— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The incident occurred during the honeymoon. The Commission.
He sits in front of the surgeon’s office. A guy enters there, and the door closes tightly, as a result, everything is heard perfectly. All the shit clouds of the people wrapped their ears.
The surgeon dressed up.
Couple - "silence" is only the sound of the clothes that are removed.
The surgeon comes!
"Pareenok approaches her"
Surgeon - show primary sexual signs
"Again a hustle, apparently showed"
Then the silence...
Surgeon" with a slightly quiet, surprised voice" - and what do you have?
In the corridor already compressed laughs, someone turned red, but for the time being restrained not to rust.
Surgeon" has been interested" - how long has it been with you?
The hallway is quiet of laughter.
Surgeon" already with obvious enthusiasm" - and you do not bother?
Surgeon" with admiration" look!
Someone has already started laughing.
But then we were all killed when we heard the last part of the surgeon’s monologue.
Surgeon"with an obvious interest in the voice"- and let’s go with you THIS! to remove? A!! I'll write you a direction, well, it probably interferes, and in the army nothing to do!
The guy responded compressively – let’s go, with a voice full of grief.
When he came out, the corridor was already rolling on the floor from rust, some were crying, some were roaring in their voices.
And he is despicable – you are idiots! My shoulder is big!I am so proud :DDD

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna