— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the creators of the "May-Kun" and the "Ebola panacea" to the coffin of the non-Russian.

This virus is spreading so fast. My panacea is just beginning! (A 25-year-old girl who used the word "panacea" twice before, instead of "epidemic").
There is no such thing in an essay. (Accountant with experience, a woman already retired)
Another girl 28 years from day to day just curls my ears in a pipe, with a clever look, pronouncing: swallowed, stumbled, descended... Several times something was laid out in her base, a couple of times she spoke about a serberner and ten times she told me that she wanted to buy a cat in a pot filler of silicone gel, every time at the same time opening the info in the search engine and seeing this word (silikagel, if any)... Peterskaya, by the way, not from the village came, with a tower, even accounting...
And all the days around me, everyone is lying, lying and lying.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna