— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I lie in the hospital, a friend was going to visit, but the affairs were not released) in the morning read another mini-report:
I wanted to write that to eat time not even... eaten Cheburek from the kiosk))) told me: don't eat Cheburek and you whiten - a goat you will become....especially if you see that the SUV is rushing 140 on the red around the city, then the reason is either the driver drunk or Cheburek/Belaš... I wasn't drunk))))))))))) I now know what means stealth time, those seconds when the port is over the toilet with the speed of the light you remove )))) these seconds lasted for me for hours... hell... why I immediately belt, button and width... it's still so long... and yet the acceleration of free fall 9,81... my popper rejected all the axis and even I, it seemed to me, warmed up from the atmosphere, while you went down to the bottom)))))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna