— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And if a woman does not want to be monogamous and does not keep her virginity - it is also possible. But no one will be stressed for such a woman. Then do not be surprised that marriage has become a duty for men from which they avoid.

The economic function of marriage derives from the limitation of resources, the increasing responsibility for offspring, and the attitude toward woman as a functional thing. Therefore, no one was asked in particular before - they married and ended the matter.

Modern marriage, as I would like to believe, must derive from the conscious decision of two morally and legally adult people, based on love and responsibility, well, and part of the economic retractable, of course.

A woman is not a used car or an outdated iPhone and is not an unemployed burden on the neck of a man.
They survived to the 21st century, and we think like in the Middle Ages.
How to create a normal modern family in this world. Without faintness and dull jealousy, without “female” and “masculine” responsibilities? Just a relationship of equal respect for mature people? Question to the hall.
With friends, you can live that way. Why can’t you marry your mother?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna