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Den Stranger: A grandmother with an aquarium stands at the crossroads and sells mini turtles. The guy who studied the goods decided to touch and asked:
Can ninja turtles be grown from them?
The grandmother answered him seriously:
Well, if you properly feed, care for and raise it...
Sometimes things happen so suddenly that you don’t even have time to shut up.
to this:
From personal...
Received a letter, signature: Name and initials D.N.
Hm, D.N, D.N, D.N...
On the rise: Allo, Dmitry Nikolaevich? Hi to! Glad to hear you again...
I think there’s a lot of Nashrevanovich (((
I am...
A colleague Misha at work calls a client for the first time, worried, such a dialogue:
Hello Raphael, this is Michael.
I am Rafael.
Hey Raphael, this is Michael!
A programmer who doesn’t know English is like a manager who doesn’t know how to disassemble.
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to this:
Toxicate: Strange these cats-my is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, which never even frightened him, no vacuum cleaner..and He is absolutely not embarrassed to sit / lying on a curling like a circular, shaking old, washing machine at the time of pressing...
Cats (arphagraphy) roar and whisper at inhalation, and also determine the mass, respectively, the size (fighting characteristics) of the opponent. The volume of the lungs is proportional to mass. Accordingly, when there is an unhappy creature nearby (otherwise it would not have been a spire) of infinite size (the constant blowing of the vacuum cleaner), they crash with bricks.
In the coffin. Excellent from one forum:
"They have such a tradition. Over the centuries"
I’m watching a movie with Bruce Willis Young and I know he’s like a drunk Statham.
Watch the TV show on May 8:
History "Culture"
13:50 of Bandyagar. Country of Dogons.
Now I know where to go from the mess.
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here here :
9 is Frost resistance (can be used at temperatures up to -500 ° C without load and up to -400 ° C with load, including shock).
This is what makes the absence of the top index in the text format :-)
Loan a carpet that you have in the garage
Has something burned? You have a small kitchen.
xxxh: suddenly I yesterday dendi newbought+ 10 cartridges to him, the pistol does not work on the bullets, shoot no, need a kineskopic jar
I am in the garage and with you at night.
ууу: come the telecome, the linen does not let, the first mommy with the night didn't let now the wife does not let
xxx:"This time the Russian post broke the previous record — 6 days from the moment of arrival at the USPS point in Philadelphia before coming to my office"
XXX: 6 days
XXX: The Russian Post
XXX: How to Fuck
YYY: I don’t believe it :)
YYY: 6 days
Yyy: There only in a row can stand for 6 days
I was small, the crowd carried and carried me in the transport, I pushed my legs to make it easier. One time they took, got up, I dropped my legs to the floor, five stops passed, and the floor under me moved))))))) The leg turned out to be someone)))))))
[10:00:45] <minimus> I once sucked out the window as a child
[10:00:54] <minimus> but it was dark, rain and fifth floor
[10:01:01] <minimus> the perfect crime..
My drunk neighbor, Gen. The director of a construction firm, yesterday complained to me about his wife: his wife persuades him all the time to drive her to various celebrations, banquets, anniversaries... And he himself is a man obedient to the law, so driving no drops in his mouth, and I really want to. And the wife enjoys, drinks delicious drinks, snacks... And when she returns home, the wife falls out of fatigue and... no sex under various pretext!( by
WOW: Well of course! She is the wife of Gen. The manager, and he is just a driver! What a sex!
Weather changes much more frequently than we do here.
Maybe they have water there.
I: Aha, the northern ice reservoir.
BigBossik: It's all difficult here (to buy a big toy you need a pilot's license, to get a pilot's license - you need to know English, but with this I have had problems since childhood....Parents apparently in the bed with the flag of the USSR at night covered, so that nothing because of the iron curtain into my head did not flow...So from school foreign languages and I hate each other.
The girls are hugged! There are dozens of female characters there are so many men that you can count on your fingers! And there are some of the main characters almost dried up on the princesses and they are kissed! There are two boys! There are (almost) all the problems that only girls solve! There are several family couples, but of the six (and even nine) main characters, only one shows interest in boys! You say, the rainbow...
I’ve never felt so motivated to see these pions.
xxx: You may know that I am not well with geography, especially when it comes to some unknown countries whose flags are not even in the instructions on the air refresher.
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@ar00t: Many are now thinking - whether to issue a passport, or better wait when Russia will be everywhere
I go to the office where Vitalia is currently working. The brigade of their installers looks like mobile phones are pressed off by passers at night. He seemed to have worked before retirement in the KGB investigation department. At the reception, a little girl and the makeup of which Dracula is jealous. Yes, Vitaly himself is forever shaved and in the dirt, admin to chew him. But most importantly, the director over this zoo is a low, forever smiling, puffy man with a pursuit "Naf-Naf"!! to