— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
Sometimes in my youth, I checked the lessons of a second-class pupil... I long explained to him the peculiarities of urban transport and improvement of 60 years ago...
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I was a second-class student in the 80s. I also read Zhytkov. And also walked the streets, sometimes watched TV, read books and generally managed to live 8 years of life. So I knew what a wheelchair was, what a pebble bridge was, what horses were there, why sparks were flying, and so on. I don’t understand how it could not be known. Except to live in the asphalt jungle without TV, books and smart adults. There was a bunch of movies where they were riding in chariots with horses on the bridge. "Sherlock Holmes", "Three Musketeers", "Salmon Hat" and so on. And in every second adventure book it was said about it. I would be surprised even if a 5-year-old child didn’t know it all, but an 8-year-old...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna