— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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...If you only fuck, you can also joke... The main thing is to be on the move... But if the relationship... We will continue the analogy. If you take the machine from the salon and take care of it, it will never be deceived... And if after fifteen masters, you can wake up in the cabin.
So it works in the reverse )))) On the fucking woman (especially a virgin) some dragged man? Keep the virginity!
Why treat this virginity? The girl wanted, she lost. The man wanted, he lost. and all. To humiliate someone for having sex is idiotic.

It is understandable that it is stupidity. But here the martyr just wants the virginity, and all the others for him are b/u, no longer people, although he himself is stomped, like a railway station.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna