— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154386
In every relationship, sooner or later there comes a moment when someone decides that you can already behave as usual, and the other wonder why a person suddenly became such a fool.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154385
It is only worth shifting the common sense as soon as space is released for the feat.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154384
About Blindness and Meaning

Sometimes I meet people who think they are doing useless work. Thanks to one event, for each of them I have a story. Today I want to share this story with you. Maybe it will give someone a small but positive charge.

It seems to be 2010. I worked as a technician in a regional IT company.

Our main project was the launch and support of digital classes in schools. The digital class is:

1st A large white board with a touch surface;
2nd Working station “in collection”;
Three The projector.

The scheme is simple - interactive educational content is projected on the board, which is created on the PC and students standing at the board can interact with it.

My task, as a technician, was to support users, simply repair and create an application to the manufacturer if standard repair methods didn’t help.

I received a request from a rural school. I couldn’t find out on the phone, so I had to go. Three hours on the train and I am there. In front of you is a small field and controller. A thought jumped through my head, and did I not go wrong with the station?

I was screamed from my back:
Go here! A woman screamed on the other side of the rail. The field was not there. There were wreaths, stones and a village was seen in the village. It was a teacher from school. Within 10 minutes we reached the area.

As a city resident, I was surprised by the look of the rural school. Very tired, wooden, single-storey building. Toilets for boys outside. When you go to school, you are immediately in the gym. There are no halls. I was taken to the office. In this school only local boys studied, so the classes were designed for a maximum of 4 parties. And against the backdrop of all this is the apophysis of the digitalization version of 2010 according to the Ministry's version.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154383
A man approaches the box, the seller pierces the products:
Need a package?
and yes.
Thank you for voting for the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna