— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13825
Here’s the paradox... I get rid of the mess, but something to do... o_o

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13824
Eat the soup. There is a mayonnaise bank nearby. I sit and eat without touching anyone and suddenly I hear what a whisper, listen and understand what a bank with mayonnaise is whispering!
Checked for date: valid until 25 December 2007!! to
He tried to talk to me!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13823
I’ll go out with my boyfriend tomorrow, can I?
Through the teeth: You can.
Can I take your camera and take a picture?
Boy: And don’t give it money – so that it will take you somewhere?! to

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №13822
Q: Did you have funny situations in bed?
For example: Heat and bodies begin to produce "pucks" sounds.
Sometimes I laugh so much that I don’t know before.

UUU: Cases, cases... Coughed somehow not in time - my son is almost 10 years old...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №13821
I go to the subway and listen to the play. In the "China-City" there is room for a girl about my size, but a grandma of absolutely immense size begins to roll into it. And at one point, she shakes so unsuccessfully that in the corner of the bag, she pulls my headphones out of the player. The player, of course, moves to the dynamic mode, and the dynamic is quite loud.
And everything would be nothing if at this moment the player had not released the final phrase of the song "chimera" "karma of the world":
Hudei, Hudei, Hudei and Hudei!...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13820
Is there a white man in the hole?
White is not bad.
1 Why?
If she comes to drink a lot, I saw
1-No, white is good and, by the way, tasty, her meat smells like cedar nuts
Eat Your Own Protein - Nihua Sibe Astral Warrior!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13819
01:55:06) <E@rthQu@ke> People...what do you think our network needs resources?
[01:55:20] <Iliya> Film Catalogue
[01:55:32] <satter> E@rthQu@ke: gold and wood

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №13818
I’ll go to you today, my dear.
It’s not the window.
Oh shit, you didn’t understand that.
She: Oh, to break your favorite hole, you fucking fuck! I’ve been running after you for 4 months, fucking, and you’re a pedophile creature!! to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13817
I go, I mean, yesterday at 8 a.m. all such a beautiful, with a package of breakfast in one hand and cappuccino in the other, thinking about how beautifully to listen to Tom Wates in the snow, astonished by her genius, all such an exalted, and how fucking in the snow.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №13816
For the six-day working week:
Lexa (08:27:51 17/01/2009)
Hey, yesterday my body decided that once five days worked out - it's time to cuddle and not sleep until morning. Two nights before the banquet began. I had to go to the trick: take out half a liter of kefir. While the body found out from the bifidobacteria that they forgot here, the brain skillfully turned off.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №13815
NJD: Does Putin know that he is no longer president?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №13814
Why should your friend’s girlfriend always have a ugly girlfriend who wants to introduce you?and ( )

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13813
I read somewhere that there was money in the USSR with quotes from Marx, Engels and Tolstoy.
yyyy :))
xxx:I want money with quotes from basha
Yyy: Ah, I got my salary, I cried and I cried.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №13812
According to the film, a good hero must be able to do three things:

1st to love passionally,

2nd Literally to kill.

Three Living away from normal people.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №13811
I accept the exam. I wonder how to solve this equation.

The student answers:

The separation of variables...

I am surprised, because this method has to this equation.

the same approximately as, say, the method of aortic coronary

The shunting.

This equation cannot be solved, it continues without pause.

The students were delighted, and I too.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №13810
In Kazakhstan, the son does not have the right to raise his voice, the father does not.

He can raise his voice to his grandfather and the grandfather to his grandfather. Always in the Aula.

It is very quiet, and only the screams of the grandparents break the silence.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13809
One day, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev dreamed of a table of winning lottery numbers. He stood up and recorded it. But there was some fake.
One day, the Lumiere brothers dreamed of a plasma TV with a flat screen of 60 inches, with a high-resolution system, DCI image stabilization technology, and virtual Dolby volume sound.
It is an idea! The Lumiere brothers invented a wooden box with a pen and a pen.
One day, the inventors of Cherepanova came to the premiere of the Lumiere brothers.
It is an idea! The inventors of the skulls.
One day, George W. Bush Jr. dreamed of the solution of the Ferm theorem.
What? George Bush the Younger.
- Excuse me, the mistake came out... - the decision of the Ferm theorem apologized and went to dream to another.
Once Leonardo da Vinci dreamed of a parachute, a tank, a helicopter, a submarine, a machine gun, a rescue circle, an excavator, a microchip, a locomotive, a tractor "Belarus" and a lunar vehicle.
“Daaaa... It’s time to get along with excursions to VDNH,” DaVinci said and made the last stretch.
Once Sigmund Freud dreamed of strawberries, cucumbers, cakes, bananas, which crossed in a variety of poses.
“Well, what a strange dream,” said Freud, “I’ll go and tell Michurin.
Bill Gates dreamed that he wanted to commit suicide.
Farewell to the cruel world! Bill Gates shouted and opened the window.
Are you sure you want to commit suicide? He asked the window.
This is how the Windows operating system appeared.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13808
Comment on news about the meeting of Tymoshenko with Putin on gas supplies from
"July and July!! Try not to hit your teeth. All the people are sick for you!! We need gas at a low price!! andquot;

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13807
Doctor-annushka: I watch today "The smartest" on STC. In the final came 2 boys and a girl, all make the impression of children and a decent family. Everyone has a support group. Behind the mulches are posters like "Ruslan, we are with you" and "Glory, we believe in you". And just behind the back of a cute, humble girl in her eyebrows stretches the whole screen:"Anko! HY is!and "

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13806
Taste of Comfort
How do girls with peanut nails, sorry, pop wipe out? The nails are very long.

The answers:
1) Bite the lip, with tears in the eyes.
2) You have come close to understanding why glamorous girls need these little dogs.
3) Put such a long paper on the floor, sit on it and ride. What is incomprehensible?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna