— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

In the West, there are "carousels" and no throws, right? And CNN is a deeply true handshake television company.
It became known from the press, at this referendum itself:
1st The vote was not secret, and for each of its participants you can find out exactly how he voted.
2nd To get a ballot, it is enough for a person to simply name his name - he did not register anywhere.
Three Any resident of Scotland, including a foreigner from the EU and the Commonwealth, could vote.
4 is You can vote by mail, as well as transferring the right to vote to loved ones. A huge number of people voted - almost 800 thousand. of 4.2 million participants.
5 is All photos and videos on the site are prohibited.
6 is No exit polls were held, because the publication of their results on the day of the vote was also prohibited.
7 is The age limit was reduced to 16 years.
Yes to! I forgot! Even immigrants could vote!! to

Vasily Ivanovich and Petka went on a trip abroad. Separated
on different sides. They meet in three months. Vasily Ivanovich
hungry, encouraged, and the Petka is all in gold.
Where I took it.
P - I go to the club, and there the cards are played in a point. At first, the map did not work.
And then one says, “I have a point,” and I show him a point, and he
"Gentlemen believe in the word"
And here I have a map like a pearl...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna