— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104209
“Hello, wife, are you behind the compound?! to
Hi my dear, yes. Are you still fishing?
- Yes, caroche, open the motorland site from the lock-out.
Open the catalog/magazine/626gf/glass tab.
Well, I opened up a lot of options.
Find the cheapest!
-..... glass fork of the back door availability, 10 U.E.
“Sanna, the back of the left door!”Please click on "Buy" All for now!
— — — —
In 10 minutes.
My wife aloo.
Yes my dear.
- and look also: this fork is left of the driver or left if you look at the car in front...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104208
Whoever in Russia lives well, in England is unfigured.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104207
From a discussion of a familiar "city morza" (N).
Winter has come and the first snow has fallen. N switched to winter clothes - began to fill the shirt in shorts.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104206
Mom Arsa moves from one apartment to another. Ars, accordingly, pulls things and matches, stunned by their quantity. Woman anyway. But he is half loud. Anyway my mom. The case comes to a large cardboard box, filled with a plate on top. and different. Ten tiles from the bathroom, twenty from the toilet, thirty from the kitchen. Five on the wall. Two from the balcony. And one broken.
and Mom! Why do you have this old cabin in your new apartment? He will not go there for anything!
Pride to Pride.

Copied from diary: jazzzzman

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104205
For a very long time I can't understand why to waste your energy and nerves on jealousy in relationships, because if it's the same person, then you should trust him at least a little, and if you don't trust - maybe the person is not the same?
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
I had a girl who was smart and beautiful. I trusted her in everything, because I loved life more.
And then, as in an anecdote, I came home from work earlier, and there... So far this scene does not come out of my head, although five years have passed.
Hi, Lenny, you are reading this.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104204
It is very symbolic as a runner when downloading a terribly lying online game to use a cartoon kidnapping on the grass.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104203
I love cocktails when my wife is cooking them, I eat ten pieces, then I lie on the couch and give another oath not to eat more than three.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104202
Man’s vanity is always pleasant to be wedded first in life. For a woman, it is much more important to be in the life of a man THE LAST (C) unthinkable, but it seems that from Wald.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104201
Comments on the Russian-language channel on YouTube.

UsselesWhox: I’m not a racist, but where did they get the black guy?

Tatiana Chlynov: I bought

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104200
I don’t understand how vampires aren’t afraid of bullets because the wounds stretch fast, but they are afraid of swords because they can cut their heads with a sword. The author does not know what does a large-caliber bullet do with the body?
YYY: They are vampires. They are made from another test.
zzz: Vampires are made up of blood salmon. That explains everything.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №104199
The crazy cat!
I went to my grandmother at night.
I came back in the morning, he spoke for a long time, he heard from me an unprinted text that he was a female dog and rebuked all the children, jumped into the fortress and, apparently from fatigue, fell between the frames.
He fell and walked - terrible and cold.
I get up to take him – he gets down, because his ass hears that he will get it now in full.
I go to bed - begins to cry out of horror: living between frames is never an option.
And cannot get out.
I have already closed the windows.
It will be necessary to put plastic, let it, like all people, walk through the door...

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №104198
The Great Innocent is desperately mocking through the bread that has been spread, he is among the хтоnic ischadias, but he is not!! to

He is a boy!! Let it be fearless!! to

I understood, the minors were mourning and mocking the mat, they were attacked by babies. I was at the height of an epic confrontation of intellectuals.

Q&A  who is in charge?

Hard to say, but I’m a playboy.

Oh yeah yeah!! The Malaysians are worshipping!! to

XHH: The Bapks received reinforcements, they began to discuss the Soviet authority and paryadok. Everyone here has a rivalry of happiness.
I ask the Communist not to shield me ifjo!
An unexpected story story!! Babies are fighting! Three support Pukin, two want Stalin or Andropov, one likes Witchmedev, because he looks like her grandson Misha, and another has fallen asleep and therefore refrains.

V: 

HH: This is not all! The sleeping grandmother was awakened, she turned out to be a monarchist and a fan of Nicholas II.
Fuck, and here I am with the idea of enanthropy and cat-election!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104197
1: Recently, two beautiful girls came to me, smiling, chicking... Well, I think, it’s cool, and they’re smiling! They came and asked me if I believed in God.
1: Such a mistake in these eggs that it is sometimes difficult to resist it and accidentally not to believe))
Chapter 2: You are upsetting me. It would be worth stressing that you not only believe in yourself, but are also ready to strengthen their faith by settling in a quiet, secluded place for joint prayer.
Unfortunately, our faiths did not come together and they refused to pray together.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104196
It doesn’t matter what the author wanted to convey to us, it’s important what we took out of.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №104195
In the army, we were sent, young green soldiers, 5 pieces to the palace, we chose who was stronger. The task was to load several pigs on board the ZIL. The pigs were in the juice itself, 300 kilograms in excess. So you will not just take your handles and throw them overboard. They dropped the backboard, placed boards on it. We pull the pig, try to pull on the boards. She does not go to any. At three o’clock, they got out, they got out, they got out. Here a village boy of 10 years came, looked, ate an apple and said:
to help?
We are angry and tired.
Go away boy, don’t bother me!
He shrugged his shoulders, sat down, looked, cried. We are psychopaths like:
Honey, help me, you are so clever.
He took the bucket and said:
Put the pig in the ass.
Well, it’s easy, put the pig in the back posture ahead. The boy has a buckle on the head of the bat, a pig backwards in three jump hops and in the body. In 15 minutes, they were all loaded.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №104194
We here with the guys in the office thought that the state kept the promise, and now a liter of gasoline is less than a dollar.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №104193

Strauss can’t fly.
A strauss is a bird.
Some birds do not know how to fly.
A penguin can swim.
A penguin is a bird.
Some birds are excellent swimmers.
General conclusion: some people do not know how to make silogisms correctly

This is what happens when individuals go with comments where they are not asked. He made a great joke. There was a joke: The Jewish boy Yasha knows how to swim. Fish can swim too. Therefore, all fish are Jews."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104192
Gorbow S.: I just started the voice bruteforcer! =) is
W: How this is
Gorbow S.: Called the bank about the card, there you need to name the code word. And I don’t remember what I pointed out... Well, I started listing names, dates, even mother words. Once the 15th came, it was the cat's birthday.)
Title: Figase the Hacker

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104191
We traveled with our five-year-old daughter to Germany, where we were taken on an excursion to some volcano (volcano it is difficult to call). At the end of the tour, a guide approaches my daughter and asks: “Do you like a volcano?” A five-year-old daughter answers: “Pfffff, is this a volcano, where is magma?” Where is Lava?"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104190
[quote="Julianna"]If I were a dog I’t have been kicked out of the house today [/quote]
By the time my Xenia came out with Hero from the entrance, Hera looked at Xenia, the weather, sneezed, turned and went home.
She’s not an eternally frosty tower.
She is a wise Eastern European shepherd.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna