— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:

You can think, everyone has already forgotten how Soviet citizens behaved, who were lucky enough to get on a trip abroad. And the sausage of hard smoking was carried with them, and the wiring in foreign hotels was burned with boilers. It would be wide - wide would be eaten :D And China now, in general, the same essayer, only with an amendment to the demography

Congratulations to you, Shrek, you are Balbes.
It seems that a little time has passed, and in your weak heads everything has already mixed up, or you just can’t read.
Soviet citizens did not travel to five-star hotels in Vienna. Basically, few travel abroad available were business trips and very few, economy class, tourist trips. At the same time, it was possible to exchange a very small amount of money for foreign currency, and people wanted to bring gifts to their relatives, imported clothes, shoes. From here and raw copper (you mean it, hard copper? sausages, canned foods and boilers.
The Chinese have their own reasons to eat. Don’t think everyone is stupid.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna