of man?"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145866
The poison for mice that will not harm dogs.
Tagged: cat

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145865
I came to the office, I got out of the car and the man immediately runs.

My friend, give it up! Has Gazelle swallowed, there is a wire or wire?

- There is a thread, but I will not pull my old Chinese loaded gazelle. I am sorry.

No, it’s to whom to eat. Give me trousers!

“Hold, I won’t wait, take the rope out of the door as you finish.

Yes Yes Yes...

He couldn’t wait, he had to leave. I go back, go into the office and see a dirty piece of wire lying near the door. Well, okay, I get up to fold it normally and I see that it is broken in two places and bound as an ambulance hand. Well, fuck him, the wire has been five years old and it was time to change it, in principle, it's not a pity. I turn to the operating girls and ask, “Al thank you for the thread said?” I will continue with a dialogue from which it is still warm on the soul. A man runs for a long time, inspects the office and gives:

and E! Where is long?

Who do you need?

Is it long and black?

What question are you on?

Yes to X.

He throws the thread, turns and leaves. I think it’s good that I left, or maybe I’d even spit in my face for giving such a bad thread.

There is no morality. Feelings are not affected, so nothing burns. All good and sweet!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna