— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend shares his experiences:
I came home very late yesterday, tired like a dog, the whole family is already asleep. I decided not to wake my wife and eat it and drink it myself. I got vodka from the refrigerator. I remembered that for such cases there is a "fries" in the freezer - a piece of frozen salt. I approach the freezer, my mouth is already filled with saliva in anticipation of fine-cut salts and to cold water, mmmm, pleasure. I open the door, go to the upper shelf and suddenly, milling, someone's tail falls on my mouth from there, furry and furry. An unpleasant discovery – I prove to be able to whistle! It was then, the woman who ran to the scream explained that because of the breeding mole she placed her nork coat in the envelope and pushed it into the freezer. Then I saw that I forgot to put the belt from the shirt into the box, was lazy to unpack the box, twisted the belt into the box and laid it next to me. She, you see, was lazy, and I still have an incurable psychological trauma. Dora is untouched!! and :-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna