— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141463
Lovers of Bill Gates as a successful man who left school should remember that he left Harvard, not the Zadrishti PTU.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141462
The Garden Center: XXX, good day! You won the garden competition!
You take 3 places and get 3 strawberries as a gift!

XXX: here it is, great luck )))
YYY: Don’t just eat strawberries.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141461
The budget of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 is calculated from the price of oil at $40 per barrel.
The average price of oil of the Russian export brand Urals for January-March 2017 reached $52.04 per barrel.
3) The deficit of the budget of the Russian Federation in 2017 will amount to 2.1% of GDP – Siluanov
The reserve fund of the Russian Federation will be spent fully this year, the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday.

How is?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №141460
The most difficult thing in life was not spiritual self-improvement, as we naively believed in our youth, but the construction of ordinary life. Just start to grow spiritually, look — again the refrigerator is dirty. Let it grow and let it shake the refrigerator. You can not wash! But with a dirty refrigerator, spiritual growth slows somewhat. And at the same time and wash and grow - and there, and there you set up. There is something to come into despair. Sometimes, you think from the unbearable ease of being bad, you run with the changed face to the pond, you wipe the floor on the road, you walk the dog, you throw away the garbage, you buy cheese, seven bulbs, washing powder, celery and rye, and it is foolish to melt with all this treasure.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141459
In Chernigov, the monument to the Ukrainian hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, installed in the center of the city, is turned 180 degrees back to Moscow.

WOW: And a little slide...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №141458
A good topic:
and worrying:

When in the supermarket at the end of May you buy apples of a new crop, then in captivity you start to think: What year is this crop? It becomes somewhat worrying...

The Earth in addition to the northern hemisphere, there is a southern, and there, such a surprise, also grow apples, but unlike the apples of the northern hemisphere they ripen in March-April.

China grows more apples than the rest of the world combined.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141457
When I was 12, my friend and I learned somewhere about hypnosis, and also about the fact that weak consciousness needs to be hypnotized. From adults and from anecdotes, they knew that Soviet militiamen had a weak consciousness. We stood up in front of the police department and staringly stared at every passing police officer, the police officers approached us and asked what we needed. We have explained that we are trying to enslave their minds and have already partially enslaved them. The policemen were angry.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141456
Due to a serious problem with the gastrointestinal tract was a couple of years unable to digest meat without special preparations (and with them not especially), sat on a diet of purely vegetable food. During this time began to consider foolish and stories of ideological meat-eaters about how all who do not eat animal food, chilly and green face.

Girl, so you didn’t perceive meat or animal proteins at all? Without specifically meat you can live, and completely without harm to health. But this is provided that you eat plenty of dairy products that contain these same animal proteins. Milk, kefir, cheese and so on. Everything contains easily digestible animal proteins, and everything is obtained without killing animals if suddenly your beliefs require it. Serious problems arise only in those who refuse animal protein in general, which you have been talking about here since the beginning of the week. And you are going up and down from somewhere with your fantasies about who to consider a vegetarian, and you are all trying to refute something.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141455
I am the unfortunate Moldovan virus. My developer was so poor that he couldn’t buy a Linux textbook. I am not working on your computer. Please pretend you’re scared, and all".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141454
It was in the summer, in the village. My vacation ended and I went to town. And I came up with a bright thought to do a good deed for the neighbors at last. I went to my neighbor Seroga and said, "I will leave now, and you will go into our garden, tear the cucumbers."

He said, “We have our own.”

I said, “We will continue to bear fruit for a long time. The leaves are green. You are already yellowed and the harvest is almost over.”

He said “OK” and I went.

But arriving at Bologo, he decided to make a check-up call to the neighbor. This is what conversation took place.

I: “Neighbor, Sergey gave you about cucumbers? “”

She said, “Yes. He said you came to us and said I have bad cucumbers.”

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141453
A saluto in Mario happens if at the end of the round the timer ends on the number 1, 3 or 6. And I all childhood believed that the salutation marked a steep level pass and every time I was proud (

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141452
I went to the pedinstude with a friend to help him with the exams. To do it really, I was going to the military school, - told me a known Lieutenant Colonel.

In order to be there, I had to file papers with him and take exams. I helped him and I passed three exams perfectly, I was preparing for the military. I feel - I swim, another exam and I pass. Need to do something urgently.

At the final exam, I give the teacher a clean sheet and say, “I don’t know anything, put two! He looked at my documents, saw three “excellent” and insisted:

I will not put! I will give you another chance!

I don’t need your chance, I don’t know anything, put two!

"Because you're so nervous, you probably know something, so I'll give you three in advance! This is enough for entry! I was pleased with the teacher.

I realized it was big! I tear him out, I don’t let him put three, and he gets another. I took my papers and shouted:

Put in two! I will not study here anyway.

They don’t believe me, the whole commission is persuading me. Say, over-nervous, it happens, calm down and make a reasonable decision.

I barely broke them to put me down. They put it, but they looked at me hopefully until the last, thinking that I would change my mind.

I went out and breathed relieved, decided never to walk on such thin ice again.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141451
It is a writer how terrible when the wife, sitting behind the wheel of the car, begins to turn the key with the words "You are already in heaven, let your name be holy... and so on".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141450
Midnait: And I once broke the system – I took a pedophile into the dark forest.
Yori: In the sense?! to
Midnait: In the forest went (14 years), for berry juice. Uncle dressed in fashionable shoes and glasses, in the woods as if he had never walked at all, on every lawn he shrugged and saw the path poorly (vision). Then I started... I ran away.
I don’t know how he came back out of that forest 😉

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141449
Oh, when a beginner driver prays loudly, driving a car, rolling out of a parking lot or going out to the main car - it's okay! I, just getting the licenses, was the only person in the firm who could take the workers to the installation, well, all the drivers went whoever, so it went. I was driving and nervous. The guys were sitting dark and grim, and the most kind said that I shouldn’t worry, they wore diapers.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141448
Spring medical examination
The doctor says
This is this good.
Throw them off the rock.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141447
To this "And even a five-year-old child will collect it, there are all connectors completely different!"

You know, when I was working in a computer store, I saw this. And the operating system, on the contrary, inserted the processor into the wrong socket. When there is power and no knowledge, all connections are suitable.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №141446
XXX: There is such an opinion - to send all the senses to mine mine fields...
YYY: If there are enough, they will be demined.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141445
A fellow of my brother was shot while trying to use a weapon in defense against the robbery of his country home. He didn’t really want to break up with the car... For a new car he earned somewhere in two weeks. If he had no weapons, he would have survived.
YYY: And he’t have a car, much more.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141444
We are born to let the elves become dust.

Our Lord has ruled the world.

And Sauron gave us rings and wings,

Instead of the heart, I gave nothing.

Songs of Nashville

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna