I like tea with pieces of orange and mango.
YYY: That’s why you haven’t tried the Tatar tea!
XXX: with pieces of horse, on the go?
XXX is
Standard letter of happiness, if you forward, then...; if you do not forward, then...>
Every time you send spam, God kills a little white cat.
XXX is
Why did you take it?
How, did you not know? Never send spam again.
XXX is
I did not know, tell me.
I actually told
And people who start such mass mailings get cancer and then die in torment.
This is such a punishment
XXX is
How did you find out?
Generally known
Even in the Bible it is written
XXX is
I was in shock, honestly I didn’t know.
The story happened to a friend of mine who had never suffered from lunatism, except for one case.
One day he fell ill and stayed at home. His sister listened to music on the compass, he went to sleep himself. About half an hour later, the sister heard the steps, turned around - Sanya goes past the doorway. She jumped up, looked into the hallway - Sanya is already opening the entrance door. She rushed quickly to him and grabbed him for the shelf. He turned around and looked at her with a glass look. There is dialogue:
Where are you?
to include.
Where is?! to
to turn off.
(The second break)
Where where?? to
Turn off...
xxx are stupid!! Tarantino hasn’t been there for three years. Greenpeace is worried about this. What is wrong with this world.
Yyy: And I think these living creatures, just on a spacecraft, have moved to another habitable planet and are waiting for us.
People who know how to read when both hands are in the gips.
How did you write it?? to
The people! I urge you to reflect.
I’m tired of reading posts like this: the Russian Greeks didn’t like to be taken into slavery. Because they managed to brew there wine, to eat like pigs, and the beetles, who glorify drinking and drinking, and as if it was inherent in our ancestors. Read the history! There you will not even find mention of drunkenness, drunkenness (I am talking about systematic and interfering drinking). You will build nothing on it! And this is not a matter of praise for the people and for the individual! Think for yourself.
P.S Also tired of quotes about sex, paleness, dumbness. This is not what a man needs.
Missed is nothing. Only "for the power is offensive".
When two hands are occupied and you open the door with your foot, the thought of being a niibazzo acrobat involuntarily rolls through.
death.keeper.angel (16:03:03 26/05/2009)
Women at work are stupid.
Kira (16:03:12 26/05/2009)
In the sense?
death.keeper.angel (16:03:29 26/05/2009)
This girl has long been showing me that she likes me.
death.keeper.angel (16:03:36 26/05/2009)
I fucking fed it!
Kira (16:03:44 26/05/2009)
Earth has become an obstacle on the path of a new intergalactic route and will be destroyed... Therefore, smart cockroaches have flown to their planet.
[ +
- ]
Guys, don’t abandon the girls who love you with all their heart. Then you will bite the elbows and fuck the crocodile.
The goldfish.
From the screen copy of the film:
I watched...
The right half of the screen is impressive. between the left side of the screen.
XXX: I repeat to you the 10th time - there are no settings! The developers did not expect that someone would play this shit.
Yes, I graduated from art school and got a genius knowledge that in the tubus goes two by 0.5 and three by 0.7 =((
I presented the picture: Bevis and Bathed are all in white bracelets - you guys, now they will give us!
c) The Drone
"...white bracelets will wear those who are looking for a second half, that is, want to get acquainted"
People, there is a serious proposal: add another color, and introduce color differentiation by color characteristic (do not rust, I seriously!) Let’s say white – for those looking for normal, long-term relationships, and for example green – for those looking for flirting, sex, “relationships without commitment” and other “adventures.” Let’s be honest, at least in that.
Whoever is interested, support it.
Do you know where we sell the bullets?
yyy (22:21:37 27/05/2009)
And the Nafiga?
Contact me, get to know, read
Interests: I love the sea... the sun... the beaches... the bronzage... the solarium... the chocolate, the champagne, the flowers... the club, the CoCa-CoLy... the soft games... the plushed bears... me to you! ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
yyy (22:22:14 27/05/2009)
Please record the address...
The incident occurred during the honeymoon. The Commission.
He sits in front of the surgeon’s office. A guy enters there, and the door closes tightly, as a result, everything is heard perfectly. All the shit clouds of the people wrapped their ears.
The surgeon dressed up.
Couple - "silence" is only the sound of the clothes that are removed.
The surgeon comes!
"Pareenok approaches her"
Surgeon - show primary sexual signs
"Again a hustle, apparently showed"
Then the silence...
Surgeon" with a slightly quiet, surprised voice" - and what do you have?
In the corridor already compressed laughs, someone turned red, but for the time being restrained not to rust.
Surgeon" has been interested" - how long has it been with you?
The hallway is quiet of laughter.
Surgeon" already with obvious enthusiasm" - and you do not bother?
Surgeon" with admiration" look!
Someone has already started laughing.
But then we were all killed when we heard the last part of the surgeon’s monologue.
Surgeon"with an obvious interest in the voice"- and let’s go with you THIS! to remove? A!! I'll write you a direction, well, it probably interferes, and in the army nothing to do!
The guy responded compressively – let’s go, with a voice full of grief.
When he came out, the corridor was already rolling on the floor from rust, some were crying, some were roaring in their voices.
And he is despicable – you are idiots! My shoulder is big!I am so proud :DDD
xxx: today to relocate went, polka also came, she had the last relocation remained. Prepod took the check, put everything, even did not ask. Every serious company makes discounts to regular customers!
And said the director of the "AutoVAZ": By the command of a man, according to my will, go, Wadra, somehow yourself.
The frequency is 7Hz.
Frequency of cranial resonance
The chicken box. It was defined
Experience in Australia, where
The new factory produced sounds precisely with
of this frequency. She was too close.
from the chicken farm when the factory began
All the chickens died.
Announced!! to
Urgently, for a lot of money, I will buy 2 magnets capable of producing sounds at 7Hz, to the accounting office.
by Odin.