— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154555
There was such a subject - "Ecology", which is not needed for our specialty. As a result, few people visited him. The groupman walked all the pairs, did not come to the bill (why I don't remember), and somewhere a couple of weeks later went to negotiate to the department about the transfer. And in his trouble there was only this lead, leading our ecology. Then there was such a conversation:

A: Good morning, and the Prepodovich is possible?

Q: Why is he for you?

A: Yes, about the transfer to agree.

Q: What about ecology? Why did they not give up immediately?

A: It couldn’t be on account.

Q: Did you attend lectures and practices?

A: Yes, it was almost everybody.

Q: Well, you know, he flew to the U.S. not before the autumn.

The man was upset and left. The fact that he talked to the desirable predecessor learned only in a week)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154554
It is not terrible when the minority controls the majority. If this minority is genius and smart.

It is terrible when a foolish flock of bulls begins to teach their concepts to a tiny bunch of intelligent people.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154553
I have a funny story about how we twice became ugly, ugly relatives. My grandmother had five sisters and a brother. All of them, due to the circumstances of life, travelled throughout the country, then the USSR. I went to my grandmother to rest. She had a private home in Sevastopol. My grandmother is an incredibly good-soul man, giving himself all his life to everyone but himself. She welcomed guests in any number, feeding, drinking and washing them all. I remember my childhood and courtyard, full of aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and other relatives in the number of at least 15-20 people per summer. The guests did the same thing as all the vacationers - ate, slept and went to the sea. Grandma at this time went to work, then came, cooked food for everyone, cleaned and washed. No one offered special help, yes, except for the little things.
One day, when she saw her sister rolling on the bed, she asked her to help her in the kitchen. My sister replied, I did not come here to work, but to rest. And then the grandmother broke - she spoke about their behavior and literally in an hour expelled them all and never attracted anyone else, although at first many were still trying to get to a hideous rest. Then the grandmother through her tenth hand heard that all her relatives cursed her, saying that she was a villain, since she did so to them. Grandma, by the way, for a long time (and probably still until now) very much experienced this moment (she recently told me that secretly, in the hope of establishing a connection, she wrote letters to the sisters, but no one ever replied).

And here, since the moment of that conflict, it has been 15 years, my grandmother's house, on her wish, I sold, bought her an apartment and we began to live and live, leaving the new owners of the house grandmother's phone for the case. One day my grandmother calls me and tells me that the new owners have called and complained that a bunch of our relatives have come and are sitting with them near the house in their suitcases, demanding to find us and refusing to leave. The grandmother had all these memories, plus she, again by her kindness, did not want to cause inconvenience to the new master. In general, I was sent to our old house for dismantling.

I come and really - near the house on the suitcases are seated 7 completely unfamiliar people, of them 4 children. I imagine them, I ask what happened and immediately the adults jump up, fly to me and start, interrupting each other, screaming:

We came here and you even sold the house! How could you??? Why have we not been informed??? We sent you letters (later I learned from the owners - there were no letters), and you were all the same fools, not even a new address left, we had to sit here in the heat with the children for 3 hours while waiting for you. Laden your suitcases and go.

Wait for me, gentlemen. First of all, who are you? And why do you treat completely unfamiliar people, threatening them with the siege of the home? Where do I have to take you somewhere?

“I,” cried the man out of the crowd, “by the way, your uncle. And this is my wife, and this is her friend, and this is our children, your, by the way, native blood. I went where you live there, really I don’t want to go into the apartment, I hope you bought another house...

“Well, my native blood, I can tell you how to call a taxi and go to a hotel. And I advise the owners to call the police if you do not leave their territory. All good...

Further, there were many screams, I will drop them, because their essence was that they were going to us intentionally and no other hotels (so-called - other hotels) they did not look for.

Well in the calice a new hostess appeared, tempted me with the finger, or I thought I was right there being hit with suitcases and thrown away with children...

Going into the yard to talk to the owners and apologize to them, I heard in the back - exactly the apple from the apple does not fall far away, as ugly as her grandmother. The same one? Worse than 100 times, what kind of shit we grew up, not in vain they all hate us...

I regret that the grandmother had to lie, saying that people confused the house, or otherwise she would start to oppress herself again, that she did not greet her mother as appropriate...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154552
The Federation of Daughterhouses of Russia has appealed to the LGBT community with the request that they make their symbol the Borschevik. At least for one season.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №154551
From discussions of boring descriptions of films:

The guy just flew out of the bookcase and was thinking about space.

Yyy: The guy was watching his daughter, sitting behind the closet.

zzz: How drastically the genre of the film has changed))))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154550
In my youth when I was 27, I sat with a friend in the park on a bench and discussed some topics.

Here he distracts on a guy of our age and to him:

Friend: Hi to you! Are you Igor?

Yes to Igor

Did you study like this in that year?

and is smiling

And I think: Well probably a fellow student I met, even glad for him.

Boy: Learned

Then I did not understand what happened:

A friend wrote him a pair (he was a candidate for a boxing sports master) and that guy splashed on his ass, and then stood up and ran through the groves from a friend. And the friend quietly came back and, as nothing happened, sat on the shop further.

I: Who was that?

Drugan: Old friend, when this friend and others studied in the heels, the same passage was not given to us and others, the money was taken away, beaten around the corner. He ruled there. I counted for them into boxing and trained until the seventh sweat. And there is such a good luck after many years.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №154549
The church can drive the devil out of you, but the slave of God never.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154548
Love is like a dream
(from the song)

Have you heard of Lena Pennina, the girl without sleep? It was published in medical journals. Although the name was not named. So I better tell you. About her and immediately about Jora, because they are now together, and separately cannot be told.
For the first sixteen years, Penkin was not interested in medicine. Her parents loved Lena, she studied well, but as she grew up, she fell asleep more difficult and slept less and less. But the school was able to finish with a medal, and entered the Energy Institute, apparently there was a reserve. From the second course went, first to academic, health, and then entirely. Lena stopped sleeping. At night, she, at best, slept, a couple of times a clock, almost without turning off. My parents were looking for the best doctors. One doctor prescribed to drink red pills, the other strictly prohibited them. Both came together only in one thing - before going to bed you need physical activity in the fresh air. Lena started to run. Light, slim, with a very big heart, she ran with pleasure. And after training for a year, I was tired of running no more than another person from rushed walking, and someone from sitting in front of the TV. She could run for hours, but, unfortunately, insomnia did not stop tormenting her.Lena won city marathons, one after the other, but she could hardly do anything more - read, count, everything was through force. She tried to work as a courier in order not to take the money of her parents, but forgot her addresses and ran back with all the papers. On May holidays, Lena won a supermarathon organized by a gas company and received a one-room apartment as a reward. Her parents were afraid to let her go, but she insisted. Having received the keys, Lena lay on the floor of her own empty apartment and — Oh, a miracle! I fell asleep! In the morning, the parents and a cousin, a knowledgeable Feng Shui, came. They brought the furniture, managed the loaders and collectors, arranged everything in place. Lena’s bed was on the other wall, not where she slept the first night. The dream did not come. I did not come the next night. In desperation, Lena moved her bed to her old place and fell asleep again. But the joy was premature, the next night Lena did not sleep, and behind the wall, very, apparently, thin, halfway engaged in love. Lena was lying and crying, she also wanted love, family, children, wanted to be normal.
Her parents asked her to return, but Lena refused. In a new apartment, not every night, but still sometimes managed to fall asleep. In addition, there was a park, recently opened. From the benches, however, the paint has already descended, eternal lawns have formed on the paths, but Lene liked the park. She ran in it every day, for many hours, without thinking about anything. One day, she overtook another runner, a big dumb guy, and suddenly felt that she could fall asleep right now, right on the run. Surprised, Lena ran through the circle, overtook the guy again, and the feeling, strange but pleasant, repeated. Then Lena sat down on the bench and waited for the nasty man to run past. He ran and Lena fell asleep. The dream was temporary, but she was happy. Since then, coming to the park, Lena was the first thing to look for this man. Unfortunately, he only ran on Saturdays. This day of the week was now the most desirable for Lena. She fell asleep on the bench when the guy was running, waking up when he was going away. Sometimes Lena rushed into the race, overtook and waited on another bench to get time to sleep several times a round. Waiting for Saturday, Lena worried that the guy might no longer appear, he was painfully not suitable for running on the set - a wide body, long powerful arms and short, slightly curved legs. But the guy did not miss the training and ran, slowly and hard. And one Saturday evening it happened that her runner interrupted the run and sat on the bench next to Lena, very close.
“The rope was loosed,” he explained confusedly.
Lena did not hear his words. Her eyes were already closed, her body relaxed, in a deep sleep, she pressed to the shoulder of a stranger. Jora, and that was he, sat for three hours without moving, afraid of waking up the girl. Per he would have been sitting longer, but a guard came to warn that the park was closing. However, these hours Jora spent not without use. For the first time he thought deeply about his work. Jora sold bricks. He did not come to this immediately, once tried to engage in science, but the institute was leased, scientists were disbanded. Selling bricks was difficult: they paid little, and the backpack with the samples was very heavy. Many did not even open the door to Zora, fighting without looking. And Jora came up with baking small bricks that looked like big ones. Then it will be easier to drag, or you can take more samples with you. There, on the bench, Jora thought about how to make a shape, mix the mass and adjust the oven. Going forward, I will say that the idea proved to be a success. No, Jora did not start selling more bricks, but people started buying those bricks from him. Some took just the way, someone for a toy house, others found a hole in the walls between large bricks. The real breakthrough happened when suddenly there was a fashion to give bricks to the newlyweds, for happiness. Orders came from all sides. Jora founded OOO "Cinderella", bought an abandoned factory and set up production there.
But all this will be later, and now Lena and Jora are saying goodbye at the park gate.
– It’s time for me to go home to my wife, said Jora.
I understand. “Thank you,” replied Lena. You have your ropes loosened. I am running again.
Lena ran through the street, almost without touching the asphalt heated by the summer sun. She ran all night without feeling tired and laughing at the wind. Early in the morning, in the first bakery opened, Lena bought two croissants and ate breakfast with appetite.
Since then they have healed. Sure, Lene wanted Jora to sit around again, but she was embarrassed to ask.
Once they met in the courtyard and found out that they live in the same house, but in different parades.
What floor is it? - asked Lena and stumbled, so she wanted Jora to say "twenty-third."
“Twenty-third,” said Jora.
Now Lena realized that in her happy nights at the wall of the neighboring apartment, Jora was sleeping. And in the miserable by the wall lies his wife. Or a dog. He probably doesn’t have a dog. Only a wife.
A couple of months, or maybe years, it doesn’t matter, and this same wife told Jore that she wanted to become a stewardess and with the pilot to change him. After the divorce, Jora got drunk, made a debush and spent three days in the police. And on Saturday was purchased from there by the accountant of OOO "Cinderella". Released, Jora, as it is, unwashed and unwashed, went to look for Lena. I found her at the entrance to the park.
“I’m divorced,” said Jora. Let us go to me?
“Better run,” replied Lena.
In the elevator, Jora hugged her and clung to herself. As they climbed to the twenty-third, Lena had time to shake. In the apartment, she sent Joru to wash, she took the ambulance, laid her bed clean, split up and lay down. Jora got out of the bathroom, and they immediately got in love. Then they fell asleep in a hug, happy, slept at five. Wake up from hunger. Lena recalled that she had two croissants and a float in the refrigerator.
It’s a pity that the wall is hindering, so you don’t have to dress up and go through the street. Lena said, pulling up.
Jora wrapped a belt on his fist and from the first blow broke a hole in the wall. Then they disassembled the hole, strengthened, dusted, again engaged in love and then slept until Monday.
They did not separate anymore. Lena sleeps every night, and Jora is watching it. Of course, when Yurochka was born, the regime collapsed, but for a short time. The boy grew up calm, even allowed his mother to study - Lena recovered at the institute. And after graduation, she went to graduate school, but not immediately, because by that time Svetka was born and turned out to be much more fighter than her brother - for six months she did not let Lena sleep, however, did she get used to it. In postgraduate studies, Lena successfully defended on the subject: "Replacement of multipolar disconnectors with elastic connectors." Diplomas of international exhibitions. Implementation is slow. Progressive countries such as New Zealand, Denmark and the Faroe Islands have already launched a program to replace all interconnectors with connectors for a decade.
Jorin plant works, demand is stable. There is also a new prospective direction: OOO "NANOKIRPIC". And also Jora bought the country's largest combination of iron concrete bases. So if you come across an iron concrete base - know, most likely it is Jorin.
Jora and Lena live in a spacious house, built entirely of small bricks.
Well, like everything I said, what else to add... Oh yeah, Lena is expecting a third child, preparing for a marathon for pregnant women, the start is after tomorrow.
I think he will win.

by 2020

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154547
13: I am the worst number.
666 – I am not.
January 2020: Hi...

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154546
We were on the beach on the weekend as part of a crowd of children: 2 girls of 16 years, 2 boys of 10 and 13, and a goat of 3 years.

The children are crawling on the shallow water, my wife and a friend are watching, I am in the shade of the phone.

The wife breaks the idyll: Pernatyi, there is a pedophile campaign!

I run to the water, and there a man surrounded by a crowd of children throws them off their shoulders. Three of them, as I know.

The children rested, the wife was punished for stupidity, the husband was respected.

Really boring, I am afraid to enter the entrance with girls under forty years old!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154545
We have an electrician at work in our home. We decide how much to drop on a new cupboard. One colleague says, he said, at home he has a tea bar for many years, almost new, but faulty, like if you do, we will use it. He brought him the next day. The breakdown was found in a minute, the contact support in the subset was deleted. Well, then you already guessed, the man this cup of tea in the cloth and home.) We decide how much to drop on a new tea.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154544
I would be happy to tell everyone and always only the truth, but I am allergic to trouble.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154543
Murder by Advertisement

One dark day in the newspaper of the suburban city appeared an announcement that shocked everyone. It came out in the "dating" column - as if the editor could not come up with where to place it, and chose the first entry. The announcement sounded like this:

“If you are tired of a neighbor, your own wife or a boss not paying a salary, call +XXXXXXXXXX, and I will with sincere pleasure save you from the problem.
The everlasting parks.

The man, nicknamed the “Eternity of Parks,” has troubled the city for three months since his first victim was found in the central square. In three months, the maniac killed six people. The victims were found suffocated, cut, shot or struck by a dumb object. The weapons were always different, but the places of crime - parks, squares, landings - combined a series of brutal deaths. Thus was born the nickname, which repeatedly sounded on the pages of local newspapers.

Before the maniac appeared, the town was so boring that a series of murders shook it to the ground. Like any small town, it was doomed to inflict on its inhabitants a grim grief, sometimes bordering on confusion. The fact that he led someone to murder was not surprising — but it was scary. And so dull streets plunged into despair. Children were not allowed to walk, adults stopped having fun. They hid in houses, kept crowded places and diligently avoided parks. The shadowy alleys were empty, and even if the maniac continued to run through them in search of victims, he could not find anyone.

The police were looking for the murderer, and he seemed to lie down to the bottom, giving the city a quiet, as suddenly this ad appeared in the newspaper.

The editor only shrugged his hands. The leaflet with the text was found in a envelope without a signature, left on the threshold of the editorial office, there were no imprints on it. On the specified number did not respond, and only the auto-responder carefully recorded each message to pass on to someone unknown. The city wandered - alarmed, frightened, then outraged by the criminal's resentment, then calling what happened someone's evil joke. The misunderstanding grew. Everyone was looking forward to what would happen next.

The newspaper came out on Saturday. And on Monday, Carlotta disappeared, carrying letters around the houses.

She disappeared during the morning delivery, when, whispering, delivered the mail. Her bicycle was found a few steps from the grown Utin Park. The body was not found. While the police were looking for some witnesses, Rose Marble came to the area, the same one who divorced her husband a year ago because of what he changed her with Charlotte. Tears suffocated the woman, and, sitting in front of the guard, she whispered through the whispers that she did not want it, did not believe it, considered it a joke and called on emotions. At the end, having stopped crying, Rose stretched the phone to the police with shaking hands. In the call journal hanged out on the number from the advertisement.

The excitement turned into a roar. The woman was condemned by everybody; she hid her eyes when she walked through the street under the sight of other people. Every resident of the city felt it necessary to emphasize that he himself would not have done so. Two people disappeared on Wednesday night.

Robert, an old teacher who had long been a burden on the family, left alone in the evening. On the table they found a note in which an old friend appointed him for a meeting, and at the specified meeting place - traces of blood, spotted grass and prints of two pairs of shoes. The old woman's friend swore that it was nothing to do, her relatives were silent, and only Robert's niece's eyes were strangely shining. The second disappeared was Lewis, a young man who worked as a builder; colleagues told him he had a big quarrel with a friend the days before. Lewis disappeared on the way from work as he passed through the landing. His broken hand was removed from the tree and added to the witchdocks.

Murders were on the rise. The old six victims seemed to be kindergartens when eight people were missing by the end of the week. The street was lacking. A small number of policemen of the town flocked from one crime site to another, and the citizens went crazy. All the grievances — old and new — flooded out, and more and more often the phone in someone’s trembling hands responded with the mechanical voice of the auto-responsor.

In the new newspaper on Saturday, Forever thanked the citizens and promised to consider numerous appeals in order.

*** by
These days, Stephen, the detective responsible for capturing the Everlasting, has had a unpleasant time. The chiefs hanged all the dogs on him, and the citizens accused him of holding the pants bought for their own money. The newspapers repeatedly stressed that the perpetrator was not found, and asked: What is Stephen doing? All the anger of the quietly frightened city fell on the poor, and while the citizens tried to be more polite with each other, no one spared the keeper of order. But it didn’t seem to touch Stephen.

Taking on the way a glass of cocoa from a cloudy baker, he entered the area. A subordinate was waiting in the office. As soon as he greeted, the young man handed Stephen a paper with someone’s number.

He called.

Stephen was fine. His quiet, gentle face sharpened gambling.

and when? He quickly asked.

The subordinate nervously licked his lips.

an hour ago.

Stephen stumbled, thinking, and then sharply sneezed.

Call the guy, the father of the first victim. I hope you are not mistaken.

The subordinate sneered and left. Stephen looked at the sheet with the number. His lips moved slightly, repeating the numbers, the name attributed below.

In the evening, Stephen came to the right park. Checked the ration, selected a successful observation point. It only remained to wait. The wind moved the crowns of the trees, the light of the lanterns pushed the darkness of the new moon. Finally, in the distance appeared a lonely dog, quietly walking out the spitz. The policeman stumbled, straining his sight. A moment later, a dull figure appeared behind the dog’s back.

“Fighting readiness,” Stephen whispered into the rack, not taking a pair of eyes off.

A suspicious citizen sat down, pulling out a speck from a package dropped on the trail. The prosecutor stood by. From Stephen they were in a couple of steps.

Can you tell me how long, Mr. White? The persecutor spoke.

The dog freezes. And then, jumping up, stumbled on the persecutor the bride with a knife from where it came.

Take him! Stephen shouted, falling from his place.

When the subordinates arrived, the policeman had already turned Mr. White into a pair with the second man. Mr. White broke out, wildly turning his eyes, and the dog next to him walked in a desperate loudness.

*** by
The capture of the maniac at the scene of the crime brought the city into a state of euphoria. All with relief dropped the burden of the usual already tension, congratulated each other, fearlessly resumed the riot in the rows and quarrels with relatives. In Mr. White's house, newspapers with the names of the first six victims were found, and in the cache - all the weapons of crime. The city rejoiced, and decent citizens demanded the most severe punishment for the murderer.

Stephen was eating at a restaurant near the police station when his old friend Thomas sat down with him.

Tell me, Steve, how did you check it out? Thomas asked, dropping his glass of beer on the table. No one yet understands what forever gave.

Stephen nodded and sent a piece of the branch into his mouth. As always, he was calm and kind.

He betrayed himself. The plan was risky, but let me just go to the bottom, we’t have that chance. “Stephen swallowed a beer and, catching a friend’s incomprehensible look, explained, ‘It was I who left an advertisement in the newspaper.

So like you? Thomas was suspicious. The dry palm climbed up in a disregarding swing. Do not say nonsense. The victims...

“I lived all this time in my country,” Stephen concluded. “Today they will return home, and tomorrow the police will tell the truth and pay them a reward for their cooperation.

Thomas misunderstood it. His scratched face scratched out of surprise.

“But blood, a broken hand, evidence...” he blasted.

“It’s all butaphoria,” Stephens shrugged his shoulders; douching, he pushed the plate to the side. We had to bring the murderer to clean water. The man who made himself such a name within the city must have been interested in those who imitate him. My guys and I made ads, prompted several citizens to participate in the hunt, made the appearance of abductions — and everyone believed it. Even forever myself. While everyone was calling the site thinking he was talking to a maniac, he alone knew someone was stealing his fame.

Thomas watched Stephen confusedly. He drank a beer and called the waitress.

We had to provoke the murderer to some stupidity, to make ourselves surrender. So I checked all the calls, calculated the customers, their victims, periodically instigated kidnappings and waited. Yesterday morning, an unknown man called and ordered Mr. White’s harmless dog owner, who was walking his pet in the same park in the evening. After the inspection, it was discovered that Mr. White himself was calling. I realized that he was a maniac who wanted to meet the imitator, and with the help of the guy who suffered from his hands first, prepared a seizure. That is all.

“Well, fortunate,” Thomas nodded, looking respectfully at his friend.

The waitress took the money. Stephen was already up when Thomas suddenly held his hand. The old man’s eyes shone strangely.

“So all this time the citizens asked you to die for each other,” he said quietly. How many calls were there?

Stephen smiled. He remembered each of the “orders” dictated by the trembling but ruthless voices of the peaceful inhabitants.

“Fifty-seven,” he replied.

Thomas trembled in horror. His lips opened helplessly.

How will we live with this knowledge? He quietly asked.

Stephen shrugged his shoulders and carefully released his hand. He dropped his coat. I checked if the collar was turned.

“Like before, Thomas, as before,” he replied with a bitter smile and, after saying goodbye, left the restaurant.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154542
Oh, Petrovna, let me sit down, it’s all dried up. His foot entered the hole, thinking I would break. And the bridge - then across the river completely collapses, barely passed. How do we go to the store? I took the milk, it cost 5 rubles. My granddaughter called yesterday, asked to bring more from the city, so he says that gasoline is again more expensive. And transferred it for three days, the money for the mortgage is not even enough. Loans are going to take.
Ivanka, where did you go?
Vote for Putin.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154541
I received an unexpected message from an old acquaintance:

Hello to you! How is it? The question is one. Do you have a normal credit history? The thing is that I crazyly need to buy a car, and it is not possible to save money, money is spent on nonsense...The loan is not given and I am looking for someone who would have borrowed or borrowed. My job is okay and I am paid well, I will pay iron every day! Can you help me?

I think, fucking someone, well my acquaintance can't write such a fool, I call him.

You seem to have been hacked in the UK, divorced for money.

No, I really ask you for help.

I’m sorry, but I won’t take a loan if I’m learning to pay.

and clearly. (He throws the phone)

Probably offended, he no longer writes.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №154540
She divorced her husband and decided to make a repair. For the little things - to level the wall in the room, paste the wallpaper under painting and paint. During the day work and study, so the repair had to be done at night (the spatle wall was lubricated silently and the neighbors were not disturbed).

On the eve on the site couchsurfing (the site for travelers and learners, I can write in more detail in the comments) saw an advertisement from the Spanish, saying "A week I come to your city to work as a teacher of Spanish, who wants to meet, show the city, learn to cook a paella or who needs help with Spanish write" Under the advertisement there were many messages, I also wrote a message write as you come, I will take you a tour.

So, late in the evening, I drive with the repair, I get a message from the Spanish that he is already in the city, and generally how I do business and what I do, or he is now collecting a bowl to go to the bar. I honestly answered that I am now painting the wall in the room and plan to paint it until morning. He said, “Do you want me to help paint?” He thoughtfully turned his finger into the whisker and asked, “Are you sure you have nothing more to do?” Of course he wants to help me! Oh well ok. She came, poured him tea, served blends. I asked where the room was being repaired. I drive into the room, the cabinets are all shifted to the middle of the room, their contents are rolled around, such a mini post-apocalypse, I give a bowl with paint and a roll...

By 3 o'clock all painted, I suggest to take him home, he was a little confused, but agreed. When he approached his house, he said

In Spain, when a girl invites a young man into her room, it does not matter under what pretext, it is to have sex with him. I thought about painting the walls you spoke figuratively

- Welcome to Russia, if the girl invited at 2 o'clock at night to paint the walls, then you will paint the walls)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154539
XXX High School. The change. Our class is on duty. I meet a group of girls a couple of years older. In their center, my attention is focused on a miniature brunette with a very beautiful smile. She laughs. I forgot how to breathe. And where he went. So I fell sick with a serious illness. Later in the head is born a plan - to find common acquaintances, to learn everything possible, to ask us to introduce. And in the soul, meanwhile, there are dreams, with the most stupid - the school is attacked by terrorists and I save it. And another million situations where I’m a knight and she’s a beautiful lady. It is grass. She dreams of me. This is how the whole world narrowed to her brown eyes and enchanting smile. On the change I couldn’t stay in the classroom—to leave under any pretext in the hope of seeing her. At the same time, I got a cassette with the songs Hand Up. Until then, I didn’t tolerate all the pop music. Only metal, industrial and alternative. And then "you asked him just don't leave and trembled from tears, begged forgiveness / and he kisses you, says he loves." These songs came like the key to the castle. The disease progressed. I encountered something I never experienced. The plan failed and then I decided to say what I felt and what would happen. By that time, I knew her name, what she was listening to, what she was doing, etc. When I had the courage to look at the schedule, I was waiting for her at the entrance to the classroom. My heart was beating like drums in Slipknot. Here is she! I go to meet. We cross our eyes, I just open my mouth to say everything, as she says, “Why are you looking at me, shit? “Blood hit my face. I quietly pass by, getting to my class. Life is over. Everything lost its meaning. There is no appetite. Depression has arrived. No desire to live. Drunk in the house, empty in the soul. I cannot and do not want to share with my friends. It was a difficult period. What helped? Time, books, music and other adequate representatives of the fair sex.

5 years passed. Students call them "at the house" to have fun with the girls. I come here, the hustle is in the midst, and here with one character we will have the following dialogue - "now the girl will come, in general, an unsuspecting option, she will drink a little - as for the world is fighting, you can at least three." It was a little sad to see after his words his first unanswered love.

yyy: Vanguai, even when she arrived, gave it to everyone except TSA.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154538
This happened when a train departed from the capital of our homeland.

He was a man, sober, decent.

7 minutes before leaving, I went out to smoke.

Time goes by, let’s smoke.

Five minutes before he left, I told him it was time to go.

The man is smoking.

Two minutes before departure, I just say that in a minute I will close the door and he will stay on the peron.

The man looks me in the eyes with the expression, "how a shit like you dare to talk to me at all."

Smoking the second.

A minute later the train begins to drive, I sharply close and lock the door.

The man begins to run parallel to the car and scream.

What he had in his head.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154537
The story was told, which happened in the early 00s, in the almost pre-internet era, when it was considered a special whisper to congratulate a person by calling the radio.

And here, the local radio station, there is a congratulatory broadcast, a girl named, judging by the voice very young. The girl, the leader.

Good morning, what is your name?

Hello, my name is Alina, I want to congratulate my best friend!

Q. What do you want to congratulate him with?

Today is the anniversary of our friendship with him.

A. What a symbolic event. How many are you already friends?

D is 6 years.

B – How great! Congratulations from our radio station. What would you wish a friend?

D - I want to wish him all the best, find his love and happiness! Sasha, be careful, your half is probably somewhere nearby and is looking forward to your attention!

Good wishes and words, Alina. Which song will you order?

D - Put him the song of Nirvana - Rape me!

A. Very pleased, thank you for calling.

For those who taught German at school, rape me - rape me. And I’m just wondering, was Sasha this time attentive, and deceived this code, or was he dumb like all the previous six years?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №154536
Just think that has reached the extreme degree of disrespect to the current authority, and she once - and will hold a new referendum.

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