— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16343
I set myself a WOW... say goodbye friends, say goodbye comrades, say goodbye to the light world.
Updated 22 days ago

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №16342
{Pantera} (00:54:24 8/05/2009)
I always go out with my boyfriend :(

{Pantera} (00:54:27 8/05/2009)
So hardly

Farseer (00:54:32 8/05/2009)
and diarrhea?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16341
The question is: where is the asphalt on the roads? Does he get fucked as well??? O_O

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №16340
Don’t believe, the bear was feeding out of her hands. with oat cake. Bears are beautiful. They are just magical. They have such nostrils - you can push your finger to the emphasis. I’m not a fool, don’t think!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16339
Interestingly, only my server room is a 3x3 room without windows with server cabinets, wire mounds on the knee, and in which the only source of light is the monitor?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16338
-=Santa Belka=- (09:26:28 7/05/2009)
Imagine a teacher of 60+ years approached me, I wanted to leave unnoticed, she grabbed me by the side with three fingers, that such a painful paralysis caught me and then small sinuses even remained... and I was in the jacket with all this.

Antares (09:28:21 7/05/2009)
Well, finally went to go one with 60+, she has a more endless damage!! to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16337
I recently went to a sushi bar with a girl and never ate sticks. I have never been to such bars before. The girl looked at me eating sticks and asked: Do I often go to sushi bars, where does this snoring come from? I could not tell her that my mother forbids me from throwing cigarettes into the toilet (and I smoke at home only in the toilet), so that the sewage would not get stuck, and I occasionally forget about it and throw them there, and so that my hands would not climb there I put two thick pebbles from the glasses under Pepsi... so I became a master in the handling of Chinese sticks...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16336
A man comes and says on his mobile:
Well it all! I am free as a bird in flight.
And after a while:
No, that doesn’t mean I can fuck people.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16335
~Engels of Russia~ (17:07:08 7/05/2009)
Hm well, I was a student of 10th class, I learned to play guitar, I wrote a lot of stuff, I went to art school, now 2 years later I got tired, in the theatre studio 4 years, I was engaged in a folklore team 1.5 years, there was a need to sing, dance, and acting skills also needed so that everything I was doing before this was useful, and unfortunately this is nothing but guitar texts of songs I am not engaged in, and in the summer it finally came to smoke!externally non-formal black hairstyles are not left-handed, the tongue is cut, and the basic colors of clothes are violet, pink, green, bright and colorful, and the character is romantic, but a bit of fun and interesting.

waked_fallen (17:08:49 7/05/2009)

waked_fallen (17:08:54 7/05/2009)
I love the loose.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16334
Imagine: the unknown kidnapped you, they keep you unclear where, the ransom does not require, but they are not going to return you.They are forcing you to work for free:this is how they can at any time take and force you.And if you refuse to kill, and as soon as you try something about paying, they get stuck.It is unpleasant somehow, yes?


[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16333
I recently read news about cloves and came across:

The irony of the situation is that the instructions for the drug, which is called "Reaferon EU Lipinth", does not contain a mention of encephalitis at all. “We are now finishing clinical trials. After all, the drug was originally created to treat hepatitis, then it turned out that it helps very well with flu and chlamydia. Finally, in the last two years, infectiologists have prescribed it in the treatment of encephalitis. By this season we do not have time to officially complete clinical trials, but by the end of the year, I think we will get official approval from the Ministry of Health.

Only our strict doctors first come up with a medicine and then understand what it is for.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №16332
Women’s desires are men’s duties.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №16331
I lost a cat. Sometimes what to do. jumped from the first.
The floor, under the cover of the night, clinging to the wall, did so.
The so-called escape The kiss is recurrent, because it is not the first time the nails are ripped.
in the spring. Sooner or later it finds itself in the basement, satisfied, dusty with
collection of insects on the skin. The house of the chest, basement low, with many
houses, rooms, pits, tubes and all kinds of garbage. Light is present
Locations are mysterious. This is the third day, s.
constantly bypassing the basement, under the pressure of the demands of the hated thistle. Yes is
By the way, a small detail, near a small old cemetery
Church in three meters. As I said about my aunt, I immediately remembered it.
So it drowned...
jumping into the entrance with the lighthouse, on the way began to think under what
I’ll take the keys from the DEZ with the pretext, and here – Oh, happiness! No door to the basement.
Closed, and a narrow strip of light captivates me on a safari. Escaped in
the silent action of the cat’s nemesis, paid attention to the
The electric driver who digged in at the entrance. I will be a man
to scream, to explain what I forgot here, that it was not for his soul that he flew into the basement
A bald versila in a sports suit with a lamp, more like a duck.
So penetrating into the furthest corner of the labyrinth, he began to search.
Screaming “kiss-kiss,” judging by at least six pairs of green eyes, is malicious.
from different angles, like death. Spreading every corner,
lighting the lamp, conducted the identification, all in the web, dust, and
The cat mate. He buried under a pipe and began to pull out his tail.
The mammal is very similar to my cat. The war was lifted up,
Only here, the animal was not mine, the annoyed turned to the exit and
The four began to run out of the tubes. At that moment he entered
The Electrical. Well, as a polite man, I decided to wish life, only
here breathed dust and I got not that rick, not that laugh, in any way
The human language was different. Who knew that all this time.
The lighting specialist did not suspect my presence. I am first time
I’ve seen a man shake his jaw, not just scratching, but walking.
Walker, up down, up down, well, and a little left to the right. Further
and worse. An adult man gave some whisper and broke so that the remaining
The cats roasted and changed the basement to a quiet forest at least.
in the area of Bryan, judging by the speed of leaving the basement. I remained alone.
It was scary and shameful at the same time, believe it was not to laugh.
And then Andrew?? to
His voice is quiet and frightened. The witch! As always, I came to help at the end.
of operations. The electricity she met. Fear and shame are gone, devil.
awakened within me. He sat on the shorts, stretched the jacket on his knees, the cap on the
His head was running out of the dark.
Heavier than a half-year-old, she whispered like a dozen eighteen-year-old. and run
Black at the Olympics. A balm for the soul.
When I walked out to the streets with tears, the police were waiting for me.
A week of scandal. But I should remember that whistle, and
The mood goes up immediately.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №16330
In the village of Gadjukino and the village of Berdishchev conducted the study of length.
of sexual members. In the village of Gadjukino got a score of 25 cm, in the village
See also - 14.
Question: What is the reason for such different results?
Answer: A survey was conducted in the village of Gadjukino, and in the village of Berdishchev -
The dimension.

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16329
There are still invincible people in Russia. He witnessed how a group of “Fascists” and “Dolbayevs” beat a guy almost in the center of the city! The Georgian tape. When they were beaten, they burned her and went on! The boy had little to do with the fact that he did not strike several, he stood up, the blood was shattered, he got another tape, he grabbed and proudly left!
No West can overcome us.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16328
Tigra: pps my husband is an alien
Tigra: Yesterday there were guests, the day finally decided to wash the dishes. tk. The dishwasher is constantly blocked, then all floating soap rings are collected in a dirty bowl to then drop into the toilet. And here the linen rings, cries, come urgently, the sack has dropped me. I leave, I run to comfort.
Tigra: I come home in the evening, and there this miracle meets with a kiss and says, “What a delicious ragu you have prepared for me, thank you, I warm it up.”
Tigra: Most importantly, I ran out to bluff, and he asks so deliberately, maybe grit, did you eat something wrong that day?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16327
MerzavcheG Kowalevsky:
A joke happened on the eve.
The Mamsimka:
? to
MerzavcheG Kowalevsky:
The guy whispered - Che in the A6?, and in response to him - HANDLED!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16326
I understood that the musical would still be interesting when the whole first song did not work the microphones, and the first brushed phrase heard throughout the hall was the voice of the speaker.and "

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №16325
I am at the Mariinsky Theatre. This is fucking fucking!! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №16324
In the advertisement of the detergent: "Tracks fat like a magnet". Magnetic fat attracts very well.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna