— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the killer!

Since I was a child, I was embarrassed by this phrase from fairy tales about milk rivers and jelly shores. What kind of beach will you drown on? These two fluids should be mixed immediately. Only recently realized that jelly as a solution of starch is a non-Newton liquid! That is, standing on such a shore, of course, can not, but to run quickly - very even possible. It remains only to calculate with what speed the milk must move in the river so that the banks and for it remain solid.

Hehey, chel, is a modern jelly - liquid. And in those times, when they invented this fairy tale, the jelly was ripped with spoonfuls and placed on a plate, such was the thick C:
I was embarrassed by this phrase as a child until my grandmother told me the truth.
Cheers to autumn, cat!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna