— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116092
What did the Soviet power of the USSR give people?
The right to eight-hour working day. For the first time in human history.
2nd Right to annual paid leave. For the first time in human history.
Three Impossibility of dismissal of an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.
4 is The right to free general and professional education, including higher education. for the first time in the world.
5 is The right to free use of preschool institutions: kindergartens, kindergartens, pioneering camps. for the first time in the world.
6 is The right to free medical care. for the first time in the world.
7 is The right to free sanatorium treatment. for the first time in the world.
8 is The right to free housing. For the first time in the world
In addition, women were entitled to a number of additional benefits:
The right to three years of maternity leave with maintenance of the workplace.
2nd The right to free patronage service for a child up to one year.
Three The right to a free milk kitchen for newborns up to three years.
4 is The right to free medical and sanatorium treatment for all childhood diseases.
Nothing like this has been and could not have been in any country in the world. What kind of social benefits in foreign countries began to appear only after the Second World War as a result of the powerful working-class movement caused by the existence on the planet of the Soviet state, the State of workers and peasants.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116091
The zoo will employ a female seller.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116090
kkk: *link to demo with the text "Marry the monster @ get his library"*
ppp is great :)
KKK: Yes to Vapche
The most famous library was
I generally envyed this grandmother, if honest: the coolest house, no people, no one gets fucked up.
And that the owner is terrible - so I didn't think she would have to fuck him :D
And now, if you think... with whom only they don’t fuck)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116089
Near the house there is a store where the staff apparently dreams of serving in the police: they play the good and bad seller.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116088
KLer@: I work in the basement, the guy behind the window I hear someone outraged "No, how well the car was put! Right to untold money, right to untold money!and "
The pigeons seem to be embarrassed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116087
XHH: We sit, that is, we look at the photos from the trip, we are crusty. The hostess is hot.
Valik looked sadly at the meat and said, he said, he should not apply, he has an allergy.
WOW: Well, it floats, he’s always like he doesn’t eat everything.
HHH: Well yes, all at once, and what it is, and how it is, and what it is for.
XX: And Valik said to them with the same expression of universal grief: "When I eat this, I have a swollen swallow." Pussy is so gentle.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116086
Men are full of surprises.)
In an inter-city bus, a guy sat down with me, like to get acquainted, and began to talk enthusiastically about makeup, the advantages and disadvantages of famous cosmetics brands and all that. I could not understand whether he was a perverse maniac, or an Oriflame distributor, and I could barely get rid of him. Then it turned out that we have a common acquaintance, who explained that this guy was counting for pickups and decided to talk to the girl on an interesting topic for her. The complete absence of my face of cosmetics for some reason did not alert him.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116085
Comments from HUB. Article on the more compact location of passengers in aircraft:

MaximChistov: And the processing with sinking gas with subsequent laying of staples? ^ ^ ^
DanNsk: It is convenient - even at the airport to pack all tightly mixed with luggage - then you don't need any windows or a stewardess. If the flight is delayed - all packed in the hotel, then back on the flight
SerDIDG: So that’s why we invented a non-rupting poppy.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116084
A minute and a half of battle in Mukachevo and the entire internet is overwhelmed by video.
A year and a half "the invasion of the Russian Federation" and there is no single photo...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116083
In our provincial town, the Chinushis suddenly decided that the city urgently needed a museum.

Therefore, they decided to occupy the building, which is also claimed by the art school.
(officials against children, noacho normal, Russia)
For several months, the correspondence of the warring parties on the Internet on local portals was conducted.

Recently in the local newspaper published a famous joke, which in the light of these events has acquired a different hue than originally:

In the spent "night in the museum", the city residents searched for the city museum all night

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116082
is it generally normal when the director of the meat processing plant calls the chief accountant "Jadin-beef"?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №116081
Passive to the idea.
P.S : Always in the wire was a request to the system to contact the system administrator when you are the administrator and the nifiga do not blow in :-)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №116080
I went to the movie at "Mini". Their depression there started with the absence of a boss and they show how sluggish they are playing football. One pins the ball, the ball slowly plunges into the gate grid and only after that the goalkeeper depicts a lazy jump and falls on the side. And a thirsty voice in the room: “No, Akinfeeeyeev!”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116079
from ZJ langobard: 1970-1980s. There is no internet. There are three TV channels, in most regions - two. Purely entertaining content – no more than a third of the time. After midnight (or at night) on the TV nothing - "don't forget to turn off the TV" and the lukewarm monotonous sound.
And adults wrote alarming articles about the fact that children watch a lot of television, about the television addiction of young people, offered recipes to get rid of youth from "telemania" (there was such a word).
I always remember this when I face another discourse of some terrible threats.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116078
The Magnitogorsk. A quote from a local news site about the fashion festival: "Total 30 designers from Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Sibay, Miass, Yekaterinburg, London and the village of Agapovka will present 32 collections."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116077
I like to teach so much.
Oh yeah, that is power!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116076
13 July 2015
We have such a summer that I have already started thinking about what to buy in the autumn.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116075
My husband was confident that I was talking, reporting that he had recovered strongly and quickly. And then we went to visit our parents, where they were not a couple of months, and the neighbor who met in the entrance of the apartment on the opposite said something like, Masha every time comes with a new one! The neighbor is a stupid old, of course, but the husband has not eaten for the night for two weeks, and yesterday bought a gym subscription.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116074
On July 14, humans will reach Pluto for the first time, well, and we are shutting off hot water.


[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116073
Axz: there is one fun on
Sometimes when the code is launched, the site slides and runs someone else’s program.
I was suddenly asked to enter my gender, weight and height. I entered and received a message in response: "the candidate was rejected"
It is offensive fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna