— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №90516
Paradox, but sea pigs, for example, do not swim at all.

A dumb crocodile is not dumber than other relatives

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №90515
here here :

The xxx:
I had a Russian teacher at school. and temporary. I don’t know where it was stolen from. But somehow, checking the dictatorship of one of the quite literate students, she corrected half the correct words to the wrong one, put a three with a minus and signed - "UzhEs".
This is he himself. by JES.

In us, in the praised Soviet times, by the way, the teacher of Russian was replaced by the director, a philologist of education. For the fact that I dared to correct her mistake on the board, she put a record in my diary (literally): "Dear parents, your daughter is systematically holding on to the lesson." This was my favorite recording with my ancestors.


He moved from a regular school to a lyceum (then still) in connection with moving to another city.
At the end of the year, I was discharged for failure in algebra. In fact, I knew the subject, but I was a witness to how the director told the algebraic that I could silence her with my knowledge of the belt (and in the past school we were drawn directly to such subjects and it was simply impossible not to know them). And then it happened... What is not control, then I have an assessment- "par", with the attribute "the decision must be different".
That is, she found a reason: I decided faster, using other methods, that she was wildly angry, and that the answer came together - she wasn't worried. And you say...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №90514
xxx: he told her on the penis - the type of how this skin is called by science and the fist on which it holds, etc.
Was it showing?! to
xxx: I don't know)))) but this fool so deeply replied to him "so this is what the phrase "to take under usdce" means, and I don't know it";

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №90513
From the Chinese lunar rover:
The name for the lunar spacecraft was chosen by the results of Internet voting. Yutu, according to Chinese mythology, is the name of a girl named Chanye, who drank magic pills and flew to the moon with a pet to become a goddess.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90512
to this:

Portugal: Yes, scandalized with this torch to the whole world...

Beyonce: It is exactly. As the saying goes, “They are worn like a fool with a written bag.”

You are strange people: there are no Olympics - "Well who will go to us", "where does the government look", "we are again like lohi", there is an Olympics - again nights.

At least once, say to yourself quietly at night under your pillow: “Yes, we are the largest country in the world, and we will shadow this façade through the space, and through the Baikal, and through the whole country, and through the same percentage of sea that jammes with façades on the shade. And X%Y who will repeat it". Yes, we are precisely the people whose unpredictability still balances all Western calculation and Eastern deception. Yes, we are precisely the country where at the same table in the same family can drink vodka Orthodox, Muslims, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Old Orthodox and atheists, but at the same time to argue about the secret of Stradivari violins.
We have one problem: we don’t trust the government and it doesn’t trust us.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №90511
In 1960, the eighth Winter Olympics took place in Squaw Valley, California.
California, I will repeat again.
Well, why, as a kind of shit, a model for imitation, and as in Germany the minimum hourly salary of 8.5 euros - no shit to repeat?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90510
You are a Dalai Lama!
No, I am an extravagant person.
Dema: You were an extravagant person when you arrived at the Oktoberfest in a T-34 T-shirt with the inscription “To Berlin!” But to drink vodka in the Amsterdam cafe with grass and think that then the roof will not break could only dalpyop!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №90509
Real 3D design announcement.

A secret community of anonymous designers in the enclosure offers to join secret style solutions. The followers of our training are capable of:
transform the desert into Eden (landscape design);
- shelter in a business center or casino (exterior design - residential, non-residential houses);
- Khrushchev in royal apartments (interior design - office, apartment, restaurant, bar, cafe, country house, hotel, club, etc.)) ;
- and other advanced chips (3D objects, furniture modeling).
Do you think we are crawling? And the Nifiga! The company ****, tel. and ***.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №90508
Who invented this at all: the year of the horse, the year of the dragon... Why not the year of the barley farce? A year of strawberries? Or, for example, the Year of the Thai Prostitute?
by PixieSlasher
@AlmondRocha hi, I am Andrew, I was born in the year of farsa, according to the horoscope - a prostitute-enot. Do you think the stars are kind to me?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90507
by Lol_icon
There is Warcraft. There you play as the commander-in-chief of the armies of the fantasy world, there are orcs, elves, nerds, you direct troops and repair bases with shells.
There is Starcraft. There you play as the commander-in-chief of the armies of the distant space. There are Earthans, prototypes and mirrors. You are sending troops and rebuilding bases.
And there is Minecraft. It happens - where, you command no one, there is no one, and in general: you are a robbery, you manage everything yourself.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №90506
Recently, he witnessed a mind-blowing conversation of a father with his little son (year 4 patsanu).
I go into the dressing room of a sports club, there is a almost dressed dad and a slowly dressing son. I went in when the father, with a fairly well-set voice of a storyteller, said to his son:
"Shoes *pause* consists of..."
I got all the mind, I think this is a folder that is good, everything is told to the son, now it will probably turn to the foundations of the shoe industry...
After a pause, the man ends:
"... and not at all!"

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90505
The article 4 times finds the idea that the entry threshold for programmers is very low. Why is? And since it is not so high, why is there still a shortage of personnel?

Employers don’t need people who just crossed the threshold. They need those who know not only how to cross the threshold, but also to enter the room through a closed door, to climb into the chimney, along the way building a staircase of sublime materials, parallel to performing Schubert's valves.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №90504
I work in preaching. A couple of weeks ago, one of my students proved to fellow students that summer is due to the fact that the Earth, revolving around the Sun, rises into the orbit of Venus (i.e. Venus). It becomes a planet from the sun, becomes closer to it) and we are warmer. When he laughed at her, she was very angry. The bachelor must be obtained in a year and a half.
If you recognize yourself, no insults. This cannot not be shared.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №90503
As a child, I, like everyone else, collected candy fantasies. I had a very good collection. The value of the specimen was determined by beauty and rarity. But there appeared a cowboy, to whom a mother from a confectionery factory brought candy fantasies in rolls. At one point, the value of my “treasure” was rapidly approaching zero. This is the first time I have experienced hyperinflation.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №90502
The Smartphone Forum:
My glass itself broke not very bothering but already 9 cracks on it and becomes more and more with each fall.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №90501
The last few years have brought the security guards two shocking surprises in a row: hackers, it turns out, hack! The spies are spies! Who could have thought of that ten years ago?
YYY: Another surprise from the last one too. It turns out that the intelligence services are listening, and the insiders are merging. Shut up now.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №90500
She came to us in the accounting office of the chief, immediately after an economist, such as a young special, something she was taught there for 5 years, probably, and after all, she took exams.
The first working day, after a couple of hours "work" gives the vote:
Should we pay taxes to the state and not it to us?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90499
About the men:
She: Come, we need to go to the store.
I can’t, I’m sick, I’m sick. (About 10 minutes It is with a thermometer.
What is your temperature?
He: Not yet, but I’ll probably wait.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №90498
Artists, take the courage! Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the comic about ananas!)))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №90497
by Alex:
I didn’t have a normal combo for two days.

by alisa_dorian
It sounds like "I have not had normal sex for 2 years")

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna