— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №114892
The Swedes will take off their trousers and score more goals than ours even if their hands are allowed to play.

[ + 21 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114891
Very literate :

A minute of literacy.
Comrades who write "go in negligence",
Please pay attention. "More and less"
This is the same as "Naghisom". You or
Write then "go in the naked", or - what
Incomparably better - use the right option "go less carefully". Well, or "naughty".
You should look at the dictionary first.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №114890
On the subject, the grandmother must cook, clean, etc. It was so accepted.
I am a man.
When I hear from someone:
1st I didn’t eat them because my grandmother didn’t prepare anything.
2nd I live in dirt because my grandmother didn’t clean.
Three I have an empty refrigerator because my grandmother didn’t go to the store.
In the place of this man, I immediately see a 5-year-old girl in a circular dress calling her mom.
It’s just infantile cattle that my mother served all her childhood, and now she wants her wife to serve him. What is it to fuck a man who can’t cook to eat normally? What is this man who has a mess at home, and who is hiding and justified by the grandmother? What fucking thing is it for a man who falls apart from bringing two bags out of the store? What a fuck for a man to whom it is offensive! Washing the dishes? Fuck you think! He is insulted that he will wash his dishes!Surely, he is also insulted by cockroaches, lighthouse pillars, children from kindergartens. I’m just hz, as a healthy man, can insult the washing of dishes! This is my mother’s son, maybe. A man is made responsible and courageous, not whether he is washing dishes or not. And a normal man will never fool the blame and cover up by the grandmother.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114889
Someday I will go through myself. At my age, I can’t wait for mercy. I sometimes look from the balcony and in the head "step and all..." and then I think about children (
Do not despair like that. Stop this goat at all. Take care of the children and yourself. and well. May you have good luck, meet a decent person, get a good earning. Spend your energy on children, but never break away from them. It can still succeed. There is justice in the world and it will happen.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №114888
We bought a camera a few years ago.
xxx: and after a while his wife started complaining that sometimes the camera disappears the image on the screen
xxx: after careful inspection, it was not possible to reproduce glucose
xxx: and yet she complained that the screen regularly shows nothing
After a couple of months, I was able to find out that glucose is only in the bright sun.
XX: I still have no glucose reproduction
xxx: so, she usually shot on the camera in polarization sunglasses and when she turned the camera 90 degrees - the picture naturally disappeared.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №114887
Chapter of 17524:
In pharmacies are sold empty gelatin capsules. Tell me more, or guess yourself? and :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №114886
I need to warm up somewhere!
The lamp can be read inside.
GraywinD: but only if the refrigerator is closed - the lamp does not burn.
Andy: How do we know it is closed.)
GraywinD: Fuck, Schrödinger’s refrigerator

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №114885
Letter from a colleague to his wife:
You have 500 friends online. The wedding is 100. On your birthday – 10... And when you have a problem – only 1... And most likely it will be – WOMAN!
Q: Will we still be friends?
Tagged with: facepalm

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №114884
The born can’t fly, but can eat the born to fly.

Joseph of Egypt

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №114883
The death of a hamster is always a tragedy.
Especially for children 9 and 12 years old. The century is lacking. In general, the animal died, and the parents did not have time to replace it with a new one. Well, you know how it happens: one hamster in Valhalla, the other from the zoo in a cage. The daughter cries, the son cries, but only because the dad said, “Men don’t cry.” Children at this age generally experience the death of pets for a long time, and Masya, in addition, was in their charge: clean the cage, change the pile, feed, all the affairs. And that mourning continues all day long. Finally, he says, “Stop crying, we’ll bury him like a Viking.” This children somehow immediately interested, because the funeral of the Vikings they saw in the cartoon:

In general, the dad, scratching his teeth, removes from the shelf the drackcar collected at the time 1:72 (real, wooden!) is :

Soon after smashing the bottom with nitrolac to dry quickly, he checks the body in the bath for waterproofness and stability, loads a ballast from lead loads and rubs out of the bank the collected ten-penny coins, which he was going to glue the box. The daughter sacrifices some of her chains with plastic hearts, the son wants to put the "Opinel", which the dad gave him on his birthday, but the dad says that under the "Opinel" the ship will sink. The next morning, good, Saturday, the hamster is removed from the refrigerator, carefully wrapped in a pre-cut kiras from the gesture (with weighers so that it does not pop up!And the whole company goes on a car to a career.

Her mother says she doesn’t want to participate in it, but she’s convinced and she makes sandwiches. The weather, thank God, is quiet, the wind is quite weak - just to pull a thin sailing, but not to overturn the boat. The ship is descended to the water, hamsters in armor are placed on coins and chains (caught in advance on the super glue). Papa carefully puts all kinds of combustible substances, slightly sprayes gasoline, and, burning the drakkar, pushes him off the shore. Captured by a light wind, the ship sails eight to nine meters away, then the sailing blows out, the macht, finally, the model turns into a continuous flame. Magnetic is appropriate.

Another five seconds later, somewhere, finally burned to the holes, or maybe the wave blasted, but the drakkar stumbled, pulled water and went to the bottom. And how much he needed there - a boat per centimeter from the water.

Slightly depressed by the greatness of the moment, the family eats sandwiches when a police car approaches them. The police officers, it is necessary to pay tribute to them, are polently interested: what is actually happening here. They, it turns out, saw something burning on the water from the road, and went to see. Boring, the city is not a country, a Saturday morning... Hearing from the children that they buried a hammer according to the custom of the Vikings, the mints silently removed the foursquare, then the eldest pulled out the pistol, raised up the trunk and said: "Dust! The torture! The rage!” The younger liked it, the son was a little disappointed, he apparently hoped he would be shot really.

The police said they had seen everything, but they could not even imagine it. Dad takes pictures of them from the phone, and the police leave.
Back the family goes in severe silence, finally, the dad says that he will buy the kids a dog, because well, his nafig, on hamsters he models will not get stuck.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №114882
You are so beautiful!
You just want to fuck with me.
And smart too!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №114881
In the movies, when there is a pursuit or what urgency people do, they usually jump into the first car and leave sharply on it. And when the owner is nearby, he always screams, “This is my car!” Is that what he expects? What guys will come back and say "Sorry, we accidentally confused"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114880
I have a thunderstorm, and in the thunderstorm I have a sleeping syndrome, but I had to give up in the thunderstorm.
So I slept on the defense of the HD
yyy: "Today I... chr... I want you... chr... to present my work..." - right?
XX: It seems, by the way, I just spoke slowly and fascinatingly sleepily.
ZZZ: Did it help?
XXX: Half of the commission fell asleep
yyy: The ideal method of giving that x)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114879
Instructions to read the last case! The case of the weekend! In the bathroom hangs a fluorescent lamp, burned, went to buy a new one! In the store a friend, says take a LED, saving + shines brighter and there are no such problems (by the word, the luminous changed once a year stably). Well, of course, I buy a LED (1.2m costs 650r), came home, I used the old, I crushed the LED, click, beauty, it burns exactly 20s, then it burned and died... I call the store, what do you do?... And now attention, the culmination... The seller asks, and you read the instructions??? Am I sick of anything, instructions to the lamp to read?
I open the instructions, the Russian in white is written: "Take out all the pins and ballasts, leave 2 wires on the lamp directly", all, the curtain...
I went for another one, threw everything out of the lamp, this is the beauty...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114878
XX: What is done now all the days to do?
Tagged: lying
Towards the dream, of course.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114877
We have fun. The tester writes two bugs at an interval somewhere a week to one developer:
1st Error in the AAA form
2nd Change the form AAA to BVV

The developer rules first "2", and after a few days returns "1" for the reason - is not reproduced, because There is no such form.


[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114876
Today I saw a piece of white cat in the neighbor’s house. A shit without a door. Something will shake.
The Holy Pepper! The Poor Cat (
XXX is cat?
XX: What am I writing? He is a half-picked catch! The car! :D
xx to th.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114875
from youth)

We wrote the "studio" and the dictionary on "hi-hi" broke through, and on the same phrase! I doubled 20 if not more shot, the air is burning, we are late, and finally she jumped through this damn place, we all breathed, we work normally further, and suddenly the door opens (despite the ad "do not enter, the shooting is going"), the old lady's head and a bad voice whispers:"And here are the hot punches!!! For whom the punches!and "

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №114874
to this:
We go out at night with a guy of guests on foot, empty streets, romance, kisses, all that. We see - near the passage on the boulevard, a man walks there and there, apparently, waiting for someone. He is a young man, forty or fifty years old, in a suit, a shirt, a tie. We pass by - he runs, covers us with a wave of garlic and to the guy, hopefully so, he says: "Young man, you, by chance, do not want to fight?" - "No, I don't want O_o" - "Sorry, very sorry". He turns, breathes, goes back.
What was it?
— — —
This is the homework of the fighting club.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114873
I smoke and wait for the bus. Throwing out the bull, he noticed the prefix used in the urn, a pregnancy test and a bowl of baby food. Buses rarely go here.

Once in a generation?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna