— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13385
We had a late Ramstein.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13384
... the end:
The office shook a terrible scream:
“Huyas, the cat is gone in the shredder!”! to

... the beginning:
There is a cat in the building. Almost completely white, healthy, lazy. Odmin loves him and feeds him. The shredder broke, carried to Odmin to repair. The shredder is very large, 40 liters. Half of paper. In the meantime while the odmin was forged, the basket was pushed out halfway and the cat went there. and slept. Well, white on white, they didn't notice it, closed it, took the device to the place. Because of the weight of 30 kg, no one noticed an increase of 5 kg. But when the shredder earned, the kitten woke up and said MEU (very loud). Defoe noticed him and...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13383
IV (00:03:46 31/12/2008)
What do you need to be happy?

Netherlands (00:04:11 31/12/2008)
I want a family, a loving wife, ready to feed my children.

Netherlands (00:04:18 31/12/2008)

Pevs (00:04:23 31/12/2008)
Give me children.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №13382
Shakherezada said: “Health cannot be bought with money, but it can be bought with money.”

can be lost.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №13381
The New Year Christmas.

Estonia is predominantly Lutheran, so Christmas is here

They are celebrated in Western, and Russian speakers also Orthodox. before

Christmas children - both Estonian and Russian-speaking - put on the window

special boots for gifts, and local Christmas boots

An old man (an analogue of Santa Claus), who is accompanied by gnomics, gives

Gnomes are tasked with bringing gifts to children while they are asleep.

The story took place in the early 90s. Children up to 10 years of age believed in

The gnomes. It is now in 4 years to check who brings the gifts. by V

That time with sweets was tight, and with money too, and one mommy.

Because of the lack of tastes, she gave her little son a bowl.

The gnome.

The family woke up in the morning, and the child went to check the shoe.

He walks into the bedroom and cries, “Mom, go see, there’s a dwarf.”

The breath...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №13380
The man slapped the girl. He leads home, something fills joy. They go

through the yard to the parade. She is (thinking):

You can walk in a wheelchair and the air is clean.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13379
Loneliness is when half an hour before the New Year, sitting in an empty apartment, you read.

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13378
Even now that my three children have become teenagers, we continue to go to the Calgary Zoo every summer. One of our favourite places in the zoo is the Night House.
There are night animals. Here we are again there. When the door closed behind us, we were in total darkness. Suddenly, I felt somebody’s little pipe grabbed my hand. Not wanting to scare the child, I leaned to him and asked, “Who are you?”

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №13377
Nothing burns a man as much as the word "Top" written on his flashbox.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13376
Kitekat: I will dream of you again at night.
Kitekat: and I will sing!!! to
[23:02] Ganjubas_Jah: How can you sing with your mouth busy?
[23:02] Kitekat: and who said that he will be busy with me!!! to
Genghis Khan: This is my dream.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13375
The rabbit: Hi
Tagged with: rrrrr
I will not give a point.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №13374
The single angel:
Pipet, the financial director just came in, said he needed a cable to tie his ficus so that it would not fall, cut off the wire from my mouse and left.

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №13373
nogood: And for the new year in the office we held races on wheelchairs... 4 rounds, as appropriate, with Pitstops, stopped in a specially dedicated place for this matter, filled with vodka, and then on the track...
I wonder how the boss would deal with this.
Our manager came last :)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13372
XXX: a minute of silence for the note sucked by the cat. Yes, the cat will remember too.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №13371
Childhood is when you play something and you don’t know where.

c) Sj

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №13370
It was a terrible, unthinkable stroke. Interplanetary Congress of Drinkers.

You won’t even know how and why it started.

Alcohol of all fat, a huge apartment, arrived at dispersal and

To insult people who do not know measures and borders. You know how it happens when

Something is happening everywhere: there are dancers, there are singers, someone has fallen asleep.

Toilet, somewhere they say "for life and principles", someone express-

Someone is crying because there is no love or because the world turns.

In the abyss, constantly moving drunk drunk people...

Time has long been lost, for the change of day and night no one is watching, the last

a temporary benchmark - someone's journey for drinks and supplies; someone

I fell asleep, someone pierced my eyes.

I worship before the sustenance of the neighbors.

At some point, everything went well quickly. many

Someone went to work, someone fell asleep, someone sat in the kitchen.

I was drinking tea and talking, someone was watching TV but one girl was soaping.

and dishes (sic!) is

And suddenly in this almost established picture of calm and restlessness

The scream broke! No, not a scream. It was an inhuman, primitive war.

Full of horror and despair! Long, breaking down on a perforated

by VIZG.

Everyone who heard this was confused for a short moment.

The cold-blooded went to scream.

* * * *

In that same apartment, by the way, lived a real jewel, who belonged to

The owner. It is unknown who put the box in which he lived on the table next to him.

A sofa in one room. A man unusual to such a misery, to any

The case was sitting in this box until everything went away from sin.

and far away. When there was silence and his subtle esophageal psyche a little

He went out and went out to eat something. when

He wanted to go around, he just "rolled out" of his box,

Then he turned away and went on his business.

This time, however, he ran from the table to the couch. The naked feet of Grisham.

who slept on this couch, apparently experiencing the nightmares

With severe intoxication.

When we ran into the room, Grisha stopped whispering. He is only

He looked with his eyes opened, pointed his hands to the oak and tried something.

to swim...

by Grisha:

Guys, I almost got rid of fear. He first fell on his feet.

A fireball of some sort. I open my eyes and she sits on her feet. The White.

Just very strange...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №13369
I went to the oculist yesterday.

And what he said?

I told you to teach letters!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13368
Report on the bankruptcy of Latvia

The country of Latvia! There is no vodka, no minerals, no football. Populated by fascists...Who needs it?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №13367
My mother cried out:
“Well, you’re mocking a girl, she’s only 18 years old... use her.

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №13366
Everyone whose parents/girlfriends go for holidays. Don’t forget to pour flowers!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna