— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will answer:

Tell me, the bearers of the universal mind, how do you pick up cats from the street? I didn’t get any in my hands... Dogs are easy, and cats no.

I feed, always feed a hungry animal on the street, a couple of sausages or a bag of food is a very small expense, and cat food will ease the hard street life at least a little. Now the second animal from the street lives at my house. They choose me themselves. The first was very quiet, he only rejoiced me, clung to my feet and asked no longer for food, but for favors. He died of cancer this winter at the age of 11, lamented by his entire family. The new, shy girl, who was attached to me in the spring, also licked more than she ate and ran after me into the entrance. had to take.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna