— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Non-enriched with intelligence, the ladies, 16-19 years, who did not have time to break up with innocence, were heavily obscured with the topics "The first time - painful, too big, something can break there and so on".
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Oh, how I would like such lambs to experience the same feelings a girl experiences when she loses her virginity. Yes, and the first few times after; and also to heal possible minor injuries, which can quite happen if the girl is inexperienced and shy, and the guy is an insensitive bastard and inserts from all the scale. And what you experience when the member is too big, and how you subconsciously shrink in advance in anticipation of a new pain, hope that this time you will be able to adjust to such a posture so that there are no unpleasant sensations (there is no talk about orgasm here). You, ignorant bulls, are so sure that you know everything about sex and there can be no illness - and at the same time you wonder why sex in girls sometimes almost have to ask, you are offended when it turns out that they are simulating... I hope that it is not far from the time when we, stupid lovers, will stop worrying in the first place about how not to hurt the feelings of these idiots; when sex finally becomes exactly what it is: a complex creative process that should be learned by both partners, and not an intersection, in which the man did not understand something wrong at all, and the woman decided that it would happen and at all, sex is not the main thing...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna