— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About my kids, my 5 copies:

"Tommy and Annika - these cute and careful children - stood frightened and didn't take their eyes off the gentleman.

Do you live here? He asked.

“No,” said Tommy, “we live in a neighboring house.

“But we come here every day to play,” overcoming embarrassment, Annika added.

“Well, I will quickly put an end to this,” said the gentleman. I won’t let my kids run through my garden. There is nothing more disgusting in the world than children.

“I totally agree with you,” Peppi said, and even stopped jumping for a moment. All children should be shot.

How can you say so? Tommy was scared.

Yes yes yes! All the children should be shot, Peppi insisted. - But unfortunately, it can’t be done, because where will all the important uncles come from then? Without them, we can’t do it ".

(c) "Peppy Long Sleeve"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna