— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Efficiency and owners.

In the USSR, the state, as a truly effective owner, skillfully manipulated slavery and assets. It would be funny if it wasn’t scary.
A simple example:
and 10 mines. In each mine there are thousands of workers.
Five mines provided coal with the cost in rubles. Three to five rubles. Two for ten rubles. The average cost is 4 rubles. Coal was purchased for 5 rubles - rubles for profit - and the enterprise fed ten thousand workers, paid nurseries, pioneering camps, prevention centers, etc. The whole city lives, grows and works.
The USSR ended, an “effective” businessman came. He closed two "loss" mines, thought a little, closed three "unprofitable". Five thousand miners on the streets. A lot of rabbits - you can reduce the salary. Camps and prevention? Loss, staff thrown out on the frost, territories and buildings are discharged from the balance sheet and sold for money to other "efficient", there will be built profitable bordels, casinos, etc. From the five closed mines, metal structures and flowers are cut - all, the mines are flooded and are not subject to restoration. Five open mines are hit on the TV (and why? It is expensive, and the miner will use one shit, because there is no more place to work) and coal is generously watered with blood.
Ten years later, these mines were developed at predatory rates and closed.
And what we have? Once a prosperous city was impoverished and collapsed, there was 90 percent unemployment, crime, drug addiction and prostitution flourished... And the “effective” made its billions in overseas accounts and went to the Canary Islands.

by PS. If anyone misunderstood - attached kindergartens and prophylactories were included in the cost. And the ruble profits from coal - subsidized public transport and similar (definitely losing) infrastructure. From sections and circles - to hairdressers and the local newspaper "Red Coal".

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