— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I hear you are accustomed to excessive additives like sodium glutamate in foods. After all kinds of flavor enhancers, a lot of sugar and salt, natural food can really look fresh.

Do you know how one of my friends is cooking? If you swim, then this is a quarter bottle of vegetable oil, thrown at the same time rice, meat and carrots, and even no onion, not to mention spices - fresh cooked flour. The freshest vegetables from their own extensive garden are cooked for one and a half hours and as a result acquire the taste of plastic cabbage, rather than the expected cabbage cabbage. Meat - either tortured "in French" and floating in, again, oil from dissolved mayonnaise and dissolved cheese, or roasted with vegetable oil (yes, and again without spices / spices) almost to the condition of the body, or roasted to the black on a bowl. Pasta, even initially good, made of solid varieties of wheat, is cooked in a scratch of a la school table. I may be silent about soups, but I haven’t seen the soup of sprat anywhere before. Finance is there, with the stomach / bile / pancreas everything is fine, just so taught her mother, who before marriage to the plate and did not fit, and married she came out in the late 60s.
And, by the way, if the healthy, natural and delicious Brussels cabbage is cooked for too long, the taste becomes monstrously disgusting... So yes, you can make a foil from good fresh products, if you don’t know (and don’t want to know) “match”.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna