— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16923
I come to my wife with a clear purpose. I kiss my neck and I get a response:
Q: "Stop, I now have my legs like a bark" (i.e. covered with mushrooms).
I: "The same short and mead?"
The romantic moment was devastating.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16922
Myopia has its advantages: just take off the glasses and all the girls around turn into beautiful strangers :)

by al101

====== is
The Fire! I will have a minus 6 diopters :D

The coal

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16921
From one forum:

"Vista is like a sakura branch. Beautiful and beautiful..."

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16920
Review of the film "Summertime" (about the love of a vampire and a deadly girl):

111: And I want to ask... if Edward wanted to eat Bella, then how could he perceive it differently? There is a description of how vampires want humans and so on... but fucking, I can’t perceive fried potatoes as a sexual object, and as far as I understand, people smell as appetizing for them.)
222: Potatoes are sexy makeup too!
I don’t want to fuck potatoes! Go on dates with her too.
Well, you know, there are probably people who are excited by food, they are considered abnormal... Edward is generally also considered abnormal.
111: So Edward is a pervert! This should have started! What are the names of people who eat food? The Eaters?
Chapter 22: The Edofiles

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №16919
From Dairy: When porn actors give a dramatic game, it’s shit, comrades. Stanislavsky in the grave is afraid to move, so that no one decides that he is changing his posture.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16918
The turtles have disappeared! The turtles have disappeared! I went to the kitchen in the shelter to make a hammer - here are they, the march of all the missing here. Come and take them back. Peter St. M. Forests of 4A. We have nothing to eat here!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16917
Yesterday put my son on the weights, shows 4 kg, 00 gr (rounds up to 10 gr) went to record the result, I hear a delicious such apchiches, approached, and on the weights 3 kg, 99 gr :)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16916
The company "Subculture" All sorts of pieces are sold for the trui ready - mayas with skulls, chains, etc. In particular, on the showcase is the only book: M. Zeligman "How to learn optimism". The joyful Ulyanov Goth.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16915
xxxh: we were there in the game one, there short letters need to be depicted with the body... lost because the girl :(
YYY: in the sense
thx: letter "g" (

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №16914
In response to:

In the future, computers will weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
Magazine "Popular Mechanics", 1949

At least they were not wrong.)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16913
I went to work with admin. The first day offended professionally as soon as possible to offend admin.
In general, a girl asked the boss: "Who is this blonde?"

[ + 122 - ] Comment quote №16912
My friend told me a story today.
He has a friend, something always happens to him. Here are two cases from my life:

They went once in a small company into the forest, for mushrooms. I picked a fox. And so it happened, you want to believe it, you want to - no, bitten the same guy cloves. As he put him in his pants, I hit, but bitten... for eggs. Especially the egg. What to do? You can either lubricate with oil or put a light bulb to let the clot out. But with such a place to experiment with light bulbs is dangerous, you understand. There was no oil at hand. Nothing to do - took the lucky guy to the hospital. Semashko (the case was under Tula). The doctors scratched the tail and after half an hour the tick was removed. Everything is okay, they said who doesn’t happen :)
Passes some time. The guys decide to go into the woods again.
How this is possible and whether it really was, I do not know. The point is that the same guy in the same forest was bitten by a tick... Now for a softer place. What to do - went to the hospital again.
The doctors, without saying a word, pulled out the tick, now it is 15 minutes away. Nothing, they say, you know, a couple of weeks ago we had a tick guy bite for eggs.

If the people support, there will be a second story :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16911
knock on the door to the bathroom.
and Maria! Open the door!
No is! I am without a liver!
I have no lens...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №16910
and!! A reminder!! to

People, do not forget to pay for the internet!

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №16909
Maybe I don’t understand something?
So explain to me, stupid, what is the pleasure of sleeping with a girl you don’t love (or at least do not respect and think stupid) and after sex to quit?
And why do everyone boast about the quantity, not the depth of the relationship?
Not understood!
Here are some considerations:
Who for a long time drove on the "classic", and then moved to a expensive foreign car - you now and look disgusted in the direction of these wheeled waters, right?
The same is true in relationships.
So fall in love comrades! You really love. It is an unterrestrial feeling, there is nothing better than it in the world. It changes you from within. Do not replace it with surrogates.

P.S And what "picapers" do otherwise than shit you can't call.
with respect, Kobzz, 22 years old, St. Petersburg.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №16908
Assessment Commission: Tell us in two words how your system works?
Graduate: It works very well.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16907
<@g.> who knows the thread well in the hours?
<[npax]> @.g.I can normally set the time by the arrows.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16906
Site of Dating
The princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse.
Address: Chita, Мямякинский district, village of Yelkin, cottage with the inscription on the fence: "Peta Pidaras", ask Frosu.


As it turned out later, Petya was far from a pidaras, but just a horseback, as well as an excellent companion and a pleasant interlocutor.
Frosty is out.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №16905
Midnight: My friend sold an inherited apartment and bought an annual Infinity for a million. The boy (23 years of age in the GAI - year) rolled in hysteria - they in the GAI on the worst cars to ride "not comilfo" and he, the poor, feels damaged among the brave colleagues. Where is the evil, cruel, maniac comrade Stalin???! to

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16904
A fictional quote:
XXX is
Interesting, the man with the numbers to 030 eb guesses anything?


He guesses that you, dear author, are a rare puzzle, because such a number does not exist in any of the regions of Russia. Go ahead!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna