The user interface is like a joke – if it has to be explained, it’s not very good.
Oak E1
The 777 port
Drive@r: I ask you not to confuse the bulldozer of the type of Suncedar, Rubin, Pink strong for a ruble to twice seven with a relatively noble drink for two twenty!! to
There is an old joke:
What do you think of the corpuscular-wave theory of light?
I am not the light, I am Natasha.
He told this joke to his friend Svetlana, which he heard:
What does this have to do with light? Do you think all the lights are stupid? ! to
So the old joke played with new colors))
A recent journey to the Kentucky Fried Chicken. At the box, having finished ordering and taking out the wallet, suddenly I hear from the cashier:
Agree to donation?
No, I am saying.
Only 10 rubles to help sick children!!! Loud so that the whole line can hear. I am fortunate that I got a public condemnation.
and no.
The funniest thing, in the South Park recently was about this series. I all understand that sellers are obliged to offer such donations, but I consider such behavior to be frank.
To these comrades:
A potato with genes? Let go!
Are there genetic selectors? Add to this miracle the butter gene and I will cook and eat such a potato!
Zzz: If you add the gene to the pot with boiling water, you can not even boil.
And the gen silk, please!
Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, does not hesitate to drink water obtained from the processing of feces.A pilot station for the processing of feces was installed in Dakar, Senegal, in 2015. Gates himself in his blog described the process of obtaining water. “I watched how the feces went through the conveyor into a large reservoir, where the process of purification took place. They evaporated the water and then recycled it. In a few minutes, I was able to estimate the final result: a glass of pure, delicious water,” said the billionaire.
The first comment: The man who created the Windows Millennium and Vistu should only drink the water of the shit.
I bought a fitness bracelet almost a year ago. Then a few more people were interested in the work and bought.
Recently my accountant came to me. She’s a solid woman (a grandmother already) and she’s doing SUP's – steaming on the board.
The accountant wanted to find out if the bracelet would not count walking on the legs, but the fencing on the board. And the bracelet can show not only the steps, but also the mileage.
I offered to borrow my bracelet, but the employee had other plans. I listened to them a little and categorically refused to participate. The accountant had to persuade other people.
Imagine the warehouse. On it back and forth in the semi-dark runs a warehouser with a cart, which carries pallets with goods.
On the cart stands a bookkeeper, in makeup, in a dress, on his heels, in my bracelet, and, with a decisive expression of the face, he energically cheeks the imaginary wave.
The bracelet did not fit.
by Marinalevy
I am an artist by education. I painted from childhood. Now I read that the craving for drawing is due to the fact that the child, seeing something beautiful, wants to be involved in this beauty, so he paints it. He subconsciously wants to be a part of it. Interesting explanation given the fact that I most often painted money as a child. Not to say they were very beautiful, but apparently I really wanted to be involved with them.
On the way to work and back, I constantly circle one traffic jams through the private sector and sometimes go to the local store, because it is convenient - there are rows around my house in the evenings, and there are few people. The roads there are broken, so there are not a lot of people like me - faster than in the traffic jams, it still doesn't work out, and I calmly roll through the holes, immersed in thoughts, faces around me blinked, familiar, sometimes automatically greeting with a whistle. I recently noticed that I was greeted in response as a neighbor, and yesterday one man at the store told me that they wanted to raise money and make a normal road on three streets, and that the rental gathering would be there and there in so much. I told him that there should be no good roads here, otherwise everyone will get around the traffic jams.
I had a case: late in the evening I was driving from the end station of the subway to the area home, drive for 15-20 minutes. I did not want to wait for a taxi, agreed with a bomb at the stop. I told him where to go, he understood. From the orientation he was familiar, to drive exactly 5 minutes. The price is 400 rubles. When we crossed the landmark, he began to say loudly that I had deceived him, that it was terribly far away, and if he knew, he would not have bound me at all, and I had so much to deceive him. I didn't want to conflict, I wanted to go home soon - I said I would give him 500, only if I didn't need it. He didn’t ask for 700!!! And then we already came home - that is, actually 3 minutes have passed. I extend to him 500 rubles, and he splashes with saliva that I am an atheist, a disorderly girl, took the bill and WRONGED into me, telling me to drown with that money! I was in shock, but not thinking long, took the money and dropped it :)))
I often ride a taxi and have encountered a lot of things, but this was my first time.
I called a taxi through the app, from point A to point B, I was charged a price of 130 p. I waited for 15 minutes, although the app showed that the driver was in a seat near me, just where the shop with the shuttle was. As soon as I sat in the car, the following dialogue took place with the driver (B):
A: Girl, the cost of the order will not be 130 rubles, but 150.
I: Let me ask, is that why?
A: I usually drive on orders on the "LUX" rate, and now there are no such orders. (There must be mentioned that he has an old Reno Logan, such cars do not drive at our luxury tariff.)
I: And what about that? I did not call you for luxury.
A: We will go with air conditioning, for the air conditioning fee.
I: I, of course, don’t regret those 20 rubles, but I don’t quite understand your scheme, don’t you feel ashamed? I will pay as much as is calculated in the appendix.
Q: (on elevated tones) Well, as you want, we will drive in the heat and dust, if you are. The day was quite cold.
I opened the windows, turned off the air conditioner and we went. We come to point B, I count the money, as it did not get 1 ruble to 130r. I give him 200r, the driver gives 50 rubles.
You owe me another 20 rubles.
A: I have no small things.
I: So go change, I was driving in dust and heat, as you said, and I am not going to pay you 150r.
The driver got angry, took 20 rubles out of his pocket and almost threw them into me.
In general, I am not a greedy person, and if I like a taxi driver, I can leave a surrender to him, but when such a rough and frank divorce begins, I don’t want to give a penny in excess.
Should I say that I called a taxi and left a complaint on him?
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As a child, I loved dinosaurs. He constantly reviewed the BBC cassettes, collected dinosaur figures and generally wanted to become a paleontologist. I was then 5 years old, I was taken to an interview in 1st class, where at the end there was a standard question: "Who do you want to become? “To which I, without thinking, gave the standard answer: “A cosmonaut.” My mom was silent, but on the way home I learned why I didn’t tell my teacher about my love for dinosaurs and my desire to become a paleontologist.
I answered:
“Mom, I’ll tell her now who are paleontologists!”
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This is:
The Law of Jarov, the Law of Jarov.
But I will write a script, so that he poured gigabytes of files encrypted with a random key on the file storage - let the FSB then sit, decrypt, do business. It is not on helicopters to ride.
You are more careful there. It is easier for them to sign a law that prohibits the encryption of data, including personal data.
Question to Knowledge. Is the noosphere aware?
c: already at the airport, but the turn was hell))
Cox, have you already found it?
Go to the fucking!! I don’t have any hernia like that, comrades, he’s ashamed!
A: fucking... fucking... yeah, you didn’t take it, right... I asked, you said no with you.
I told you that you don’t bother with this.
A: You are doing right!
A: You are good!
C: Only a healthy lifestyle
c: only mineral
a: write "pearl" if you did not find this code word will be shorter
C: Go to Her
C: This is not a joke.
A: Are you already sitting there?
A: Say "banan", if you have to make a deposit for you
Tagged: banana
A: There’s a fifth... I can’t do it anymore, fucking.
Review: Batman vs Superman
YYY: What do they share?
Hollywood believes that viewers love crossovers
Five against Carlson?
I got stuck in the elevator last night. Alone and without a phone. I was saved in an hour. There was light and ventilation worked. And this morning, when I went to work and went into the elevator, everything seemed so native, home... every screw is familiar.
I had a friend (D) who wanted a beautiful body, bronze muscles, so that every t-shirt in the store went to him. And then it was a month, two, three, and he was getting thicker and thicker. The fat has already begun to deposit on the sides, so that it could not be overlooked. I could not stand and asked.
Tim, what kind of shit? You fat, where are all those muscles you talked about?
D. Blin, yes, I can’t understand myself, like I drink geiner, everything as written. A glass in the morning, a glass at night.
How much – how much already?
D is what?
I am a stang. What is more? You are going to the catch. Why do you drink Gynectrol?
D – What? What else do I need to go on the go? ? to ! to ! to
It turned out that he thought that in order to pump, you just need to drink a geyser and keep sitting behind the comp. What he did!
I remember writing a website for one office (tourism) So, did not pay. Naturally, all the logins and passwords remained with us, customers did not even dare to change them (although in this case the hole was left).
After 2 weeks, after the agreed payment period, I go to the hosting, quickly knock the page with the inscription "The site is temporarily blocked due to non-payment to developers" And in 10 seconds there is a redirect to the site of their competitors: )
Over half an hour has passed since I received an SMS to fill the bill. A penny in a penny was in line with the agreed amount.
Changed all back Customers didn’t even call.)
In Russia, all user manuals should start with the words: Well, broken?