— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I ordered pizza yesterday. I have 4 thousand in my wallet and 4 hundred notes.
Order of 700r.
The courier arrives. I say, I only have a cutter, or I can give 1200 if I have 500.
He also apologizes - I took the order gave 5k, all the little things for the delivery - keep the order, and I'm going to exchange and we calculate
And I have some swing, give me 5k, I say.
I have just 4300, I have 4300, and you have 5, the difference is 700.
He is so – yes, it seems right.
I felt five. The courier told what the previous employer was unclear.
Tom is separated.

After a while I arrived... (Jap)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna