— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140903
Of course it gives birth!

From the headlines in the CP: "Mizulina warned that porn generates infertility".

There is pornography – you can’t run for sweaters, you can’t run for sweaters – there are no children. Some very successfully practice this infertility.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140902
After his divorce, he rented the apartment. I met a girl who later became my next wife. This is the first time (in the sense of dreams). Everything is beautiful. The Sanuzel of the removable one does not imply a romantic joint adoption of the soul after and the continuation of the romance in it.

But it was supposed that she would stay overnight...I lie in bed, relaxed...I wait...

She is out. Friendly something says to me, clothes instantly "like a soldier while the lighthouse is burning", knocks me in the forehead and leaves the apartment. I lost the gift of speech. It was great two minutes ago. No, really, I was a little hindered, but all her charges were instantaneous...

I go to the combined bathroom, not fresh clothes at the same time I think to throw into the washing machine... And here comes the illumination: the washing machine is full of washed linen. The owner of the apartment called in the morning, told him that his laundry machine was covered at home and asked if he could bring a laundry to wash, then take it and dry it at home. I was not against. I was sure he had checked it all. And he, tactical infection... did not take, wanted to come to me... As it turned out half a day later.

And my friend, deciding to throw her underwear / towel in the laundry machine, saw in it washed linen / clothes for citizens of different sexes. And I decided that I was “not quite honest that she was the only one.”

They understood. Everything went well. But I probably't be happy with the men's truffles at the "single girl" at home.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140901
I go to work at 7 in the morning. The streets are deserted, everything is green, the sun is shining. Not a soul. Only a drunk boy argues with the crew of the DPS, standing behind the bushes, about the moral aspects of Judaism.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140900
Why "golden youth" does not chase on sports bikes?
They would rise themselves.
What wonderful news would it be...
"Today the next representative of the ZM smashed the brains on the Garden Ring"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140899
The Parental Forum.

The younger teaches lessons.
Mother, we were asked to explain. A man without a homeland is like a bird without a nest!
How do you understand yourself?
If a man has no nest, he is as bad as a bird. Eggs are nowhere to put.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140898
From love to hatred one step.
YYY: Ah... to the left.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140897
I stand on the light, a long red light burns, I scream, once again promising myself that I will go to bed as soon as I come home from work. On the left, the car approaches and stops on the same level as mine at a fairly close distance. I turn my head and see a six-year-old sitting in a child’s seat on the front passenger seat and looking at me with an unusually serious look.

After a couple of seconds, he slowly takes his children’s sunglasses and wears them without taking his gaze away from me. I, trying not to roast, also take my glasses and put on, looking closely into his eyes. The little boy begins to stumble.

Likewise, looking straight at the boy, I lower the glass and stretch out a small “Bounti.” Daddy drops his glass and he, slightly inclined, takes a candy. Then he turns around, takes an apple from his father and extends it to me. I silently take it and we almost synchronously raise the glass. I try hard not to get rid of it, nor even to smile.

It is green, and we move away: I am to the right, they are straight.
The mood raised for the whole day thanks to a little serious guy))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140896
The main rule in sex is not to postpone for tomorrow what you can do again tomorrow.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140895
I watched an interview on TV today. I learned that if the management company does not repair the elevator in our entrance, the state will fine it with 300-500 thousand. Given that the UK's income consists only of our payments - the question is - from what kind of scare the state, instead of forcing the company to do repairs, takes our money for this repair intended?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140894
By the way. When a member’s child is studying in London on a fee, he is still studying on a budget.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140893
In oncology, almost all doctors believe that cancer is deadly and incurable, so it can not be treated.
And they are very surprised when the patient knows more than him.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140892
Comments on the bicycle accident:
Reader: Some other man offered them to officially allow them to ride between the ranks, so that the population would also be reduced faster.
Just drove home with a beer on Lenin and a motorcyclist walked between us.
Sema: I understood correctly that the motorcyclist wandered between you and the beer? Between you and Lenin?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140891
Practice on physiology, the subject is the contraction of the palm muscles under the influence of current. They attached electrodes to the hand and beat the current. They stopped when the middle finger spontaneously (under the influence of the current, of course) reigned before the spectators. Replica of the teaching: "I think, everyone understands, we will not torture him anymore".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140890
See what a charm!
If you’ve broken your grandmother’s favorite porcelain boiler, don’t despair. Take a little low-fat cheese and mix it with silicate (paper) clay.
XHH: I just wonder, is it for porcelain, or right away for grandmother?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140889
The room contained cockroaches, which during sleep could enter through the nose and ears.
The stone could.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140888
About the game Outlast:

James_sun: I personally have this gameplay causing one annoyance. Like a worm, one of them cries out from everyone.

Outcaster: Looking at how to balance the game, who to oppose. In Outlast 1 you were rushed by a pumped psyche. There is clear that the hero will not do anything (although the trumpet could be taken!). But in the sequel of the hero can a powerless grandmother kill. This is a cape)

James_sun: I’m from the horrors, by the way, remembering Dead Space with warmth. This is what you say, journalist! He came to the psychiatrists! by Tifou. Well, in the first part the ordinary engineer got into the lobby of the Bloody Necromorphs and hung all such puzzles of the cosmic, that they even shuddered themselves. And even the scratch has spread them all to the root.

James Sun: That’s what I understand, the craving for life. :D

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140887
In 1994, Danish programmer Rasmus Lerdorf created a set of scripts in Perl/CGI for the output and recording of visitors to his online resume, which processes templates of HTML documents. Lerdorf named the set Personal Home Page...

Fuck the fuck!! A resume of us!!! to
I write, fucking, in the language for the resume!!! to

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №140886
A child of the century of technology.
When he goes out of the house, he thinks what shoes to wear. I ask my mom:
Look at the possibility of rain.
Someday, ask my dad.
Suitable for:
Look at the possibility of rain.
and 100%.
You have not opened a website.
Lisa, get out of it! Rain on the window, drums on the glass, what sites!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140885
I saw a lot of things in the Moscow metro. But the blind man running down the escalator with a stick overweight...

[ + 44 - ] [30 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140884
Self-defense - and why should I care about the life and health of a bastard, who does not care about my life and health or my relatives? That is, he wants, say, to cut off my daughter’s eyes and rape my son, and I should shake him?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna