— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103129
18:30 xxx » yyy : hello tell me what a hat I'm really stupid

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103128
Change the moderator to, because he has already debbled!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103127
Yesterday I went from morning to work on the tram, stopped halfway on the climb to the mountain (front the tram did not leave the stop). Then I touched... back. Two men stood next to me, one to another: “I didn’t give up!”

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №103126
The Loyalty! How tired I am of all that is happening in the world...I think it would have already begun. The manifestation of superpowers, the opening of the ‘third eye’ or the transition to another dimension. Rather, would...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103125
We were morally prepared for conflicts among the most drunk guests. Some even managed to localize in advance with the help of more sober relatives.
xxx: But what we didn’t expect was the fight between witnesses and witnesses for the award-winning rubber bathtub for the bathroom!
Is it yellow?
XXX by itself)
Zzzz: I would also take part ?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103124
I clarify.

A drunk suicide man jumped into Neva, but failed, and broke his leg.

His leg was traditionally broken so he would not jump.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103123
This is how Konstantin Eduardovich Ciolkovsky, when he wrote about his foolish multi-stage missiles, met with severe criticism in response: where is the reference to the original source? Where is the scientific publication? Where did you get this at all?! to
= = = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Konstantin Eduardovich published in scientific journals and his articles and were the primary sources. Accordingly, when serious articles were written about his work, they referred to his publications in these journals.
When the article of the journal speaks that scientists have discovered something there, then the article should be a reference to the work of these scientists, otherwise this publication is not worth the money. This is the main way to distinguish serious articles from all nonsense, if there is no appropriate education. Otherwise, you can seriously argue that biologists deny evolution, for example. But you will not find articles confirming this in scientific journals.
When I pointed out at this point that a person was most likely to take another duck for a scientific publication, I was accused of homosexuality, although there was a correlation between monogamy (not orientation) and the brain in the article. Internet warriors are like that.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103122
<Umberto> * Daddy you are cute. It’s like your wife checks what you’re doing. Where are the breasts? Where is the intrigue? Where is passion?
<Umberto> do you know how difficult it is to shake on an enot?? to

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103121
Many of the big things only get bigger.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103120
I sit in a row to the therapist, there is a bed of Tajiks, a certificate for sanitization to get. A therapist, wearing a blue coat and a blue hat, comes out to call the next (it’s my turn) and says to the Tajiks:
So, comrades, I will not accept you without Bachiles, go down, buy Bachiles.
The Tadzjikans leave, I go to the therapist. After 10 minutes, the therapist and I leave the office - the Tajiks came, they were Bahili, apparently looking at the therapist, they put on their heads. The therapist :
Come on, the blue bears!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103119
At first Yevtushenkov was unfortunate, but then Chubais joined him.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103118
And yes, let’s end it? There was once a quote here.

The citation was here in the sixth-seventh year.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103117
Not so long ago, with a pump, there was a report about the rise of an American submarine from under the ice. I looked - show a boat surrounded by an ice crust of 15 cm powdered with snow. I laughed when I recalled a photo from the late 1990s, where our sailors stood on a shark deck (a typhoon) next to the two-meter-long icebergs. There was nothing special.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103116
If there is an irreparable trouble and you have lost the meaning of life, then stay human, help other people not to lose it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103115
The normal people have clean credit cards, the rich have cocaine, and my whole card is in thermopaste D.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №103114
Now in the chat, the comrade asked, “Are you conebal?”
Fuck, I actually thought for five minutes what it was for a word... There was a man chasing horses. It turned out to be easier: "cannibal". Oh my Moscow!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103113
Is it possible to use the services of landscape designers?
Now, they say, everything is possible. Someone in the suburb of Moscow has a crocodile living in a pond 24 hours a day.

The rumors, as usual, ruin everything. This is aunt.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103112
Anti-café in the city of N:

There was recently, the atmosphere is not bad, one "but" in a guy with a reception or manic-depressive psychosis, or he is an actor and rehearsing roles.
At our first visit, he enchanted everybody! 10 people in the company.
Moreover, I approached this individually: someone made claims (just claims!) about the calculation of large banknotes, he was rude because of the absence of records (although all were recorded), scratched if he could not hear the name, and then and then...
He did not argue with him, although the precipitation remained.
He came in again once in a week, now he hugged each of us at the entrance. Snooping like dear guests, again, without objective reasons.
I understand that everyone has their shortcomings, but it is more pleasant to deal with adequate people.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103111
The first in the series of artistic discoveries of Alphonse Allé was a completely black and almost square canvas �The Battle of Negroes in the Cave in the Deep Night� (1882), originally displayed in a golden frame by his temporary companion and colleague, humorist writer, author of waterlists, Paul Bijo. Without stopping on the achieved success, a year later (at the second exhibition �The Binded Arts�), Allet exhibited a virgin white sheet of Bristol paper entitled �First Communion of Chlorothic-blind Girls in the Snow Age� (1883).[4]:p.XXI Another year later, the next painting by Alphonse Allé was perceived as a kind of �colour explosion. The rectangular landscape �Culture of tomato harvest on the shore of the Red Sea by apoplexic cardinals� represented a bright red one-color painting without the slightest signs of image (1884).

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103110
One with his ex can talk on the phone, the other ex-prostitute chooses...
It was directed by Vadim Roger. He was not married once. Some of the names of the former are: Bridget Bardot, Katry Denev, Annette Stroyberg, Jane Fonda, etc.
But it is fake. Some ten times different actresses had in the form of wives.
And here Vadim Rogers managed to maintain such relationships with his ex that when
At the shooting of the film "Carousel" with Jane Fonda, Vadim fell and broke his arm, then seeing this was the former at the time Annette first rushed to him. Learned about the disaster, from the neighboring filming site Catherine Denev ran away. All together they (he, two former and present) sat in the “ambulance” to take Vadim to the hospital. And it was supposed to happen that Brigitte Bardot was passing by by a taxi. Having postponed her business, she immediately joined them.
All of his ex visited the hospital and not once. And it didn’t matter to the former that at the time, each of them had an official husband.
All his wives were at Vadim’s funeral.
And then someone is proud that they can take advice on the phone from a former prostitute of choice. and weak.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna