— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154635
I remember 2007-2008. In the days of relative youth, we rested with the company in the club. Well, my friend had a rams with a guy on the dance field who hit someone with his elbow. Word for word, let’s go out, let’s do it. This left-handed guy gets a xiva fsbshnik, although you can't see more than 24 years. My friend sharply grabs her out of his hand and breaks her in half. So more than 10 years have passed, and the face of the guy, who almost cried because of this, is still in memory. There was no fight at the end, he collected the pieces and left.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154634
Sometimes people express their feelings in an obscene way. So his feelings are so great that they do not fit into the censorship form.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154633
Do good and throw it into the water.

History was brief. Found the phone on the Pavelecki smartphone, inside contacts associated with the police, photos in the form apparently the employee lost. I found the contact wife and I call there, I say so and so I found the phone come take it, and they on me with a type of ride I pulled out, the thief, I will be arrested if I do not bring to the address. I told them to go to the X%th class with 11 classes behind their shoulders, look for him now, I tried to help you and you hit. He threw a river into Moscow.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154632
In the morning, wash with warm water in the basement. But then all day - briefings, digital, business integration in the technology of the 21st century.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154631
The typical parent: “And if everyone jumps from the roof, will you also jump?”

Machine learning algorithm: yes

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154630
I was on a bus from work. The bus was very small. between the usual and the routine. I was sitting at the window in the back of the room. And at the next stop comes an enormous size aunt with a son aged 9-10, but not much inferior to her in weight. They go to my side. Well I thought that on the back row of seats (these are those from the wall to the wall in a row at the end of the cabin). But I did not guess. The woman demanded that I give up my seat because the child wants to sit at the window and in general behind all kinds of exhaust gases (in the cabin) and this is harmful to health. She will sit down so that the child is protected. No problem, I moved to the back. Per someone will say that they should have been sent, but I am not a fan of arranging a scandal in an empty place.

It turned out they had to get out through three stops. And here began the circus. The woman was able to get up. Sitting in one half pocket. His son was stuck between the ranks. I recall, the bus is small, the distance between the rows of seats is poor, and even the seats have somewhat unusual shape.

The roar and cries of this grandmother (scuck, naturally hysterical), the driver's mat and the boy's cry and panic. And this aunt first tried to just pull him out, which naturally did not work out. He did not want to let anyone come and asked for rescue.

Since I did not want to sit and wait in the bus to resolve the situation, and it was not possible to go past this rock, somehow persuaded her, allow me to help her child. Carefully helped him get out (the first physical education and how the average citizen was constructed, I still remember).

The aunt grabbed the boy’s hand and retreated from the car. I was glad I got home on time.

P.S I never understood parents who feed their children to this extent. This is not enough that health problems will be, as well as a lot of complexes (not all of us on body positive). If you don’t care about your health, why should you feed your child?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154629
I had an X285cm number on the previous car. The colleagues had been choking for a long time, exactly until one of them was given the number x107mm.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154628
happened in the days

Next to the house there is a small collective market - cream, milk, eggs, vegetables.

I buy eggs and they are already packed. I ask, what if it is broken? The seller answers - you bring, I change (often I take from her).

I came home, one broken. I took it, went, changed it. I go home without a bag, carrying an egg in my hand. And here I meet three classmates - fun, pick up, vegetables, meat, beer and other supplies clearly for rest. We haven’t seen each other for many years, with one since the release, it’s been 15 years. And I still got away from everyone - the phone number changed, no one knows... They write down my number, promise to add me to the shared chat in Weiber.

It turns out, some kind of hustle is being planned, there will still be half of the group members, they call me with them, and I, as usual, in the night to go to work on a business trip to drive, carry equipment and can not be transferred. Therefore, I refuse to meet with classmates, but I still have no time to say the reason as one of my friends asks:

What do you do with eggs on the street?

And here it took me:

- A new chip, - I say, - training of attention and concentration, you need to carry the egg in your hand for three weeks, not releasing, guard it, sleep with it. So I can't go with you, I'll break up drunk. I can’t, I can’t wash my eggs today.

There is a grave silence.

“Well, okay,” I said, “hello everyone, good evening, I went home to bathe the eggs.

Why have I never been added to the chat?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154627
My first day at school was like this:

First day at school.

I went to the ambulance with my mother.

brought to class.

Second day at school.

Remember the road to school?

I remember it!(But I remembered approximately, and I never said “no”)

I don’t have time, go out alone.

I am OK.

The school found. The office as well (as I thought). I studied for two weeks in second grade.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154626
I often read on Picaba stories about the greed and "adequacy" of individual personalities, but usually in my life I rarely encounter such, but today has become an exception.

I went to the nearest shopping center to buy rolls in a local store. There at 21 starts the sale of the remains of what they have prepared during the day. From 21.00 to 21.45 discount 20%, from 21.45 to 22.00 discount 50%. People thirsty for the maximum discount, start to get in line much in advance and wait for 20-30 minutes.

I approach the seller, about 21.30 and take the last 6 pieces of Philadelphia, some last with acne, in general I pick up a large box for my whole family. And then the aunt from the row indignantly and reproachfully says to me, "Wow, could not get in the row? You see, people are standing. I would stand and wait with everyone.” Apparently the aunt in her head has already planned what she is going to take now and how delicious she will eat, and there is a breakdown. I answered, of course, that nobody hindered her from buying rolls as she came and not standing in a row, but for her I remained a bastard who doesn’t think about others at all)))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154625
This story was told to me by a former police officer in 1996 during a joint trip to a wine and vodka factory. At that time he worked with me in a law firm as a lawyer in economic affairs. He was 60 at the time, so I think this story won’t hurt him anymore.

My uncle was very interesting. Impulsive, after the word in the pocket does not climb, such an electromagnetic. He resigned from the police, not serving until retirement for several years, and for what reason - did not speak.

There was nothing to do in the evening on a business trip and so he told me all sorts of stories from his rich police life. I tell the story as I have heard and remembered. I think that in the terminology of the police and legal I’m wrong somewhere, but don’t be disappointed, I’m not a specialist in this.

A story from the first person.

I worked at the end of the 1970s in a large village near the district center. And I had a local debosher and a drunkard. He did not give life to his wife or neighbors. I planted it several times for 15 days, and in the area he was several times in all slight affairs, such as "going into the cellar, drinking a port wine and sleeping there." And it would be okay for one to behave like that, so no, there were constantly gathered around him all kinds of blurred personalities and local crap.

My wife was drunk often. I’ll take him to the department, get stuck in the corner, I’ll start writing, and his wife comes with a finger, persuades me to forgive him and let go. And so week by week.

Indicators he regularly spoiled me, then hit, then something is broken, then a complaint on me will write. In short, one hemorrhoid was with him.

Once again he got drunk and beat his wife very hard. I was in the district center for my business that day and came to the village already in the evening. From the locals learned the story that his wife he beat heavily, neighbors barely reassured him. The woman was taken to a rural medical centre. I come to the medical center - and her ambulance has already taken her to the district center. He broke her eye and broke her hand.

Well, I think you are such a fucker, now you will not hide behind my heart-sick wife, you will definitely get into the zone. And all of this nervous went to him at home.

I approach the house, and his house goes out through the windows to the street, there is no palace and when you approach, you can see, if the curtains are not shut, what is happening at home. I see - and this fool stands on the board, neck in the loop and looks where I am. See, I realized that now he did not turn away from the zone and decided to commit a suicide attempt to foolishly cut off (and then suicides were always sent for treatment in psychiatric hospitals).

He saw that I was already under the windows, and drowned the table. I first rushed to the door, but then the thought came to my head, sat down on the shop, smoked papyrus. I sat down and smoked in a hurry. He entered the house, examined the body, called the officer, committed suicide.

I fell then from the boss a little for suicide on the site, but the problems became less.

His wife's hand strained, and the eye, as it turned out, did not beat her husband, but only hurt her heavily. The vision was restored later.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №154624
Sometimes at an interview, on the vacancy of a salesman, I talk to the commercial director (CD), she asks questions all different and all that.

KD says so briefly – “tenders?”

I say yes.

CD – what is it?

What is Tender?

She was slightly dependent. He then said that the questions should be formulated more accurately.

I was not taken there. It is strange.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154623
Xxx: never understood the point of buying very expensive when there is the same but times cheaper. If I had a lot of money, I’t spend it on expensive things anyway. After all, the money can be spent on something really fascinating and fascinating - let's say to sift yourself a vagina and then back a penis, hire yourself super bodyguards and then order yourself from top killers, pay all former classmates and schoolchildren to pretend that they were all 10 years old and taught a lesson like 20 years ago, and you are sitting the smartest and you can send everyone to the cockroaches...

Yyy: And spit them all vagines!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №154622
Of course, talk is a find for a spy. But you can’t even imagine the value of a spy for talk!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154621
Guarding the city. The day is summer, doctors on vacation, patients with pain go with an endless flow.
Suddenly, the administrator of the clinic rushes into the office and, looking at me with huge horror eyes, reports that there is a man sitting down there, just three days ago released from the prison, where he spent eight years for murder. And now he has a tooth pain, he is aggressive, we will all die and what to do?! to
The assistants start a slight tremors, so I have to go for the killer to the reception. There, among women, children and the elderly, he sits, barely fit into a chair, with a thick-headed beard grumbling, one-on-one like me, only twenty centimeters higher, heavier and all in tattoos.
I kindly invite him to the office. I ask what I can help.

“You know, doc,” replies the giant, “I haven’t been to doctors in the last few years. My tooth is sick, I can’t stand it. I actually, shamefully adds the buggy, chew you as I fear, so you, doc, please be more careful.

I am so careful. I don’t want him to stay here for another eight years.

In short, I healed a scary tooth, he left pleased, wanted to become a constant patient, but I politely lied that we were overcrowded and new patients are not taken yet.
He breathed out with relief, and the assistant is already leading the next patient. A small glass like that, weighing from my cat. The man is dissatisfied that he had to wait a long time, looks badly under his glasses, well, we are all off, after the killer, no one is afraid of us. Strictly explain to him that there is a live turn, and whoever does not want to wait can go to the pharmacy for paracetamol. I see, angry, even a pair of ears coming out. I was just going to look him in the mouth, as the administrator again enters the office with the question:

"Doctor, the previous patient to whom you treated pulpitis, well, the lawyer, asks, can we still write it as an exception?

What other lawyer? I am not lulling.

And the glasses don’t stand:

Will you cure me? I was more respected in prison than in your barracks.

What a deceitful appearance.

Dmitry Shahin

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154620
A sign of adulthood is when in "The Three Musketeers" you begin to get sick for Richelieu - a statesman who was nervous with four alcoholics, three prostitutes and a degenerate in the crown.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154619
There lived in our yard a Russian family, a father, a mother and their son Petya, people just incredible size, they were not fat, they were large. To understand, when Petya studied in the 7th grade (about 14 years old), his shoes were sewn on order – 47th size.

It is not about Peter. The incident happened to his father, somewhere in the mid-1970s. I, then chagall, I walk on the street, Petin Daddy comes to meet me, he is well-picked, he is choked, and Ments UAZik is on the road. Not to notice my neighbor they could not, so, slowing down, went out to pick up not a sober citizen. Since it is Asia and the majority of the population are Uzbek, they are also in menta.

They fly to the neighbor and the citizen pass. The neighbor, apparently not the first time, just lay on the sidewalk and lay down. His coins were kicked by his hands – they could not move, they dropped him and left with nothing. Pete’s father stood up and went home.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154618
My singing teacher told me.

In his youth, he sang in the cocktail of friends, the people who drank ordered songs and paid money, everything was not in charge.

On Saturday evening, a sad man comes in and goes straight to my teacher.

“What kind of woman” do you know?

of course.

How many hours?

The hour? I have not been paid for the clock yet.

Okay, that’s $500, can you sing for three hours? My wife left me...

Okay, I can do it.

And he sang. The man drank.

Three hours of the same song. Since then, she says, I will never be able to sing her again.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154617
Why not remove 0 from mathematics? Does he need it at all?

YYY: So how do you measure your influence on the world of science?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154616
in the market today. The girl with the microphone and the video operator accompanying her approached me and the girl asked the question:

- Which of the sausages of our Usol meat combination have you remembered especially for a long time?

He honestly replied:

and delayed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna