— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133751
Chapter of VK:
by Dmitry 22:43
Olga Z. account hacked, be careful! I write here at her request.

Olga of Z. by 23:05
I fuck your mouth, Dmitry.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №133750
When I was a kid, I asked my mom what the colors on the Russian flag meant. Ambulance, police and firefighters?" Mother stunned and said that we are not so bad in the country...
It’s been 15 years since then and I’m increasingly thinking that my theory wasn’t that bad.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133749
I studied in the universe and was there a subject of philosophy. With a boring voice, the priest told us about all kinds of philosophical currents. I called it a sleeper. I don't know why he acted so on me, but always in 5 minutes I slept well, I was young and still didn't snore. I suspect he didn’t know about my existence. It’s about the session and I decided to sit down at the first party to remember it somehow. And I remembered!

I honestly struggled with sleep, looking him in the eyes. Until I felt the strikes on my cheeks. I fell asleep with my eyes open, the pupils drowned, all thought I had a seizure.

Then I put four.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133748
In general, my father works as an installor of fire and security alarms, he worked somehow in an elderly house, came, then with his words I will tell the story:

I worked, I installed the sensors, see, the grandmother breaks the wire, approached her, she ran away, so it lasted about an hour, in an hour she approached about 6 times, in general, the father did not stand, cut off her from the rope 2 meters of wire, from her happiness her eyes shone straight and she dissolved somewhere in the nursing house, after half an hour the workers of the nursing house came, gave a piece of wire, told her not to give her more, because of the fact. My grandmother wanted to hang herself for a long time, but she couldn’t get a rope.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133747
Feeling: promise good weather - weeks in two
Oblomov: and now, forgive me, isn’t it "a hot week"?
Feeling: a hot week can only be called cowards

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133746
Associations after the elections:

A pink thief behind the fence.
LDPR - hired such gopniks at the arrival of the ER
KPRF - Infantile Servant of ER
SR - palace in the house of the thief

Vote and not vote.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133745
This was at a time when the concept of "epic file" was not yet known - in the 90s. A group of local hooligans headed by the local frostbite Marat hanged on the hut. And then the incredible thing happened: two clouds of goldmen decided to rob another apartment. The scenario is simple: they knock on the door that has opened the gloves in the roof, and bring valuables. Well, and called to the exact place where the fun of the bandit was going. That is to say, they cut off the opening hard, but then a crowd of hoppies was poured out into the corridor... Two days of these poor people in the bathroom were marinated, they did not expect to get out... Then all this honest hop company was seized, who survived, of course. This is the "epic file" of the post-Soviet Union.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133744
Legalization of cannabis in the United States:
Has anything changed in your life after the legalization?
- Yes, everything is the old way: torch at home, torch at work...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133743

xxx: And I believe in the friendship of the sexes and consider her to be my best friend /-vanilka / guys, tell me how to give her, I have no strength, honestly.


Brother, offer her a hand, a heart and the rest of the lever - either she will agree and you will accept, or she will refuse and you will stop communicating and let you go with time.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133742
Walking through the substance market heard a lively voice of the seller: "We have many sizes, here is 46, here is 42, here is 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, sizes are many!"

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №133741
I followed my son to the kindergarten. On the street, the teacher cries to the children - Arseny, Kirill, and well, get out of the bushes. Barbarians don’t put sand on their heads.
I go and think where are all the old good names...Lehi, Sereghi, Sani...
Then I say to my son - Svyatoslav, go faster, or I will be late to work.
And we go home.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133740
xxx: "We had a case when a customer complained about the parent auto-generated logins. The fact is that the service when generating logins used the coolest algorithm for generating random lines based on slags, so that the final line was readable. And at a certain point, the million monkey wrote War and Peace.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133739
In the last decade, they wanted to replace programmers with monkeys – they were better at programming.
This is why we invented the Java language.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133738
>> and - cherry on cake - mosquitoes.

Along the Moscow river walk the mosquitoes.
All the bosses go, glasses.
Through the river rivers,
All silent people walk, all lyrics.

The train moves, flashing the light:
He goes to visit the mosquitoes.
Sitting in a seat of happiness,
Where the cholerics walk.

And then on the text, (c) M. Clear.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133737
Murmur: Lift is worn so that the breasts do not hang, and not for beauty
It is for beauty ::)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133736
It would be fun if your JAP defined a hat from Gary Potter.
You sit and read "Only not PHP, only not PHP, only not PHP"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №133735
Good day to all. This story happened to me about two years ago at one of the night shifts in the pharmacy. As always, overwhelmed after study and the evening flow of suffering, at 3 o'clock at night he went to sleep. About 6 o’clock in the morning (the strongest sleep was) the phone call. I open the window, a man asks for a baby cream. I take the bill and go look for it. I remember it clearly, then begins the most interesting thing. My next memory after taking the bill is a bell at the door. I get up and open the window. The next dialogue is: (p) the buyer. and I (I)

I salute you.

Q. Do you say hello? ? to ! to ? to ! to ! to ? to ? to ! to ? to Where is the cream? ? to ? to ? to ? to ! to ? to ! to ? to

What kind of cream? I ask.

And after that, I am thrilled by the memories of an unknown time ago about how I was asked to bring the cream. I go to the box. On the table lies a baby cream, scanned, but not pierced.... I don't remember what note I took, but I gave it as a hundred, because it was too burning to ask. The overall result: I took the money, found the cream, scaned and went to sleep! to sleep! ! to ! to I don’t know how long he was there, I don’t remember. It was an eternity for me.)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133734
Grandma is so kind. Breaking the stereotypes.
When you decide to send a package, let me know in advance. It will be heavy.
She: Yeah, you won’t bring it alone, we’ll send it over the weekend.
I: On the weekend and Vasya and Petya leave. They cannot help.
No fear, you’ll bring it yourself!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №133733
//... If my wife leaves me... by her own will... should she... work for two weeks???!!!)))

Do you have a labor contract?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133732
5 years ago I worked in the warehouse as a security guard, so that more went out a month took many daily shifts and in a row. They were allowed to sleep 4 hours a day at night. At three o’clock at night I sit, drawing tired of boredom. the driver comes in, before I miss the warehouse I have to write the data of his document to myself in the journal and give him a reflective vest.

And here, dear... I wake up from his words: - Well, how long do I have to wait?

And I sit overwhelmed, holding his driver's license in my hands, and I don't move, he didn't understand that I fell asleep.

It was uncomfortable. and useful experience)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna