xxx: By the way, one of the unobtrusive advantages of life in the "province" - if you see that the 495 region is ringing, you can immediately throw the bell. The probability of spam is 99.99%.
Yyy: But there is a 0.01% chance that they will be called from the Field of Miracles.
xxx: 0,000001 we in the province do not so believe in miracles.
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Act of 1.
The city beach of Pushkin Lenoblasty, I go into the cabin to change clothes and see on the ground the top and bottom of a girl's (judging by the size of a 10-11 year old girl) swimsuit.
Act of 2.
I lift and shake over the wall of the cabin - the swimsuit hangs on the wall. I dress up and prepare to wear swimsuits.
Act of 3. (His details I learned after the fifth act, from the words of the wife)
The passing guy, who missed my entrance to the cabin and recorded only the last stroke of the second act - the swimsuit that appeared - decides on the adventure and in the expectation of the spectacle, desperately and boldly dive under the lower wall of the cabin, on which the swimsuit hangs and... see... let's say, the hobbit))
Act of 4.
From the rasynchron - expectation / reality - the boy drags up and back, at the lower edge of the wall, he breaks his ear and with a whisper, fountaining with blood, runs away from the cabin, falls and watches to the cabin...
Act of 5.
I run away, covering up with shorts - people in the shower... from ruthless executions saved the wife - told the details of the third act, otherwise, the PZDC...
The director said today:
In the middle of November, on Saturday, our driver calls,
I was hit, what to do, the guilty has no insurance.
Call Haishnikov, what else to do?
The Haishnikovs arrived quite quickly, drafted, taught the culprit of fines. We have a five-ton worker with a booth at the culprit of Honda some lightweight. He managed to break the truck's lighthouse, wash the door, the leg and the glass from the door fell out, and something else in the little things. They formed up and ran away.
I call the driver of the Honda:
We need to meet and discuss compensation.
I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I’m always late at work.
“Well, then at eight nine in the evening, is it normal?
is normal.
In the evening a ringtone, a loud voice in the phone,
Who are you? Why do you appoint my brother in the evening in the dark? What do you want to do with him?
– No... but he works during the day, he can’t, and the problem has to be solved.
We agreed on Saturday afternoon.
The culprit, his brother and some other “expert” come and start to crack:
- you have insurance, it will pay you what you need more, and in general you hardly owe us for what hasishnikov caused and those fines were issued to us...
Hardly, with the help of the Internet explained to them that the OSAGO does not work so and the insurance must be with the culprit.
Okay, we got it done, we went to the STOCKS to count the damage. In several visited - an average of 38 thousand estimated and started:
You have a hernia here, you buy glass for a ruble, you buy a Chinese lighthouse, you knock the door with a hammer, you have a working machine... we will give you a maximum of a tenth.
We did not meet shortly.
The next week the car came for examination. There counted 69, plus experts, plus a lawyer 15 and to the court.
The defendant appears to have received:
- I have 38, today I can take, I have two children, the car is bad and it is cold on the street, enter the position...
He said no, and the lawyer paid for it.
Is that what such people think? ? to
I remembered a moment from the gym. He worked with iron in his youth. Worked drunk, not professional, of course, but tried. Young and stupid. Actually a moment. In the middle of the training enters the room a girl, all so cute. And our comrade, Statue is not offended, let us stand before her. It will pass, and so on. Then he loaded the strap on the steam straight under his limit. At that moment, give god the memory of about 250 kg. In front of her! With a grief and a cry, he took the weight, proudly looked around and went to us. After 15 minutes comes the coach (he is the master) – “You guys, it’s quieter. Then the girl approached and complained that some sweat man was following her and whistling under her ear.
I slide, I try not to slide. By the way, I go in winter barbers, but still very hard, ice, I would say, perfect. I go through a rather difficult area, trying to walk into safer places, somewhere the ice is cracked, somewhere a little grass or leaves pass through. A woman falls behind me.
Man, are you normal? ! to
I: Are you me?
J: And who else?
I: And what did I do?
J: Why did you go here?
I: In the sense?
J: Well I followed you!
I: And what about me? ! to
In response to the dissatisfied bragging about how bad I am, and I hastily decided to go away...