— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, once this was the subject of the shine-front, so I will tell you.

My grandfather was called in 1938. sent to the Far East. Hallinggol and all this has been experienced fully. The first injury was received...
Then the Finnish began. transferred there. And now it is home, and here it has begun.
My grandfather didn’t like to remember the war, he didn’t love it at all. Remember the movie “Four Tankers and the Dog.” One summer in 198, he knows what year I spent all summer with my grandparents. And this movie just went. As soon as he started, the grandfather through his teeth roared and went to smoke on the bench, apparently he didn’t want to shake his memory. I will never forget how he said, “A fairy tale is all this, war is not that.” And I am. A film about war is like all the children in the houses. Well remember each cartoon for a week ahead with a pencil rounded, because showed the box only 2 channels and everyone knew when the cartoon, and when the movie about the war. This is an event.
I tried to ask him a few times, but he just cried out.
But once it broke. I sat and sucked. Every word, every breath,
In 1942, near Stalingrad, he heard that part No____ is fighting nearby, and according to letters he was receiving letters from this part from his brother, whom he had not seen for 4 years, and this part is under the side. He went to the commander - so he said and so, his brother there in the neighboring barracks. The commander thought and said to him, I will let you go, but you will not return. Stalingrad is such a cave of death, few have come out of it.
About the home and the mother, and the funeral for the father already... The choice he made, but do not judge him - did not go. Then came my brother’s funeral.
He also recalled as he retreated at 41. He was then a sappar at the artillery regiment. Sleep was lacking. I slept wherever I could, and often when moving on the anti-dysfunctional glands moved together (forgive me the gunmen, I don't know the name). If it falls out, it means death under the wheels of the gun. But when it stopped anyone if you haven’t slept for a day. Here he fell asleep. and fell out. But survived. He slept on the road until a motor woke him up. Sprosonoku joined the column and went with them to the east. He just said something wrong. Looking around, he stood by his foot to the frictions. They’re the same people, they’re chasing us on foot. Quietly in the darkness he drove and pursued his own. In two days. How he was shot, I don’t know.
And out of the boiler managed to fall, under Leningrad was the case. Where 2 strike army under the leadership of Vlasov got into the boiler. There almost died of hunger, on the swamp of trees, the bark was starved, but he was saved by Gata, so called his countryman, who shared with him with the last shredded piece of bread, which he held at the NZ TWO YEARS.
The grandfather arrived in Poland, and there were further injuries and injuries. I returned at 45 and was convulsively angry with 6 children, including my mother. I remembered him smoking at the doorstep - neither teeth nor hair...
He died in May 1991 – a few months before the collapse of the Union... He was the last of the surviving veterans of that war in the village of Old Casilino of the Arsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Mr. Babu, thank you very much.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna