— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138381
How did the 917 start?

September 4, 917 – King Leon Ordoño II triumphs over the Muslims at the Battle of San Esteban de Gormas. What could this mean?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138380
In Britain, thousands of homosexuals were posthumously pardoned
XXX: A good homosexual is a dead gay

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138379
Why not try to write literally? Write with mistakes, but try! Bl..., Yulia Agapova(s), how do your own eyes not fall out of this hernia? A sound letter, a mother, a whisper – from the author... You read some forum of 2004... Yes, Gogol with Dostoevsky, Iperst! Sincerely yours, not a figa gram-nazi.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138378
Today, a teacher of French, explaining the French vocabulary and that the word une cuisinière translates simultaneously as "cooking" and "cooking" (while in the male genre un cuisinier usually simply "cooking"), reluctantly reminded: "I remind you, men, that there was never a difference between women and things".

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138377
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stresses that any interference in the integrity of cultural heritage objects located on the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol will be regarded by the Ukrainian side as a violation by Russia of its duties as an occupying state. imposing on it international legal responsibility for such actions.” 

Do the "occupants" have responsibilities?! to

[ + 22 - ] [10 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138376
> And, by the way, there is a flag rolling. In the vacuum, ah

They simply approach the rest of the world with their measure of cretinism. Therefore, it seems to them that someone could have taken a fake and forgotten that there is a vacuum on the Moon, and they alone, so smart, noticed this flaw. Somebody could get so serious. Seriously Karl! And they are alone with their third-class school for mentally retarded such geniuses that they noticed it.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138375
The cat has disappeared and has not been seen since morning. They were alarmed when they searched all the cabinets, cabinets and corners, wanted to go looking for the escapist on the stairs (she splashed to the site, pressing her tail, but the curiosity was stronger than the cat), as she suddenly fell out of the newly searched closet, sleepy, stuck, as if she had slept there all winter. We were not allowed to go to Narnia.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138374
The game "Guess the programming language"

For example, you have a hundred.
Why do you work with them separately? Build a house in which all will be Vas and work with the house. 100 times less work. Need a specific vase? You knock into the house and ask for you from the 36th room.

This is not possible in another language. Vases won’t live in a house, but they can endlessly stand in line. And, if you are, for example, a maniac and Vasi you end up, you can increase the length of the line and a few more Vasi will resort to you.

You have no third language. You have a global Vasya you work with. And you can pump these underyou as much as you want and when you want. You can manipulate them whenever you want. You can clone. But without a global Waze you can do nothing at all. You won’t work without your boss.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138373
After a collision with local frostbite, fragments of his own smartphone fall into Tom's brain. After coming out of a coma, he realizes that a return to normal teenage life is impossible because he has superpowers.
Is he becoming an Android?
It has become an apple!
The Bite...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138372
Life is something incomprehensible. It is issued without prior notice and removed without good reason.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №138371
I was waiting for a road trip near a grocery store in the winter. Meat, night, late, I am alone, with bags, two stops to the house, but not able to go. Finally arrived. The door next to the driver opened, the guy jumped out, I - the bat, and in his place. The driver says, “Well, go from here, stupid eye-catching!”I opened my mouth out of such arrogance. He’s even harsher on me. I: “I will complain, you won’t wait, you rarely go, you are still sick. Here comes a guy, opens the door, pulls me out into the bedroom – and sits in my place! The car is leaving, I try to remember the number of offenders, and I see: “Russian Association of Incasters”, “Prom-Tara-ra Bank”. Two stops run with bags like at the Olympics.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №138370
Trump issued a decree banning citizens from certain countries from entering the United States.
The Indians: What could it be?? to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138369
Then I came up with an anecdote... I remembered an anecdote:
Buried a gentleman - a heart attack, caught a steam car in misery. It costs two:
“Sir John, but if Sir James did not go to the drum, but to the treble, we would not have given him four but six bribes.
Sir Robert, it was not so bad.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138368
Get away from conspiracy, in their system of worldview and level of erudition to the Moon can not fly at all - it is painted on the crystal dome of the skies silver paint. These are the same people who from genetically modified tomatoes themselves into tomatoes, and after eating kitschmish can not reproduce after infection with grape infertility.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138367
The teenagers who escaped from the house were found 1600 kilometers from the house.
HH: Why exactly Togliatti??? Why? →? to
Yyy: They thought Togliatti was Italy

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138366
Orphographic - Orphographic

I suspect that before our acquaintance she visited a circle of wetlands.

"Moist, me!" is the disgusting voice of a goat coming into the pit. And about nodules is macrame.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138365
vvv: We here game designers are seriously discussing the sex life of the kangaroo.
The BBB?
Vvv: Just now, when you go into the lobby, a kangaroo can either pair up or sleep. If you have forgotten to sleep before, then you can suddenly fall asleep in the process of mating.
vvv: Marketers across the department have said that a very plausible game is coming out.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138364
Kishmish eaten can not reproduce then can not, grape infertility infected

Throw, as it would be simple and convenient - eaten a cheesecake, and sterile. How many problems could be solved.
Again - eaten a pigeon (or strokose, depending on the wishes) - the wings of the industry, you fly.
He eaten the gout, biting all the enemies.
Vitas ate karas and grew frogs, for example.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138363
Brother, remembering the dying cat:
When we picked up the cat, it was a hammer.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138362
The conspiracy prosecutors (O) of the American landing on the moon are surprisingly infantile. With the supporters (C) of the landing there is this dialogue:

Q: Where do Americans have a lunar regionalit?
A: It is a fake!
Q: How can we fake stones for billions of years sprinkled by micrometeorites? In addition, the isotope composition of the rocks corresponds to the Earth's - an unexpected result, right?
A: It is a fake!
Q: So why is the isotope composition of the Soviet regionolite the same as that of the United States? Falsified too?
A: No, the Soviet stones are real.
C: Do you think that stupid Soviet engineers were unable to distinguish between a signal from the moon and a signal from Hollywood? Determining the source of the signal is not difficult.
A: Do not dare to cheat the great Soviet engineers and scientists.
C: I’m just claiming that the Soviet engineers took the broadcast from the moon and established that the Americans carried the broadcast from there.
A: And, by the way, there is a flag rolling. In the vacuum, ah
C: Look at the video. The flexible drag, not the wind, causes the flags to fluctuate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna