— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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An old man was charged with murdering his old lady. The crime was so obvious that none of the lawyers took to protect the poor old man. Plevako took the case, who began his speech in court with the following words:
Mr the President! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury!
After this appeal, Plevako made a considerable pause. And then again:
Mr the President! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury! A pause again.
“Mr. Plevako,” the chairman said, “if you have nothing to say, sit down.
Plevako appeals to the court again:
Mr the President! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury! I only repeated these words twice, but Mr. President made me a comment. The jurors began to look at me and talk to each other. The prosecutor stood on his chair. What was it to do to my defendant, when all his life he had only heard from his old lady: thorns, thorns, thorns...
After that, Plymouth sat down. The jury issued an apologetic verdict to the accused.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna