Fuck you for Bali! It is normal for a child to get sick up to 6 times a year, so he develops immunity. Understand this simple truth and get stuck in singularity!
Do you know when you start appreciating the banal "Happy End" in movies?
When there’s so little hippie in life that you’re constantly thinking about ends.
Remove these fucking parents from here.
or if it is no longer a humorous resource change its name to "my thugs";
I will not open it anymore.
From my husband's conversation with pregnant me
Let’s look at some horror.
I am : =
I: What about the baby?
husband: Okay... let’s watch comedies... What about "A nightmare on the street of the veys"?
I: (kiss) Let's see a romantic comedy, and you have a nightmare, and I'm happy
I’m the only one who can read the book, think that people are strange times such a scam is stumbling them and no longer thinking about them?
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“If not, then congratulations – you’re a cat and you’re just scared.
To tears, it’s just like how much the ducks believe that their muscles are capable of something other than adding trouble to them. Especially against the shocker-armed and trauma guard in front of a bunch of cameras and people. I would rather believe that the security guard is filled with a bull on a person who looks capable of making a single phone call at any time — but at the nearest swallowed bowl he will play for his battlehead.
The fact is that they have the rules of a courtyard hierarchical fight (the only one in which their fool decides something) in their head, and they automatically believe that everyone signed up in any situation to play exactly according to their rules. It is not the case in the struggle of the real - any splash with a kitchen cloth twists a couple of times and on the pre-mortem "what are you like a man?" you will only be terribly surprised that someone (were) such exaggerated ideals.
A new game came out. Not for the wider circle, you have to think about it. The authors seem to have put their whole soul into it. Nothing to protect against pirates.
Do you know what it sounds like on the track? "I download now, and then I will definitely buy". And they buy: such are the fans of these authors.
Chess and mat, greedy, helpless copywriters.
Series about economists - "Don't be born beautiful", 2005 your cap
We return home late in the evening. On the way, my husband told me that while I was not there, he prepared a surprise for me. We enter the apartment and a surprise in the kitchen. I go into the dark kitchen, I turn on the light, the melting, on the white bowl live green crabs in the amount of a hundred pieces. How I was screaming!! Vitas would die of jealousy. Surprisingly, none of them came up. It turns out, my bought a box with cancers, covered with a cloth, and the cancers moved a cloth and spread. For a long time I refused to get off the chair. The surprise succeeded.
This banking trick:
On the second summer she spit on everything, took a loan, and went to the sea. with a child. for two weeks. His son was replaced. For the whole next school year, I had to go to the hospital only once, and that was because of watermelon! Loans paid out early before the new year
A good attempt. Fantasy is not bad. But not.
Comments on the film on one of the online resources "ZV7"
XXX is 1. Very weak and all squeezed.
2nd Joey Casino for you to die
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The idea of "three-year-old decree a child does not need" and "let us fight for its abolition" sounded, and I couldn't stand it.
A child is born the most helpless creature on earth. And in the depths of it there is a program:"Be someone – or you will die". Up to 3 years of constant presence of a significant adult is a question of survival for a child. At the unconscious level, it is caused by nature. A significant adult is one about whom the child thinks: "I am a child of this person, so he will take care of me, my survival is guaranteed to me, you can calmly develop." An important adult is not necessarily a mother. It can be a dad, a grandmother, a aunt, even a regular babysitter. But never - a teacher in the kindergarten or in the nursery or in the nursery.
I know that my grandmother in the 50s went to work when my child was 2 months old. I look at my mom, uncle, and aunt: they are psychologically degraded personalities. This is not fatal, they live poorly, but they are all psychological disabled. Not psychological, but psychological. I and many of my peers in the 80s were given in the basement at a year and a half. On average, we are more flexible than our mothers. I hope my daughter will have even fewer hysterics, neuroses and other cockroaches than I have. For one and a half years, nobody gave her anywhere.
And now, grandmother, tell me what I did wrong? Am I invented or am I not?! to
Our dad did not miraculously become alone, but what time was left with a newborn baby, work and it is unclear whether a future wife would live or not. normally got it. It’s great, and most of the men get out. Just most of the kids here are only seen in the movies.)
Scientists have been able to introduce a gene in baking yeast that is responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme that turns sugar into morphine.
Maca bulbs and heroin sticks are obsolete.
Morphine cakes will be...
Chat a group of students, all – guys and one girl (that’s me). The chat has been silent for a week, and here I ask in which audience we have the state exam tomorrow. In half an hour I will go to read the answer - and there are already hundreds of posts discussing gay porn. O_O
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I’ll move my baby-sitter into a different direction.
I am angry with mommies who have an atrophic instinct of self-preservation. These fools have a very bad habit of climbing on the unregulated pedestrian crossing by pushing a wheelchair in front of them and regardless of who is there or not. Idiots, fucking, a child’s wheelchair doesn’t make you invulnerable!!! So what hero are you jumping out of the wheelchair on the road? I can’t stop with all my desire!! Because it’s on the roads!! to
I don't want to live myself - okay, nobody cancelled natural selection, but the child is there?! to
The coincidence of life goals, etc.
Is there anything that can lie to your face? I told my then bride that I wanted two to four children, and I would not go for adoption/adoption. In response I heard, “I dream of becoming a mother, but you have to make money so that we can provide.” OK, three years later I am no longer a student and I make money, I will start talking about children again. In response, I get hysteria, petitions to adopt someone and gradually it turns out that my wife has a deep psychosis on the topic of childbirth and she is not going to go to the doctor with this problem.
I am preparing for divorce.
I said that the cock and the glass are homeomorphic.
Nippon is like that. A glass of homeomorphic cubes, balls and so on. And the cock has a hole through the mouth to the poop. He is homeomorphic touru and circle. And this is only if the respiratory system does not connect with the digestive as in mammals. This is when we drink water and it can get into the trachea. In this case, the cock is even more difficult.
As long as you will see instead of a puppy a pet in need of training, do not expect anything good from her, especially obedience. Anyone perceives this attitude as a sting, and already a teenager with hormonal drives, inflated maximalism and with a lack of life experience... Try to see in a person first.
It is a pity that they did not talk to me.
xxx: Today in the TC was heard a stupid question: "Why are TVs different?"
But the seller of goods, not confused, said: “These are the things that Bosch created.”
for different conditions of viewing.