— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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With friends and beer I had to watch the series "Sled". delivered it all! Both DNA in a regular microscope, and a chemist writing a quick program. And here in the frame, the next superman masches "shorts", is represented as a major, and the photo in the certificate without a drive - in normal clothes. Comrade, who served 10 years in the personnel department of ROVD, was outraged. The rest reassured him:
“This is a great department! They may have certificates and positions and titles special – only for them.”
For example: Vanya Super Eye or Ophigenic Proger
“A parade form – cowards above the collies”
At this time, a FES employee appears on the screen in a shirt, from which elements of intimate haircut are visible.
Comrade: “I am afraid and suppose that she has written in the certificate...”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna