— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114952
I will answer:

And how many times did you have a headache just before the period, you can ask (before the appearance of children at least)?
IMHO, a very sensible move.
It is....
The head hurts, sometimes, but this is not a reason to give up sex. as well as a mild cold, pregnancy, aural at work. By the way, the relationship with the grandmother he twisted, at the very beginning of the relationship, when there was a lot of sex, and sex was good. In the evening and in the weekend with me, in the day with her. I am not joking. about sweaters and cars is funny in general, in general, many people measure hoodies and possibilities, plus I also work, so that on some momentary hoodie, such as a new dress or shoe, somehow from a salary urvu, or from a shabaška. although with the appearance of children all the hoodies are reduced to "oy, Anetke would have to buy a dress in the kindergarten for the morning"or "you know, in Ashan discount on diapers in mega packaging". I recovered after the second birth, yes, I am feeding so far, so the weight does not go away.
In general, it was still necessary to behave like a fox - to bite, to demand money, to refuse sex, to smite the children to the grandmother, to breathe a mess at home, and to bite in the shops and cafes. It would not be offensive.

[ + 30 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114951
One of my ex lived in a monstrous, indescribable mess. I was especially shocked by two things - a flat layer of drowned dog wool and dust instead of a carpet on the floor and the way you want to eat - choose the least dirty plate in the dishwasher. I thought for a long time how he would not be ashamed of inviting me, a woman, to visit in such conditions. Then I noticed that he probably expected the awakening of my primordial female instinct, forcing everything to shake and wash. The breakdown came out. The education proved to be stronger: I was taught that as a guest in the house, you have no right to point out to the owner the shortcomings, even if he eats from a canned bowl and smokes on the floor. Silence and smile.
I recovered very much then. We mostly ordered pizza (on my request) - it can be eaten without equipment.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №114950
I go out of the store by the lawn on which a cat sleeps. She turned around and slept. I am rushed by my mom with a wheelchair and a 5-year-old boy with her.
Mama, look at what a puppy!
M – Do not touch. Suddenly Kitty is sick.
P is Mom! She is not sick. She is already dead! Dead is Mom! Can I touch her now?
After this shout, the "dead" kiss opened her eyes, resounded and slipped into the basement.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №114949
Would you be surprised to learn that black is the absence of color, and white is all colors? If not, then keep talking about chromosomes, you do so well)))
— — — —

I tell you:
(a) The same word may have completely different meanings in different branches of science. The word "hyperbole"

The same phenomenon can be viewed and explained differently from the point of view of different sciences.

For example, any neurophysiologist will tell you that "no" (no) any color, including black, is just a sensation that forms the human brain, decoding signals coming through the nerve pathways from the receptors of the retina. These feelings are individual.

The physicist will tell you about the wavelength for each color, this is only a problem - purple does not have its own wavelength (in fact, he is not alone, but it is not about it now).

The designer of the monitors and the eight-class student, who read the textbook on physics, will voice a point of view close to the above - black - the absence of color, white - all the colors together.

But the artist will say exactly the opposite: black color can be obtained by mixing red and green colors (possibly even blue). And printers in the absence of black ink mix purple, blue and yellow. Getting white by mixing different colors is impossible.

To increase the level of general erudition googlem words "chromosomes" and "pigment".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №114948
"He exceeded his powers" or, speaking in diplomatic language - " finally o@well".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №114947
Wife: What could be broken so that weight does not gain?
I: The Bread
Wife: It’s carbohydrates... no?
I: Almost all foods are carbohydrates
Wife: Oh, even if you eat paper (
I: Better cardboard - it is meat.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114946
Messiah: Red and green are different colors.
A crowd of Daltonists: "What is your proof?and "

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №114945
A man suffered blackmail and extortion for 5 years and suddenly...
Why are you chasing it? Bullying and extortion can last for an hour. Say goodbye and leave. All these unfortunate men.
I get to know the man, it's, conversations...What a wife he has, DU_URA, and her girlfriends are all overwhelmingly, one tread about tape, rhinestones, fashions, screws...I have no strength to listen!He was tired and morally exhausted, he went to the grandmothers to look for rest.
I open my eyes: What, wife, sheep, sheep?
Oh yeah, shee...
-Well, this is the most interesting thing, work and hobby in one person... Not about carburetors to talk to them or yachts... don't listen to bab conversations!
Oh my god, how he looked at me! This guy, too, is a fool.
Conclusion: you won't wait for a fair assessment, as well as the nuts and mercantile sucs... it's you, men, it's crazy! And even if the grandmother is capricious, then her caprices end in a year together with the masculine passion... No passion - no caprices.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №114944
Summary of vacancy copywriter:

I am young and happy in my soul. I love young ladies, fast riding and beer "Baltic honey". I have a great bike, if you understand what I am talking about.
(Buy "Baltic honey" cheap in Minsk today is difficult, but I love every other beer. "Baltic honey" here just as an example).
And it is very good that from my home (Srebryanka) to your office (r. st. M. Academy of Sciences) only 40 minutes by bicycle, even if you drink three bottles of "Baltic honey"!
I would like to know:
1) what are the maximum discounts on goods and services;
2) what are the limits of the salary and how much can you buy "Baltic honey";
3) whether the young ladies working in this group are beautiful enough;
and 4) whether the corporate car park is protected.
I am not sure that I understand the meaning of the words "resume" and "portfolio", so I turn away without sending out and I continue to drink my favorite beer - "Baltic honey"!

by Post Scriptum. I was already going to send this text to your address when I realized that it was not a seller. I sell two bicycles.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114943
and XXX:
In the title:
by 71,5%
In the text:
by 71,5
Whom to Believe?
yyy: 71.5 cents from the dollar (100 cents), we think.
xxx, thank you I understand. I am about the discrepancy of the title and the text in the article itself.
zzz: 71.5/100 *100% = 71.5%
XXX: What is it?
nnn: mathematics

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №114942
I know it’s impossible, but I’d love J. Martin in his "Games" added to the population of Westeros the "Russian football team". and to cut them there in cabbage for a couple of series.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114941
Insurance for the car.
XX: What is your driving experience?
YYY: Seven...
XXX is 7 years? You are only 22 years old.
YYY: 7 days

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114940
I sell magic headphones, cheap. Suitable for people who suffer from loneliness. They have a magical property: it is worth to wear them at work and turn on the music, in a maximum of 2 minutes someone will come to you and ask something.

[ + 32 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114939
There are a few receipts:

Can you tell me how to distinguish a fool from a fool? In the beginning, the princes...
– – – –
1st If the restaurant turns, the staff is treated with snobism and claims - a fool, no matter how many songs will be in your ears.
2nd He tells how someone was fucking (the boss, the seller, the customer) - a fool, struck him in the blood.
Three His boss is a shit, and his relatives are a shit, and all the former are a shit, and his friends are a shit.
4 is He lies about small things, he lies about big things.
5 is Meet only on his terms and only at his convenient time - something is darkening, definitely.
6 is He is not interested in your affairs, but his problems are the first matter.
7 is Teach you to live, correct you, criticize you. We need to.
8 is He has an unrecognized genius.
9 is He cannot deny himself excesses even in small things, even if his desires cause inconvenience to others. He makes friends.
10 is Mussolite child offenses.

P.S This list also applies to women.
P. P. SThe list is incomplete - add who knows!

[ + 32 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114938
Here is a clear example. The man will be the sex when he gets dirty, not because he hasn’t been washed for three days.

– – – – –

Fuck, I am a man, right? The maximum I can do as a woman is to wash the floor because it wasn’t washed...well, 3 months, maybe...

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114937
My first school teacher, Lyudmila Ilyinichna, was 70.
Several fathers and mothers of our class came to the parental meetings with trembling, because they had studied with her once. She once said with a breath: "You teach them, you teach them, and every twenty years a copy of the ear comes back, and again like from a clean board."

It seems funny, but somewhat figured with mathematics this Ludmila Illinois


What is not so? A 7-year-old boy comes into the first class. After 20 years, this child is 27 years old - and he may already have his 7-year-old child, who goes back to first class.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114936
I'm glad you didn't get caught up in Game of Thrones. You can quietly read all the spoilers and not pour out the streams of shit. You can read the streams of shit, and rejoice that I am not spilling out the streams of shit.
The conclusion - it is better to engage in something less popular!
Good for everyone and cats.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №114935
I had a friend who wrote the word "probably" as "but true".
But I just saw an even bigger masterpiece: "need to be".
What do you want, old man?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №114934
I understand so, I have one with my wife all right: I love and know how to cook deliciously, but I hate to clean up - she does not know how to cook, but loves to put in order. I hate to paste wallpapers, but I have 6 years of experience in electrical assembly, and can solve any problem related to wires. And she will easily be able to help with gluing the tiles and assembling the closet. At the same time, by education, we are both chemists.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №114933
Comrade, not all is so bad in this life. Yesterday there were a lot of problems, there was no money, no time to work, I went to all the hospitals, and I also quarreled with my mother. Such a grim green. While waiting for the line near the hospital, he found a piece of wire, twisted the ring and made a favourite offer. She agreed. Today, nothing is scary, all problems are resolved, the world is beautiful. Now I have a family!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna