I don’t use firearms.
The Bee?
The feelings are not...
XX: Their sticks are more convenient to eat
XXX: There are sticks for the bugs
XXX: They are together
YYY: These are the Nunchaks.
With Geektimes - discussion of the Google car crash that cut the bus:
In short, Google banally wanted to cut, but didn’t have time. Now you have to wait for a Google taxi with shakes, sidewalks and a special separable robot "You're on whom biking? Where did you go at all?”
The Boston Dynamics robot should be in the trunk.
@kakRostropovich: The salmon had enough psychic to make himself a salmon. First Siberian Transgender.
XXX: What am I thinking?
YYY: About whether I guess what you think
XXX and now?
Yyy: About what I guessed
XXX: Go and go
xxx: I read that the crazy opera now has its own ad blocker – right in the engine.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY I checked and checked, nothing special. One thing is that it really blocks. I used this developer version on the Opera website to download back the old one. And the first thing the new opera did was to block its own website.
When did the Soviet Union break up?
At the end of 91
In December?
No, but earlier...
The Decembrist rebellion is about something else, right?? to
You may think that I don’t understand anything about music, but I don’t know the difference between punk and metal.
yyy: The difference in the amplitude of the haer oscillation and the speed of wiping the fingers about the string!
xxx: No, it is safest at night to walk around a disadvantaged area not with a gas balloon and not with a mortar, but with a teacher at the local PTU. Mom once sat down with such a friend-teacher, gathered home, says, now I will call my husband to follow me. Friend in response, said, don’t need, I’ll take you by myself. Mom asks "Do you not fear?" "Send" says "you will see yourself". And indeed, from every meeting group of young people of the corresponding kind: "Hello, MaryWanna!", "Good evening, MaryWanna!". And - a cherry on the cake - "MaryVanna, guess a minute, I will give you a reference, or I have a couple more to pay off! Fortunately, I will only go home after him.".
[ +
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Z > Hipstot! Linux way is a knife and a stitch!
-> these are two cubes: wooden and metal, from one you need to make a scissor and a stitch, and from the other a penguin figure, variations are permissible.
Chuché reader: Instead of chemistry, sometimes anti-narcotics came and sang sad songs about loyalty and eternal love.
Gur: It’s a sad and tragic life without drugs, as if they showed their appearance.
In an electronics store. There is a stand with super-wrapped mice, among them one ordinary, correct shape without dop. Button is more expensive.
XXX: What is that worth?
YYY: Because it doesn’t go out.
Looking at the boiler for the person who came up with the concept of roaming, I feel sorry for that person. But then I remember the price for roaming and let me go.
[ +
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Still not as clearly as you think.
Not so clearly:
The girls
A girlfriend accidentally burned, pouring tea rarely to her former lover:
P (looking at the seal on his finger): Oh, you had a ring like a black stone... (thinkingly) Or don’t you?
Captain Evidence: Yes, girlfriend, it’s crazy + Tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.
Oh the children, the children. Yes, the girl simply unexpectedly explained to a rare lover that the holy place is not empty.
XXX If you believe the publications,
In addition to generating energy, this generator has some other interesting properties.
the ability to glow and levitate,
It can also be useful in the public sector.
Zzz All US TECs have long been working on torsion fields.
And coal is burned for sight, so that no one knows.
[ +
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Oh the children, the children. Yes, the girl simply unexpectedly explained to a rare lover that the holy place is not empty.
Love is an angel with wings.
Sometimes he came, swallowed and went.
and then "where-tah-tah girlfriend is crazy"
The comrade here has been messy for a long time, and his wife has not been here with a leg.
Condition: The comfort of the city.
Well, he made comfort for 3 years on weekends and holidays.
Just finished and died.
For whom does he ask?
If men were to sit and suck, the comforts in the country would be treated differently.
[ +
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Every electric car will have a small nuclear reactor running on garbage.
The > nuclear
> the rubbish
You have a lot of rubbish, but...
Grandma feeds the local housewife in the park and lovingly says: "Well, you are laughing, don't laugh at me, who laughed, they are not alive in the world."
My mother told me about her school years:
In 1977 or 1978 an open letter of the Central Committee of the CPSU was published to the Soviet people.
There was a classy hour dedicated to this event of extreme historical importance.
His classmates were late. fall into class. Teacher at the threshold of one of them:
- Yasha, what can you say about a letter to the Soviet people?
I don’t read other people’s letters.