From the Freelancer website:
"We need 3D artists to model car parts"
Artists of Suga
I am an artist!
I am a 3D artist.
Everyone thought what the shit I was doing was called.
The 3D artist.
The Favourite! I will give you a quote on the main!)
I have two news, good and bad. Which to start?
Go with the bad.
I fucked them.
Wife : Who?
The Man: Money
Wife: What are they?
Man: Those of the Good News
Wife: What is the good news?
Yesterday I won the 12th. of the thousand that you have left on the map.
Wife of Uriah! I have never won anything in my life! Have you already figured out what to give me? Murmurmoor
Wife: Stop
You are fucking fucking (
The consciousness dies with the halting of chemical processes.
Yyy: What happens to your consciousness after you die?
zzz: yyy, when the computer dies what happens to its OS?
YYY: I believe that it re-incorporates into another machine, installs again and again, upgrades again and again, and dies again and again.
zzz: And I don't remember anything about my previous installations
Thank you, you made me feel like a serial killer.
Why are holidays always food? Are we so hungry all the time?
Anna Zhukova: This is atheism. In the past, people ate only on holidays, this is the custom.
Everyone remembers the joke "two titanium balls. One lost, the other broke."
They say DiCaprio has Russian roots...Give him a second Oscar! People need to realize their potential!
Carter: I hear kids running in the apartment from above, but I live in the entrance where there are only eight apartments and children I have never seen in my entrance.
Maybe you just get up late and come late?
Or they live in Alpha.
The little monkey continues to bear. This is a day of "regret".
"Sorry" "The baby" is exhausted all day. And since the baby himself is unable to kill any part of his doll body, our good boy takes him by the neck, fucking with his whole child's half-storey head against the wall, then makes a complaining face, says "wow" and regrets hugging him.
This reminds me of this "regret" relationship between some people...
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Here is this:
If the main form of contraception is condoms, then this is a family with a very, very low level of sexual literacy and the man needs to run away quickly and silently. And let the woman look, look, look for "the same man". How Jewelry in car stores are looking for their buyer."
Sorry, what are you offering? Okay, I agree, in a man’s condom the feelings are not the same. Did you know that hormone pills are not the same feelings in a woman? Maybe some of them do not have a decrease in libido, and some even decrease. Plus there are medical contraindications.intrauterine spiral? It is established only for pregnant women, plus the same possible side effects and contraindications.
It’s not so clear, ah.
XXXXX > Director at the morning greeting "Our organization has recently strived for a female start". Then he recovered about the M/G ratio.
Difficult childhood - father criminal, mother deputy" (c)
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The discussion as Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK, Natalia Garibalenko, at the Queen’s reception shocked Elizabeth II to the depths of her soul with her wild dress and ignorance of the label:
XXX: What a beautiful dress! The rich!
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! The correct term is "ambassador".
zzz:(uncertainly) The Ambassador
The ambassador, the ambassador. In the countryside, the wives of the ambassadors were called so. It must already be something overwhelming. If the woman is in office, then the ambassador.
Rebecca said the Jews saved the galaxy and more.
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How do you feel about Africa?
WOW: The first impression - there is not a single socket in the room for 40 square meters! There is Wi-Fi, there is TV, there are no connectors.
WOW: Well nothing! They do not know the Russians.
WOW: twisted one of the 5 light bulbs, got to the glass, attached the wire to it, twisted the triple wire, and already in the triple wire and went to the notepad and charging...
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We live in a great country. Seventy years have taught us that there is no God. Now for this phrase for a month in a psychic hiding. Give the same God to all these condoms, the same health - mental... And children - the same mentally complete.
Applications to HELPDESK:
Please connect accounting staff XXXXXX X.X. YYYYY Y.Y to the vacuum
Comment on the video about the lightning strike on YouTube:
Lightning somehow acts on the intestines, we too in the courtyard once struck lightning, and I, against my will, snorted in the pants, neighbors told - the same thing happened to them. Scientists are not yet able to explain this phenomenon.
XXX: What are you doing?
I am fighting phallocentrism.
[YYYY] Pinaou Hui
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I have vodka at home, tincture, a liter of cognac, a bank of beer. I do not want to drink.
What to do? Is it time for a narcissist? What is the stage of alcoholism?
<Copyel>: The type does. Well, it’s a sign, I’ll lie down and sleep)))
<ChertoffPes>: Did you tell them to do harder?
<Copyel>: No, I decided it was a sign and I need to sleep
<ChertoffPes>: Listen, well, I come to work every day, and there are signs around that I have to sleep.
<Copyel>: Listen to the signs.
<Copyel>: The
Copyel>: Learn to sleep with your eyes open.
<ChertoffPes>: The problem is that the bosses are not superstitious at all and do not believe in signs.
The morning started out. The mistress raised the kitchen servants an hour earlier than usual, and they, whispering to the men, took up the job. Tomorrow, the renter celebrated a great holiday - Baba's Day: one day in the year, the renter women sat with their hands together to remind their husbands of who the house holds. And so that it did not collapse during this time, all the babbish affairs had to be reworked for the time being, and in addition to baking holiday cakes and turning the pigeons.
The holiday was quietly hated by both sides, and the scandals on the next day were so many that it is inappropriate to call it Rock Day.