— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23188
The regional television. There is a live news program. The leader announces that the southern region has harvested the largest harvest in the last ten years. Next follows the story. While the installor does not have time to translate the sound from the studio to the plot, the relaxed host turns to the back of the chair and, not knowing the installor's mistake, with tiredness and irritation in the voice pronounces the phrase on the whole region: "Shame, again these fucking colchoners!"...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №23187
In the eyes are throwing those girls who never throw on the neck.

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23186
This morning, while standing on the staircase, I heard a neighbor shouting to her husband:
Until you eat the potatoes, you will not get the mine.! to

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №23185
I saw a huge jeep like this today, all black and screaming, seeming infinite. With the number o012cm.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №23184
I listen to Leningrad-"without you piZdec"at the end of the song he sings piZdeeeeez and hangs the computer
The xxx:
This is the power of the word!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №23183
Hawk: I’m going to Samara. Early morning. The advertising poster:
"ART WAYDER Agency - we will erase the black stripes from your life!" O_o
You say Chelyabinsk.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №23182
How is the word hieroglyph written correctly?
As it sounds, so it is written. How do you say that word?
I am saying, cracks!
So then write it.)
What’s the right thing – “Pets” or “Pets”?
The hieroglyphs are right!

MoonWolf, 2009

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №23181
On the weekend was in the market, and stumbled on such a price: cucumbers in poppy o.o.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №23180
Delivery of PDD:
Latte yaka d'Fursenko
Yeah, I was shaken...shake... sat in the car to the gait - he grit - everything is ready - we go. Well, I attached, moved - checked everything... the first - gas... I do not eat... shozanah... gas - I do not eat... he smiles and grit: and start?)))

and ROFL

[ + 108 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23179
Oh the creature!
Like a bird in the sky.
Oh the creature!
I know what "nakh" means.
Oh the creature!
Same with Clooney.
Oh the creature!
In the face, not in the dream.
I need a bug,
The windows are full of debt.
He passes through me,
There is no more sadness...
Under the cold whisper of the stars,
Ktolhu hid all my mosque,
Everything fell into the abyss.
I will be a wardrobe.
Without beer and wine.
My quote is finally over!

by Anna K.I.T.

[ + 94 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23178
"I change the charm of the 70th level into an epic shmote in WOW for an ordinary living child and wife"

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №23177
xxh: a friend's two-year-old son, I tried to teach him how to say goodbye - like both hands up and "preveeed!", and he got to get up and shob both hands up - in the end he raises one.. and his parents now mock me what I made of their son a minor fascist )))))))

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23176
WOW : What?
Tagged: hello
Eat and what?
HHH: Yes, I have a ulcer, I sat in the meat department and went to cook something to buy. And there it is. So gentle and so complaining she looked at me.
by 0_o
I didn’t resist and bought 200 grams. I could not allow it to stay there. What to do with him now I do not know. Sadly him.
I will eat it the same way :)
You are a different thing, I know you, you are a good person.
Yes, I understand it, don’t go on. I will jump today. with the doctor.
He’s a good man, too.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №23175
I almost fell off the chair yesterday. You know the puzzle: with onions and eggs but not cake?
by Robin Hood)))
This is the mystery I told my mom yesterday.
You won't believe she replied.
xxx: says "Chippolino")))))
yyy: :-):-):-):-) Mom is burning!!!!!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №23174
[12:18:20] <izuseku> In a country that is well governed, poverty is ashamed. In a country that is badly governed, wealth is ashamed.
[12:18:55] <MrZlo> in the country in the cathedral fsem phuy fsem phuy

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №23173
I missed a lecture and decided not to go to the institute. I picked up my favorite Sims 2 and went out to eat. During my absence, my caregiver slept from work and sat down to play the Sims. 0 - O

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №23172
She (23:49:43 1/12/2009)
What a fuck you are...

I am (23:49:53 1/12/2009)
The Ebay?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №23171
XXX: And there is a hole in the sidyroid, you throw a needle into it and it opens up!
The point G?? to

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №23170
He touched:
signed a friend in the tel.books as 'brunno'.... She burned, after a day I look at her in the pick-up-'10cm'... :) so for the soul took that he ran home for the ambulance:):):).

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №23169
C Forum of the Legal Institute of TGU
I am studying in T. G. U. Y. My name is Ashot.
The question is where is T. G. U. Y. I. and if possible in which group I study.
Ashot (2 or 3 course D.O.) is
help me

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna