— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104989
I sit down and remember the romantics in my fate. Something really disgraceful happens. One young man after my whistle that I can’t tolerate sweet, gave me a seed of spicy ambassador with a pink band around e-e... the waist. Not his own, around the waistline.
The second ill-loving ordered and glued a wallpaper with my portrait on the wall: a cold-blooded spectacle! It turns out, the photo stretched across the wall acquires the features of Ulyana Andreevna Bunsha, seen by Shurik in the doorstep. From my left photographic ear, the wires from the bra were drawn: brown and blue, my left eye got into the irregularity in the wall and evilly washed up and forth, and the right small cutter leaned into the tumble, as if I wanted to bite it. I shouldn’t have been so upset when I saw those wallpapers.
And my husband, in response to my depressing complaint about the lack of romance and the element of surprise in our relationship, gave me five chestnuts, surprisingly placing them in a pot of compot. That’s how in the morning you go to the kitchen, you want to drink a compot, you open the lid of the pot, and there the chestnuts come together in a wedding dance.
Something is wrong with romanticism.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104988
I'm a bad romantic, one night I walked on the balconies to the lady in the window, broke the fork, broke the pots with flowers, awakened my dad.
had to marry.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104987
Discussion of the news in one of the Ukrainian blogs about the demolition of the Iphone monument in Peter after the statement of the current head of Apple Tim Cook about his non-traditional sexual orientation. The monument was liquidated in compliance with the law on the prohibition of propaganda of homosexuality among minors.

Ppc Tchaikovsky
I am also concerned about his monuments.
Heck with them, with stones, in theaters, what now? And if the coup is done, what will TV show?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №104986
Those who do not remember:

That is to say, the man is on a Russian submarine with a Russian crew and speaks Russian, but he is 100% Ukrainian.
Well yes yes yes.
This is the same thing....
Also say that people with surnames Avanesov, Apanasevich, Babenko, Bondar, Burkulakov Buchnikashvili were Russians. These are the first seven names on the list of dead sailors of the nuclear submarine "KOMSOMOLEC".
You grow up with Ivan, relatives who do not know, ignorant.

At the court ball to Marquis de Custina, the author of one of the popular books on Russia in the West (Russophobic, note!Emperor Nicholas I said:
Do you think all those people around us are Russians?
Of course, your Majesty...
But here is not. This is Tatar. This is German. It is Polish. This is a Georgian, and there stands a Ukrainian and a Moldovan.
Who are the Russians here, your Majesty?
All together they are Russians.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104985
Vasily Pavlov, military reporter

In the past and in recent history there are examples where geopolitical problems are solved by investing in mercenaries. But novelty is not in the principle of mercenaries. And in the departure from the concept of war against the army toward war against the population. From war for conquest, to war where the goal is war itself. And here everything is much more difficult. And because there is no front, and for the simultaneous protection of the entire population on the entire territory, no army will suffice. There is no enemy that can be destroyed once and for all. There is no Paris / Berlin / Terrible / Tbilisi / Kiev, the capture of which will put an end to the war. If you understand the differences, you will see that this is really a war of a new type. Almost inevitable and terrifying in its consequences.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104984
About the "toys" machine for 1100 euros
Fuck, as a child, I would have eaten one mango for such a car and dried up fish oil until the 11th grade.
222: Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Science Center in Seattle have concluded that fish oil causes cancer.
Manka is probably the low-calorie and useless of cakes. Useful substances and protein in it are minimal.
111: This is where you were before, right?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104983
(Question in the section "thoughts", a photo of the hand hand up)

Q: What can you say about this man in the hand?
Not like hair. There is a partner, there is.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104982
Nuclear warheads are more than enough. Boom - and Germany is wiped off the face of the earth. Forgive the axis of evil, greet you, the cradle of truth.
Crater of Good Scuca
and xD

It is...

I am very curious about the age of these degenerates with Bivisov's hygias, who argue about how fun and good it would be to kill a few million people.
Types are typical.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104981
"Guests from the future", flare control panel:
Tagged with: "Sea"
Tagged with "Cosmos"
Button "Chemical"

Even in the beautiful distant future, you can only get to Chimok by flyer.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104980
Holidays in Turkey

The xxx:
At first everything looked nice: two Turks, three girls.

It is no longer decent.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104979
I only have the impression that the scratch is divided by one person, such as writing on two sides? Well, maybe another one or two are conducted, and so one subtroll is copied with himself?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104978
at work
A bank calls and asks a non-existent employee.

We explain that there is no such thing here and there has never been.

at that end they begin to get irritated, boil, write with vinegar
And they pronounce a prepared phrase (issued by the bosses) from which we should all be afraid and immediately repay the loan for the unknown:
You should know that our conversation is recorded!!!!! to

when we scratch, we report to the telephone that our phone is on listening, what other screams will we measure?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104977
In Odessa, the Russian-speaking Right Sector beat drug traffickers and handed them over to menta

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104976
Reading an article on one website, I stumbled on the phrase:
In the development of Antares in addition to the Russian and American sides took part and Dnipropetrovsk missile builders from the design bureau "South". Together with their Ukrainian colleagues, they designed a fuel supply system and related equipment.
I was very surprised that the Dnipropetrovsk missile builders had Ukrainian colleagues.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104975
I lie with my child in the hospital. Next to it lies a woman with very abundant vegetation on her feet. Suddenly this ugliness is seen by a 4.5 year old baby, makes big round eyes, runs to his mother and screams to the whole chamber: "Mommy, my aunt's legs are torn from under the blankets!" The whole house shook, restraining laughter.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104974
City News Portal:
Until the 90s, there was no one in the center of Paradise, and then there were several private offices and even a sex shop in the house. As long as he is not rated, the rule of law does not apply to him.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104973
I became addicted to programming as an adult, at about 28. Since then, no day without programming, despite being married.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №104972
Child, Dmitry Anatolich is 49 years old, he has others
Too late for him to suffer.

It sounds logical, but it doesn’t really appear.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104971
If a person does not take lessons from life, it becomes unbearable.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104970
Rose is
We had a banquet at the firm, the birthday of one lady, the lady is not easy, beautiful and position, salary, work with foreigners, abroad, I realize she really liked me, decided to congratulate too, flowers? I have a salary-lowest link. bought one rose-goed, it would be better not to go there bouquets, baskets, and the public is watching with what came, back to the walk is not handed, and she mocked:-Oh, how nice, thank you, go. But I was ashamed, slightly worn and washed. A week later I was ordered to bring her some papers home, and I called. What a dear guest.
I think, let it be mocked, the devil has stumbled into this rose.
I will not let you go without tea. It’s delicious, and I’ll drink a cup of tea.
Go into the living room and I’ll make tea. I go there, and all in flowers. the same bouquets, baskets, arranged at the corners. In the middle of the table is a vase with a slightly worn rose.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna