— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19508
I: Where are you studying?
It is: not where. I don’t work and I don’t study. I am not a fool!! It is time! I am smart

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №19507
Wives are evil. They are itching and prohibiting their husbands from sitting online at night.
Husbands are even more evil. They pick up the internet and sit alone.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №19506
xxx: I went to the universe on the budget))) start drinking!
YYY: I got paid, I stopped...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №19505
Bini: What is your name?
<<Lik@>>: My name is Lila.
Bini: a beautiful name
<<Lik@>>: Thank you very much. did not expect
bini: hit in the asya me love
There was something in my chest again.
I sit, I guess
Happened to Nashville?

Did I expect that?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №19504
Figure from advertisers. The new 360. Did you know that up to 90% of harmful bacteria accumulate not on teeth, but on the cheeks and tongue? New Colgate 360" and td by text. I am afraid to think what will happen next. You know that up to 90% of harmful bacteria accumulate not on the teeth, neither the cheeks, nor even the tongue! They all sit in the esophagus and stomach! New colgate "Two meters", healthy teeth and a clean stomach" Further reflection on this topic is terrifying.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №19503

Pay online in September!


[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №19502
Mihanic: As far as I am concerned, I have been married for a long time.
Mihanic: in his work
Mihanic: And the only question I have to solve every day,
Mihanic: this is "who is above today"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19501
Lunch at the guest house.
My boyfriend (working in a computer store), enthusiastically tells about the work:
Yesterday I got a phone call! - and begins to colorfully describe Device...
Then suddenly he asks:
Why don’t you ever talk about work?
The mother-in-law (working in the courtroom) ironically:
Yesterday I got a telephone with Taakiki.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19500
Promt translated as usual: YouTube - Tischlang

Online translated as usual: YouTube

a I-Bot / Translator translated as never before: You Tube - You

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №19499
A is Hi. How are you?
W is free! Relatively... How about myself?
A: I am on the Milk, on the fishing. We drink...
W: Well I understood it. Or to catch?
A: I do not know. We drink...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №19498
Some individuals require fence, others need fence.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №19497
I watched a funny picture today: a large dog, led by a woman on a guide, right on the go, apparently completely instinctively, but very snorely, grabbed from the lower-down hand of the man who was going to meet the man an undernourished cake with meat. The owner immediately started shouting something like, “Fu! You are not ashamed!” and etc. and etc.
It was quite obvious that the dog himself did not quite understand how such a case could happen to him. He stood down his head and hanged his ears, with such an exhaustingly disturbing and guilty face, as if he wanted to say:
“The mountains! And how did that bring me away?” Then he thought out how to correct the situation: he approached the man and carefully placed the cake at his feet, after which he questioningly looked at the mistress - said, now, I hope, everything is okay again?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №19496
The husband calls his wife:
Come here, we’ll have sex at the desk.
You have a secretary!
Is it possible?! to

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №19495
On another drunkenness in my house, two guys locked up in the room and silenced. About 4 nights. After a while, I heard incomprehensible sounds. I open the door and see these 2 idiots lighting the lighthouse in the windows of the neighboring house (the lighthouse is quite powerful, to the windows is perfectly sunny) under the music of the X-files. : O

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №19494
XXX is
The apple worm. I called him Jim.
XXX is
In honor of the famous worm Jim
Is it okay with you?))
XXX is
I now live in a drinking house.
XXX is
At the bottom I laid him apple flour.
XXX is
He eats happiness.
= is
XXX is
Such a girl
XXX is
What do I do without Inet?? to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №19493
xxx you are a guy?
Tagged: crying
YYY: You want to take a picture?
XXX: I have seen it.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №19492
Tagged with "Cosmetics"

I carried a cat to the wheel clinic, I saw a shampoo for horses in their pharmacy box (Zoo Vip - for grips and tails). I didn’t wait and bought it, it was very interesting. I am afraid to wash their heads. Has anyone tried? What Impressions?

from stones: I am thinking of a scrape for copper

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №19491
Lvivich: among other things, played a cover on Marilyn Manson
And where did they play?
Lvivich: At the stadium, immediately after the ensemble of folk songs and dances
Andrei : Oh! Do you collect stadiums?! to
Lvivic: we are running out :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19490
Only our man, sitting in the winter in an unheated apartment in a jacket, hat and gloves, cuddling out of the plate the ice-growing shrimp, says: “Take it!”“!”

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №19489
There is nothing more exciting than slipping on your heels on the top staircase of the granite staircase in the subway!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna