— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16323
Masha: How is it? and ?
HH: It is not bad.
Do we meet? and ?
Zzzz: 0_0 See how many beards she has!! to

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №16322
From the Student Forum.

Student 1: And let us call Satan?
Students 2 and 2. We also invite virgins.
Just try to wake me up!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16321
Practical training in biology. We work in pairs, look at drugs, and then draw them. The dialogue:
“Sereg, do you still need a goat’s brain or do you want me to paint?
Of course with you.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №16320
xxx (12:10:34)
Hi to.
I cannot write to you.
Kostya just asked with a tragic voice: "Who on the BATTLE BASE of the Bank under the admin in 2008 put in the mood parameters of the head of the position" - superhome?... " Apparently, the Central Bank read the reports and was very surprised...

yyy (12:12:16)
Not exactly me ?

xxx (12:12:45)
Who is now confessing... But they all cried from laughter. Apart from the bones.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16319
I decided to remember my youth and re-watch one wonderful series, for this I went to a video rental. I approach the seller and say to him, “Do you have friends?” and he squeezed, his eyes dropped and answered with a breath – “No.”

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16318
Zzz: Today, Euronews that 29 people died from swine flu in Mexico. Last week, the number was 69.
XXX: They have begun to rise!

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16317
From the "writing" from one film forum.

Tell me what to look at.

Funny is *

V * * *
Look in the microscope.

What is it ?

V * * *
The Council.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №16316
Q: Tell me what do you think about Subaru Forester?
WOW: Okay, I promised "Yes, I think of Subaru Forester!!and "

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16315
The Chechens are driving! Yesterday came the local administrator. It is worth a computer with a monitor, printer and ups. Ticks a finger in the system - of course, there is no result. The UPS must be enabled first. Then in the monitor is Nihua. He waits, thinks he may warm up and will show this devil-box. Not showing a chat. Then, for ten minutes, I examined the printer for the switch button. I found! The joy! It presses! Of course, there is no result.

HH: And what do you think? We changed the roof today. The Fifth! They hear it on their own. Good hands do so, but the rosette is not yet able to give up. And they never thought that if the outlet has already been fucking three times, then it is still working?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16314
The ideal patriot is a citizen who does everything he needs.
The state does not need anything from the state.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16313
The topic, of course, is broken, but...
I work in a bank. Despite the fact that the phone is intended for
specifically for customer consultation, God knows how to recognize phones
Different departments and...

Tell me, I have an overnight in your bank.
and overdraft

- Tell me, and if I take a loan in your bank for six months and repay through
6 is profitable?

- Girl, I heard in your bank there is such a service: I open with you
The bill, and you transfer money to me every month.
and I?
Specifically your bank. Can I connect this service?
More in detail please. (I wanted to know what it was,
and the very "connect") eventually turned out to mean the same
and overdraft. We transfer money to him, fucking.
- young man, this service is called in a different way - "to
The salary is not over.”

My wife is a credit expert. He addresses her
client for credit. When the talk came to the purpose of the loan, the man mourned,
But, in the end, he admitted that he wanted to buy a pony... well pony so
The Pony. Credit was given. Half a year later, another one comes to her.
The client makes a loan. The question of the purpose of the loan was also long held,
He then said he wanted to buy a motorcycle. My girlfriend says:
Why are you so embarrassed? We, out, people take loans on pony, not
As for the motorcycles.
The man became even more red and, ashamed, said:
In fact, I was...
A friend could only ask:
What about the pony?
I am so upset :(

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №16312
Officer courses. The teacher asks:
- You have been ordered to deploy a field point of communication and install
An 8-meter antenna in the swamp area. at your disposal.
Communications officer and five officers. Your actions?
From the audience followed several proposals on engineering solutions,
with which you can place an antenna on the swamp.
The teacher nodded his head:
The wrong answers. You need to call the sergeant and say, “Sergeant,
Turn the field point here and install an 8-meter antenna.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16311
The Red Devil (17:24:11 6/05/2009)
Bone – Did I do it badly? I will say

The Red Devil (17:24:21 6/05/2009)
As always, I listen to music loudly.
We are on the streets of the shorts... all in shorts and in t-shirts go... well caroche went into the bus.. sella... opposite is a man in shorts and such lying to me... well I read a figured and my eyes on his shorts... and his caroche eggs from the shores come out... and he does not see how the shorts so bended... and there would not be him on his ear to say quietly... I took and shouted: man... eggs will go off...
And then I understood what I said loudly because he was red...and the whole bus was rubbing.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16310
This is not a hole! These are reversed policemen!

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №16309
Evil creates heroism.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №16308
The Saratov region. The 90s. A farmer walks in the field. Suddenly landing
The helicopter. People with machine guns escape from the helicopter. Someone is fat.
A man in a suit approaches the farmer and asks, “Give me 10 centners of gold.”
“The hectare?” The man cried out: “10 ladies, 20 ladies, a tractor ladies, a house, a farm, all of them.
Take it, but don’t lose it.”
As it turned out later, it was the governor Ayatskov who made the flight of possessions. well
I decided, so to say, to find out how much farmers are willing to raise.
productivity of labor.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №16307
According to the results of the Moscow contest "Eurovision" chairman of the jury F.
Kirkorov will personally award the winners of the Diploma. In the printing already
They printed their forms, reflecting the singer's personal participation in the jury. Diplomas
They’ll be called “Filipines”.
by Mikhail Pobo

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №16306
by Misha!
Your wife is named Irina, not Ksuša, not Kisa, not Maška, as it is written on your phone, which you forgot at home.
I have already scratched your clothes, screwdrivered the monitor, I am sitting now forging the buttons from the keyboard. I know you love to boast about your "stone" - I'll find out what it is and it'll come to fuck him too. Come home soon, I miss you.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №16305
XXX: Did you get married?
No one has offered me such beauty and wisdom!
YYY: I probably fuck up a lot :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №16304
<chh> We had a mouse in the office. And here she was lucky to get in the eyes of the general director... At first, he wanted to throw a chair into her, stumbled, and the beast escaped into the gap beneath the door to the server room, the director grabs a tail from the fire shield to extinguish the fire (the big one) and runs after her. Poor children in the server room probably frightened: the door suddenly opens, the general runs, with a stunned face, with a big tail, and hears "Where is this pale mouse!!?"and "

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna