— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №14145
“All roads lead to Rome” and “All roads lead to Rome”.

Russians are much more experienced than Russians. Including the quantity

“Legal ways to withdraw money.”

I heard this from one of the tens of thousands of victims, a friend of mine.

The Italian. Lighting systems in Italy are equipped with a violation photography system.

This means that when passing the red light, the offender will soon receive a letter.

documented offence and payment receipt

The fine is about 100-200 euros. In the suburbs of Milan in a short time

Approximately 35,000 such fines were issued. The drivers felt

the press, the television, and soon it became clear that

lighting works in a very interesting mode - the length of the yellow

The signal was less placed (1 - 2.5 seconds instead of 3 - 5 seconds).

Therefore, the car entering the crossroads at the ending green,

It was photographed at the crossroads already under a red signal.

Law enforcement agencies, examining the clever lighting, found that

the installation was carried out by a supplier of equipment which is not

only received money for the service of lighting, but also 25% of the

every penalty.

So our haishniks are just loose, compared to the Italian ones.

A! Forgot about the happy end: the culprits were punished, the money was returned to everyone.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №14144
In order to more adequately reflect the movement of goods and money in Russia

The forms of accounting are introduced two graphs: "fuck" and "fuck"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №14143
Tomorrow is my cat’s birthday.
YYY: What will you give?
XXX: The Castration

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №14142
-Listen, I cooked pasta here two weeks ago and forgot the pot, there was such a shit, like a mushroom...And I heard that they were useful...
Do not think about eating.
The refrigerator is so empty and dull.
Don’t think of eating!!! to
What will be?
Have you already eaten?
And yes 😉
A pleasant...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №14141
Bag: 55 kg...I am just a whir)
G0BLIN: 90
G0BLIN: and Nibet
G0BLIN: and Nijbu
G0BLIN:and nibut = (
Tagged with: xD

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14140
It turns out that sapphire, squash and pinball are very interesting games, especially when you turn off the internet.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14139
She: I smashed myself lithium with a new cream)) Now I have a skin softer as the pop of Molenze))
He says, “I don’t want to kiss a baby pop.”

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №14138
When you see that a person is an idiot, you either have to agree or leave.
YYY : I agree. Well I went.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №14137
Friday, the average office
Please make the music quiet, or Anna sleeps...))))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14136
Talk about a huge LED inscription on one of the houses (each letter separately):

XHHH: Today they burned the booklet again >_<
ууу: yes, I saw the letter overburned last week "K")) but how positive!
xxx: "K", which overburned at the time already sent))) Today the letter "X" overburned, the positive is now even more)))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №14135
Why are you so in love?

XXX is
Sometimes it you go with your head about what to fight to get past? :D

Why not? let it go.

XXX is
Sleep is hindering)

You’re not on your stomach – Jokingly

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14134
I am still sitting, I am sitting
Q: You are breaking?
Daddy is dying
ууу: caroch I sit here behind the comp, from the room scream "Lenka, go take the phone, there your shit is ringing"
HH: And what does that mean?
WOW: this means that my sister last week introduced the ancestors to his chahal, and his name is Boris Leonidovich Yalovsky, the father is a week old, he will call him exclusively by initials.
Theme: Medea

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №14133
I want a cocktail of blood, cola and baccarat.
<Lewis> What are the bloody wishes? and :-)
<Myrka> tried once, I drink now)))
<Iliush> Transylvania Week at McDonald’s? O_O

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №14132
I have a virus on my bucket complaining that he was denied access.
XHHH: even made a mistake

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №14131
I used to play with a pencil on the ceiling :)
Fuck...Misha...Be more cultural...Take it off!
Do you think someone is looking at the ceiling?
Okay, forget...It’s the same if you’re painting wallpapers under the floor.
How did you find out? O_O

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №14130
I sell my iPhone or exchange it for a mobile phone.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №14129
I want a section of "the funny abyss"(

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14128
45549 (saved 2009-01-28 at 15:30)
XXX is
Yesterday, he decided to put the yogurt on the carniz outside the window for the night to drink a cooled drink in the morning. He accidentally stumbled onto a cage above the first floor.
I live on the third. If he had lived on the second, his hand would have reached. half the first time. And for him who lives under me, the light is burning. I call the directory. A girl calls.
I explain her the situation, I say it is too late. Maybe I'll come in the morning and take a bottle, and it's for me so I don't sleep - come now

So what?
Is it at the hotel?

XXX is
Yes Yes

XXX is
I come to her, she is watching the telecast. This is an ordinary girl in a home sporting suit. I apologize again - I climb to her on the window and get a bottle.

And all?

XXX is
Then I leave and wish you a peaceful night. And she says to me, "Can you drink tea?" and smiles and cares so carelessly on her hair. And I her. You are a girl. It’s time for the first half of sleep. She says to me: “Well sleep so sleep” and smiles again and looks at me waiting.
I turned and left. And when I walked through the hallway, she cried out to me for some reason "Idiot!!!and "


XXX is
Strange girl

Wow, let me tell you that he’s a fairy dude.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №14127
Comments on the photo of the falling drop in a large plan:

The spectator:
to acknowledge!! to

The Author:
Well, it’s very simple too) The main thing is to stock up the mat, so that you can mat each time you photograph the falling drop too late or too early)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14126
I am losing my father!
YYY: Congratulations to you! How they called?
YYY: You will be
xxx by alina. No, we will not

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna